camp veins of glass, paper skin - prompt

Aug 14, 2023

reinforce the walls, well, that wasn't hard at all! shed keep to herself, weaving reeds into the wall. unbeknownst to her, they were too loose. like many other things, weaving was not her strong suit. it looked messy, and like a breeze could blow it away.

she would place a gentle paw where she was working on to reach a little higher above it only for her paw to slip, claws failing at maintaining a grip and falling through the side of the wall. not completely because fortunately the rest was sturdy- only what was her work.

and, even more embarrassing, she managed to hit her chin against the wall. she actually didn't expect this, she really didn't. shed pull from the wall, biting back tears that threatened to spill as a pile of reeds she tried to weave in sat in front of her as if they'd never been touched.

lilacbird was genuinely upset, staring in momentary sadness. she had always gotten in the way. she had always messed up, but right now this was just icing on the cake. the lilac warrior let out a breath, and tried her best to resume with shaky paws. her task had become even harder now.

The cold barred any easy training, and so she found herself in camp far more than she should've been. Goldenpaw was envious of the apprentices who had gotten their names during the warmer seasons, a greenleaf she had never witnessed but which older clanmates sang praises of. At least there was always something going on, and no small, mundane task seemed too boring for Goldenpaw, who would gladly watch ice freeze.

She neared Lilacbird out of curiosity, tail waving behind her in amicable greeting, but before the warrior could spot her Goldenpaw watched as her hold slipped. A soft gasp escaped her as the molly's chin thudded against the wall. Her pace quickened, scurrying across camp speedily as she skidded to a stop beside her.

"Are you alright, Lilacbird?!" Her pelt prickled with fear as she saw the other's blue eyes shine with tears. "That looked like a hard fall... uh..." She trailed off, frowning. Maybe mentioning that she saw the slip and the wall fall down was a mistake... "Can I help you weave it back in? Or- or- you could take a break and we could do something else!"
i know you can make it righta


she’s minding her business. a rarity, gleam - eyed and wondrous as she was ; her vision is watery where she stares down at a single flower she struggles to weave into a loosening patch of bracken along the outside nursery walls. it’s difficult, even more so when all she had to go on was the side - eyed staring she’d done when a group of apprentices had patched it last time. the flower — once a dandelion, the strength of its weed stem surviving in a rock crevice past the onslaught of leafbare — was nearly bent in half at this point. it’s bottom peeled wetly away, fibers and strands of plant life bringing a greenish tint to soft forepaws. this has been shellkit’s idea, of course. nothing to do with lilacbird, the great warrior she’d seen bringing a pile of reed and willow leaves towards a hole in the camp wall. it had nothing to do with the glances she kept shooting the molly’s way, observing the way she wove with squinted eyes and a frustrated lowering of small, triangular ears. lilacbird was better at this than she was, far better. still, the child mimics her, the feeling of camp chores not quite familiar under her pawpads quite yet. shellkit prayed to starclan she would get it soon — she was sure she looked grown up and mature, patching these walls. like an apprentice, she sighs inwardly, dreamy against the low simmering pull of annoyance as the dandelion falls limply where she’d wrapped its bent stem around a damp twig. her tongue sticks out from her teeth in concentration.

she glances at lilacbird against just in time to see her collide, face first, into the barrier.

her eyes widen, uncharacteristically. round orbs of warm amber lay stark against the pale gauntness of her face, a little gasp wrenched from the pits of her chest. lilacbird! a soft cry, a bend and peeling stem forgotten in lieu of running over ; so quick her little limbs swing outward in a bow - legged wobble amidst the snow. when she’s close enough, the girl aims to lift onto her hind legs, raising little paws towards the warriors face — if she succeeds, she would nearly fall against her with soft paws, likely smooshing her cheeks but only gently, little strength to be had in trembling forearms. she means to cup her face, to look as if she could do something about the pain herself. if she misses, she would simply fall back to the ground, failing to catch herself on the molly’s chest or shoulders, ” you’re hurt? looked like.. a big ouch. “ she coos softly, voice soft like hazecloud’s, brow whiskers pulled together in concern like lichentail’s — a soft, worried gleam in the pointed molly’s gaze reserved for shellkit and her mate.all she’d ever known was to baby, to simper and worry when a clanmate was hurt. empathy aches in her chest like a battered dove, wings fluttering painfully against her ribs, ” need moonpaw? “

she learns quickly, ever impressionable.

  • i.

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    delicate lilac - striped molly with sugarplum eyes she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of shell - touched cream, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore. feather breath and elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined warm, sugared amber.

    currently exhibiting symptoms of whitecough. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.


her fur shook out the poofed out fur that had happened from the surprise, and she glanced over to realize she seemed to have caught the attention of others. goldenpaw was first, asking if she was alright. and then shellkit- such an innocent, may she say, adorable child. she hadn't noticed the child mimicking her motions- and she definitely would have tried to convince her otherwise.

a little chuckle escaped her as the child leaned up to cup the small warriors face, cooing and fretting over her. "i-im okay, p-promise," she reassured both of them. she had endured much worse on forever having two left paws. shed lean forward a bit to touch her nose to shellkits forehead, though she wouldn't be surprised if the child decided to pull away "I d-dont need ravensong or moonpaw. b-but I would appreciate the help..." she gave a sheepish smile towards goldenpaw.

"weavings never b-been a strongsuit of mine..." she explained softly. "maybe... maybe you c-can show me again." funny, an apprentice showing a warrior how to weave as if she herself was unable. perhaps if she was more confident in herself, she would do better at the skills she lacked.

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Where moments ago there had been a warrior mending a den wall, there is a small crash and a tumble, followed by the concerned mews of Lilacbird’s Clanmates and the frail she-cat’s tremulous murmurs of reassurance. Iciclefang strains to hear the fallen Lilacbird’s whispered murmurings to both Goldenpaw and Shellkit, her ears flicked forward almost comically. The tortoiseshell slips close to where the three of them are clustered, blue eyes critically raking over the shattered heap of reed and twig.

Maybe you, Goldenpaw and I should clean this mess up and we let Shellkit finish the den,” she mews dryly, pawing a bit of crumpled weed beside the warrior’s paws. She scrapes it to the side with a flourish. “I think she’s probably more competent than all of us when it comes to weaving.” She sits beside the others, her tail tip flicking with a modicum of impatience. It’s no secret the lead warrior’s weavery lacks in comparison to her more delicate-pawed denmates.

, ”
Goldenpaw giggled as Shellkit reached up to Lilacbird's face, a softer approach to ensuring she was okay. Her muscles relaxed, beaming as her frown was swapped out for twinkling eyes. The idea of being able to teach a warrior something made her bounce on her toes, trying to wrestle down her excitement. "Yes, yes, of course!" Goldenpaw chirped. She'd only learned the basics of weaving, maybe she was too confident in her also rookie abilities.

Even at the idea of being relegated to cleanup duty, she nodded, tail flicking joyfully. "We can sort out what can be reused!" Though many of the reeds had been snapped in half by their brittleness, Goldenpaw saw a few longer ones that may not have worked for the den, but could be recycled to learn how to weave. She flicked over a small piece of twig to Iciclefang, presenting a clumsy idea: "Would the little pieces work in nests? Or, too spiky..."
i know you can make it righta