velvet petals | howlfire


sometimes I lose my way
Sep 7, 2022

There is a pause that stops the gentle rasping between chocolate colored ears. A heavy, looming thought that grinds the grooming of Howlfire's pelt to a halt. Phantom pressure constricts his throat, forming a lump as he attempts to swallow and the words that trickle from his maw are somber rather than joyful. "The kits are six moons now," He began quietly, trailing off as he often did when deep in thought. No doubt Orangestar would allow them to resume their training beyond the protective walls of camp any day now. While their children were larger in stature and could no longer be tossed around so easily, the eerie thought of something else coming to harm them threatened to make his pelt bristle.

A low sigh billowed from his nostrils as eyes of green sought comfort from shades of olive. "It's a selfish thought, I know it is. But I'm not ready to see them leave camp. I wish they had just a little more time." He could still see them clear as day, laying at his paws battered and bloody. Coyotecrest's jaw tightens at the vivid memory as he hunkers down beside Howlfire, emerald eyes icing over as he moves his gaze to burly paws. He wrestles with the weight of leaving them to rise to their full potential under the tutelage of their mentors and cupping them close to his chest. (@Howlfire)
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / twentyone moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
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"Is something wrong?" Howlfire asks, when Coyotecrest ceases his gentle grooming between her ears. He is silent for a moment before noting that their kits were six moons now. Although Howlfire can scarcely believe such time has passed since their birth, she knows the truth of why he brings it up, sharing his fears and concerns.

"Don't worry, I have those same thoughts sometimes too," Howlfire admits, shifting so he could hunch down beside her more easily. "I wish the code had been in place before they were first apprentices. They could have remained our sweet little babies for just a little while longer." That isn't to say some other accident might have befallen them after they became apprentices, but perhaps had they been older, and bigger those filthy rogues would not have hurt their children as bad as they had. "You know, they'd only hate us for it if we kept them confined to camp for another moon," Howlfire pointed out, smirking but serious all the same.

He nods along in total agreement. The lives of their kits would have been so much better if the code was enforced before their apprenticeship. Unfortunately, it would have meant the injury of someone else's kits and while he preferred it were not their own that were harmed he wouldn't wish what they'd suffered on anyone. "They could have remained our sweet little babies for just a little longer." A light chuff escapes him as he touches his nose to her cheek. "They might not appreciate it, but I'd like to think that they still are. No matter how big they get." His gaze peered past the entrance of camp, nodding again. He knew she was right though.

There was no way, even in their presumed hesitancy, they would enjoy being confined for another month. It would drive them insane. "I know," Glancing back at her he offered a small smirk of his own. "and the last thing I want is the ire of our little porcupines." He'd never hear the end of it if he actually tried to go through with persuading Orangestar. "Is there anything in particular you'll teach Honky?" He asked, attempting to brighten the serious tone of their conversation. "I know Figfeather is a capable warrior so I'm not worried about Wolfpaw. But with Bobbie in the nursery I worry about Blazingpaw's training." But most of all, his confidence. "Do you think Orangestar might let me pick up his training?" He asked with a hopeful sparkle in his eyes.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / twentyone moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

"Even when they're older and maybe have kits of their own, I'll still think of them as our little babies," Howlfire said with a wry grin. Oh, she could just picture it now! She would make sure she was the most embarrassing parent ever - fussing over them even when they no longer needed her not Coyotecrest to fight their battles.

At his question of what she might teach Hawkpaw, she pondered it for a moment, as well as pondered his thoughts on their other children. Like him, she didn't worry too much about Wolfpaw's training, knowing Figfeather to be a capable warrior and knowing her friend would hopefully steer her daughter away from any serious trouble. "I think I'd maybe teach Hawkpaw some of the stealthier crouches and hunting techniques I learnt from my mother," Howlfire explained. She hadn't been apprenticed to Little Wolf long, but she had kept her mother's teachings close at heart. "I would also like to work on her combat skills a bit more. Redstorm and Slate were fine warriors, I think with all their lessons combined I could shape Hawkpaw into a perfect warrior. A future Hawkfire among our warrior ranks?" A rather bold declaration to make, but Howlfire could feel it in her bones that her daughter would be a great warrior one day. "I think you'd make a fine mentor for our son. You should ask Orangestar if she has any ideas and put yourself forward if she doesn't," Howlfire suggested with a purr. She could sense his hopefulness and let it carry her. "How fitting would it be though, hmm? You were once mentored by Blazestar and you could potentially mentore Blazingpaw too."