varsity blues // intro + mossball


New member
Feb 13, 2023
TAGS Thank the stars, she's finally free! And only a day behind Rookpaw. Nice. Not that she'd minded the opportunity to sit around, chat, and share a den with Starlingheart for a few weeks, of course — quite the opposite, in fact! Any chance to keep her sister company and at least try lightening the mood is a welcome one; coming down with greencough was a trade-off she'd gladly accepted. StarClan knows the other molly needed it; Dustpaw is painfully aware of the pressure that comes with being a medicine cat during such trying times. She has no idea how Starling manages it, honestly; Dusty would be useless.

Selfishly, she's also appreciated the break from, like, everything. No patrolling, no having to deal with the Carrionplace or ThunderClan, no having to watch everyone starve from her secluded position in the medicine den. Sick cats get higher food priority, too, which has certainly been nice. Not that there's been too much to go around. As nice as getting to lay around and be taken care of has been, it comes with such a creeping feeling of guilt, too, when she thinks about it like that. And then those thoughts inevitably lead to the reminder that she's draining valuable herbs while lazing about, and then she just starts feeling crappy. Until she catches wind of her clanmates outside the den discussing the state of everything, their dragging duties and harsh days, which makes her grateful for her rest... until she starts feeling guilty again, and the cycle continues.

Overall, it does feel nice to be healthy again — for the most part. Some fatigue still grips her and her stomach cries out in hunger with every move, but nonetheless there's a spring in the lilac molly's step as she slips out of the little cave that's been housing her as of late. With a lash of her tail she stoops down for a generous stretch before shaking off her feathery pelt, dropping the ball of moss she'd collected from the den's lining. "Hey, anyone wanna play some mossball?" She's been going a little stir crazy and could use the excitement. The whole clan probably could.
"Oh, look who's out and about!" Dogfur purred cheerily, his rheumatic eyes lightening at the sight of Dustpaw emerging from the medicine den. The tortoiseshell warrior was laying down only a few tail lengths from the warriors den, doing as he did best—cat-watching. He was dimly aware of a few patients having been confined to the medicine den. He had forgotten who they were, of course, because he forgot often!

"A cat can go ma-ad stuck inside those walls." They sighed, getting up to pad over to the apprentice. He looked down at the moss that had been dropped at Dustpaw's feet. "Oh, I'm not a good player, but I can try." He showed his teeth in a wicked grin.

"If I must." The words are offered with what is only a slightly over-dramatic sigh preceding them. The tom walks over slowly, taking in the sight of the other two ShadowClanners. His attention ends up focused on Dustpaw and he offers her a crooked grin. "Glad to see you're doing better, Dustpaw. Now you've just got to make sure to stay that way." It's said genuinely, but there's something akin to a teasing tone in it. Well-meant, but poking a bit nonetheless. He settles himself down, smiling easily as his attention drifts between the two, content to wait until enough others come over to start playing. Surely she'd rather play with a few more cats rather than just the three of them.

Playing....he didn't feel like playing or doing anything really. All he wanted to do was sleep all day not doing anything at all but his mentor wouldn't allow that. Darkclaw really was scary and they were not going easy on him either. Beetlepaw had just returned back from a training session with them and Beetlepaw had red swollen eyes because he had been crying again. Darkclaw had scolded them for mistakes he should have learned by now not to make.

Beetlepaw made no attempt to join in with his other clanmates who had approached Dustpaw mostly because Dogfur was there. Another cat who scared the living fur out of him...that and uhm, he was not good with socialization. Always saying the wrong things if he even could stammer words out from his mouth that was. At times like this he wished his brother still was here. They would have been that rock for him to bring Beetlepaw out from their shell a bit. Who was he kidding...he always missed them. Without them he was nothing.


Engaging in frivolous games like mossball does not fall under Smogmaw's character. If the grey tabby must stoop so low as to play with children, it would have to be a game that he enjoyed in his own youth. Back in his day, he and his friends would scorn a game about batting a stupid clump of moss around. Activities like stalk-and-pounce and smack-your-sister were more up his alley, not to mention ones he particularly excelled at.

He watches idly as a cluster forms around Dustpaw, who happens to be newly free from the medicine cat den. Although he abstains from her invitation to play, Smogmaw finds solace in seeing someone actually survive that cave. No offense to Starlingheart, of course.

siltpaw | 09 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally easy | attack in bold color
Just as content to remain upon the sidelines is siltpaw - frail figure hardly more than skin and bones these days, sallow gaze watching from the corner of her eye. She doesn't have the energy to join in such frivolousness, not even if she'd been outgoing enough to. Not even poppypaw could drag her into such a game today. Perhaps if the moss makes it's way to her she'll batt it back over, but for now she's stationary, hunched figure watching wearily, wondering how anyone can manage to be so cheerful after all that has happened.
( ) "Bit old for mossball, the lot of you," grumbles Adderjaw, cold eyes surveying the small gathering -- Jaegerfrost, a good tom, but apparently more willing to indulge childish whims than herself. Dogfur, no surprise there. And Dustpaw. Her eyes linger on the apprentice, gaze softening for just a moment. Her little sister... It's good to see her out of the medicine den, good to see her alright. Adderjaw can't say she's close with any of her family, but she certainly doesn't hold the same resentment for Dustpaw as she does many of her other siblings.

Still though -- as nice as it is to know Dustpaw is doing better, it's not enough to convince the older molly to play mossball. Adderjaw keeps her distance, preferring merely to observe rather than involve herself with her little sister's kit-game.
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"no one's too old for mossball! half of you are just big sticks in the mud who've never had fun before." comes the huffy retort from goosepaw who approaches the throng of clanmates currently sitting around, atleast dogfur and jaegerfrost volunteered to play instead of just staring and grumbling. their attention turns to dustpaw now who he greets with a little bit of a grin, it's nice to see she's finally out of the medicine den after being cooped up in there for so long.

"i'll play mossball but be warned, i'm pretty good. maybe even one of the best in shadowclan!" the tabby boasts, shifting his stance slightly as if to ready himself for when the game actually begins.