private VEINS FULL OF GRAVEDIRT — soot&clouded


eternally ♱ 6.10.2024
May 20, 2023

Two figures approach the den behind the Tallrock; Cygnetstare knew nothing of what Cloudedsky, as the daughter of its resident, felt. She herself felt somewhat like an interloper as the lurching gait of a cat accustomed to the soothing darkness of cramped tunnels carried her to its mouth. An intruder upon whatever mysteries, whatever communes with death their smoke-pelted leader might or might not carry out in the depths of the den carved behind the dark rock that speared into the sky. Still, she moves quickly, her split form dipped in the camp's shadows that she knew like a rabbit knew the hollows of the prairie; the hateful sun above always watches, after all.

"Sootstar?" Vacant bleached eyes seek out the den's interior, the light glancing off the sandy ground below and hurting her eyes. She hoped their leader was indeed in there, that she would beckon them in from the sun; most of all that the idea so idly pitched between Cloudedsky and themself would not fall upon deaf ears. Her tone and distance imply a courtesy to their leader; while Cygnetstare does not possess the fanatical loyalty some of their Clanmates might for the shecat within, her gravedigger's heart and claws are sworn to the Clan that roams these moors, regardless of who leads it. The viscera gaze dances over to Cloudedsky with a speed that betrays the thoughts behind her drunkenly swaying skeleton and back to the den. They clear their throat, but their voice still rattles of the grave, "It's Cygnetstare an' Cloudedsky. Could we come in? Got an idea about how to get a paw over on 'em RiverClanners."

// @SOOTSTAR @Cloudedsky !! sorry for lateness
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( ) The trek back towards their home hidden in the dip of rolling moors had been met with swift steps, following close by her bi-colored counterpart with an electrified silence. Her interior thoughts would run wild, buzzing like live wires within her mind. The mention of the tunnel by the bridge had her more lively, the stinging of fresh wounds forgotten with the soil thst lingered within them. Cloudedsky couldn't help but to feel a bit excited to share the news with her mother; would she be excited as they were? Would she be proud? Maybe of Cygnetstare, not you. A hiss that pricked at the back of her mind, feeding an endless self-doubt that had a gnawing anxiety feasting upon her stomach. The young tunneler was not as oblivious as she seemed of Sootstar's growing distance away from her. She's just been busy, she's the leader of WindClan and I'm an adult—of course she isn't going to baby me anymore. A silent quip to the voice that had practically whispered in her ear, silencing it almost immediately. She will be proud, Cloudedsky can feel it.
With her thoughts now quiet, she hasn't relized the Tall Rock now loomed over them. Cloudedsky feels a certain apprehension now, from the tingling in her soil bathed toes up to the tips of pricking fur along her spine. She had just realized she hadnt spoken with her mother since the atrocity with Cottonpaw, returning home with her younger half-sister nearly half blind and branded by RiverClan. Cygnetstare speaks now, calling out to the soot swathed leader. She says nothing, only taking a step beside the other tunneler with an unreadable expression. A cacophony of emotions dwelled within her, and the young warrior had no way to act—whether to be anxious or excited, so with a shift if her paws and a clear of her throat, she becomes stoic and incomprehensible. The only indication was a twitch of a plumed tail that grazed along the peat of camp as they waited for Sootstar's arrival.

( You should see me in a crown ; I'm gonna run this nothing town )


”Yes, come in.” The voice of Sootstar answers from the shadows of her den.

Once the two tunnelers enter their eyes will adjust to find the blue she-cat sprawled in her nest. Her eyes are half-lidded as if she may have been asleep, but her fur was neatly groomed and possibly implying otherwise.

RiverClan has been a nuisance since nearly the dawn of the clans. Sootstar remembers naively hoping she could keep the graces of her fellow former marsh colony soldiers, but she had Ben gravely wrong. Chilledstar, Cicadastar, Howlingstar, they were all too foolish to see what a strong friend she could be. Instead they have made WindClan their enemy.

She was always looking for ways to get higher ground on her opponents, she was interested in hearing Cygnetstare and Cloudedsky’s idea. ”…Go on.”

♱—— A voice beckons the pair inside like some god behind a veil—though Cygnetstare does not hold Sootstar in that esteem, as some of her Clanmates do. With a single pink-flecked gaze to Cloudedsky, her small frame easily disappears into the den, quick to shy from the reaching hands of the sun. The blue leader is sprawled in her nest, fur neat but eyes heavy; Cygnetstare does not quite feel sorry for disturbing her, not when Cloudedsky's idea had such potential. With a quick glance to the other tunneler, to the daughter of the cat before them, the crescent-moon chimera takes a seat and mulls over what, exactly, to say.

They will get straight to the point, they decide—she doubts Sootstar will appreciate her trying to dress the idea up like a piece of leaf-bare prey. Her words are clipped and to the point, filtered through a gravelly accent, "It's more'n half Cloudedsky's idea. We were thinkin'—we got tunnels to ShadowClan, but we ain't got none to RiverClan as owed to that damned gorge." A summary of the circumstances, the information she feels is necessary to provide context, and then the meat of the thing in a thickly accented mew, "Well, she said we oughta dig a tunnel to tha' bridge. Cover the entrance with brush, ayuh? It'd let us send reinforcements, watch 'em without their knowin', sneak into their territory."

She settles back on the small haunches of a tunneler, sun-flushed face impassive as she concludes, "You're the leader, though. Whaddya think?"

  • ooc: sorry this is late ack
  • ♱ cygnetstare — for their downy kitten-fur and perceptiveness (or uncanny gaze)
    she/they ; afab gender apathetic — windclan — tunneler — 16 ☾s
    —— cygnetstare is a corpselike chimera, split between long albino fur and a short black smoke pelt; their eyes are an unsettling pink. her creepy demeanour distracts from a strange fascination with death and an obsessive loyalty to windclan.
    —— smells like grave-dirt and blood ; sounds like vc tbd ; speech in #BF959C, thoughts in #000000
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; will start fights ; won't flee unless ordered ; won't show mercy ; will kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, single, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, long-term romance, plotting ; not open to unplanned battles, flings
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots

    YES: injuries, scarring
    ASK: maiming, permanent injuries
    NO: killing
    — Small and skinny, hiding sinewy muscle in forelegs and chest from digging. Skilled offensive fighter but limited by size, defense is basically nonexistent; snakelike agility fighter, faster than she looks and slippery. Will try to climb on and move around larger opponents to inflict damage. Extremely brutal despite her size and will always aim to inflict maximum damage; lacks honor and will fight dirty. Battle moves often damage herself as much as her opponent.

    — Will fight to kill and maim. Will start fights. Will not run unless ordered to. Will aim to kill and maim cats regardless of age or rank, including young cats.

    — Her battles will be written very aggressively and she will always aim to kill or seriously injure opponents; this does not mean her hits have to land! I don't mind your character dodging hits; feel free to contact me on-site or on Discord to work out specifics if needed. Will have a harder time against larger cats but keep in mind she is written as a good offensive fighter who aims to kill and/or seriously hurt. I'm not open to her being killed but am willing to discuss maimings (please ask me first though).

    — Their defensive fighting skills are borderline nonexistent. All hits will land except attempts at killing or maiming that haven't been prediscussed. I don't roll for attacks or defense but try to write battles realistically.
    current health info:
    physical health:
    ↳ current injuries: none



Ears perk up intently, dig a tunnel to the twoleg bridge? She had never thought of it before… it’d require a lot of work; moons worth. Tunneler energy they could use on hunting and maintenance on already pre-established tunnels would have to be placed elsewhere.

Yet she thinks of the rewards their hard work could reap, how much more secure WindClan will be against RiverClan.

She looks to Cygnetstare, then to Cloudedsky, her daughter sees the first flash of pride she may have seen in moons.

”Good idea… however, it will take further planning. I’ll bring this to Scorchstreak and discuss.” She dips her head appreciatively to the tunnelers. ”If we can get this in motion we’ll be one paw ahead of RiverClan- hopefully by Leaf-bare.”

Her tail flicks dismissively, though her eyes glint with gratitude for the idea.

♱—— vacant primrose eyes watch the leader's response, the lifting ears as the smoke-furred shecat gives it thought. cygnetstare has never taken much initiative in the clan, may not have approached their leader at all if not for cloudedsky—they are not one to hunger for power like prey in leaf-bare, to grasp for shreds of it with claws. she's content with her role now, a footsoldier of her clan working beneath the ground. she is happy to stand on the sidelines, occasionally giving a nudge, and watching the future spool out for the good of her clan. still, they are inclined to think this was a good thing to bring forward to sootstar in this bold (for her) foray.

it will guarantee generations ahead paths to their deepest enemies, she thinks, if this is successful. a path to victory for windclan, to success, paved in part by her paws. the thought has a charm to it, but she's not particularly choosy about whose name with which this idea is associated. sootstar offers words, a dip of the head and an assurance to bring this to the more capable cats (an idea cygnetstare would not dispute) of her council. they are content with this; a younger warrior herself, not a lead warrior, the tunneler expected little going into this and is already rather pleased.

"of course." she mews. at the flick of dismissal, cygnetstare nods, retreating from the den to carry out her duties regardless of cloudedsky's reponse. she is happy with this.

  • ooc: no need to respond i just wanted to put in a little thoughts & leaving post for her :)
  • ♱ cygnetstare — for their downy kitten-fur and perceptiveness (or uncanny gaze)
    she/they ; afab gender apathetic — windclan — tunneler — 16 ☾s
    —— cygnetstare is a corpselike chimera, split between long albino fur and a short black smoke pelt; their eyes are an unsettling pink. her creepy demeanour distracts from a strange fascination with death and an obsessive loyalty to windclan.
    —— smells like grave-dirt and blood ; sounds like vc tbd ; speech in #BF959C, thoughts in #000000
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; will start fights ; won't flee unless ordered ; won't show mercy ; will kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, single, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, long-term romance, plotting ; not open to unplanned battles, flings
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • battle stuff goes here for fights

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( ) At her mother's call, that same tingling within her paws only grew once she stepped into the cavern of her den. She follows Cygnetstare in, ashen tail flicking with apprehension. Would Sootstar approve of their idea? Would she mock them, or congratulate them on their theory? She doesn't know; Sootstar was a maiden of hardened armor that was hard to read. Always unreadable, no matter how hard she tried to pry the pages open and delve into whatever was beneath her hard exterior. She feels unnerved, more than she should and she can't seem to place the why. Was she scared of her criticism? Scared to let her down once again, to never measure up to her other children? She didn't know. But it made her freeze, her mind racing like fierce gales across the moorland. Her heart thrummed wildly, the pads of her paws beading sweat that thankfully was soaked up due to the moss.
It was Cygnetstare who spoke first and Cloudedsky was more than relieved. It was visible in the sudden slouch of muscled shoulders, a silent sigh leaving her before clearing her throat. She nods in affirmation to the bi-colored woman's words, pressing a small vacant smile to her lips when Sootstar leans in with interest. She likes the idea, wants to discuss it more with her concil for further guidance and information. Cloudedsky feels that weight bearing anxiety now lifted, her charisma and pride practically making her glow in dim lighting. Suddenly their eyes meet, and a brief flash of pride for her daughter flashes in verdant irises of the leader. Cloudedsky's chest wants to swell at that look, the look she hadn't received in so long and finally she feels as if she's seen amongst the crowd for her and Cygnetstare's brilliance. Of course, she does not let it seep too far into her heart. She will return her mother's gaze with a nod, the leader's tail giving a dismissive flick to show that they were done.
Soon, RiverClan as long as ShadowClan will feel the wrath of WindClan—they will never know of their tunnels so close into the heart of their territory. They will be watching, waiting, for an ample time to strike. She felt the pride that their idea could serve as an immense asset to WindClan, and she wants to utter the words to the queen that lays in front of them. Are you proud of who I'm becomimg, mother? That phrase pools at her tongue, but they never spill. The tunneler would dip her head to the moorland queen once, "Yes, Sootstar." She mews, her gaze lingering on her a heartbeat longer before she disappears from the mouth of the den.

//this is so late I'm sorry but I wanted to get my last reply in
( You should see me in a crown ; I'm gonna run this nothing town )