VENTURE OUT — riverclan patrol

For as much as Clay has been exploring the ins and outs of the territory since the water’s risen, he hasn’t strayed near the borders. It’s an intentional move, hoping to avoid any conflict with other clans—and, to be honest, he really doesn’t want to deal with whatever strangers from the other clans may meet him across the borders. WindClan is murderous, generally dangerous, and the brown tom avoids them most of all. The gorge also poses a threat at their border with WindClan—he’d prefer not to fall in there. ShadowClan, similarly to WindClan, is ruled by a cat who wears madness as a crown. They aren’t safe, but at least RiverClan doesn’t have a shared border with the marsh cats. ThunderClan isn’t the threat that WindClan and ShadowClan are, but ThunderClan is controlling, restrictive. Clay would hate to be stifled in such a place.

SkyClan is the only group he can muster up a smile in the face of, seeing as he’d once lived alongside many of the cats there. They’re the most accepting, normal clan, and Clay is sure that he would have remained there had his growing family not decided to leave for the river territory—not that he’s, like, complaining about being in RiverClan, but he’s not stupid enough to turn a blind eye to their leader’s hypocrisy and his clanmates’ mockery of those who prefer to keep out of the waters.

When only the river lies between the small border patrol and SkyClan soil, Clayfur swings his head back to glance between @willowroot and @MUDPELT. "We got the best border," he says, grinning. He’s glad that Buckgait sent him along with two of the nicer warriors—he enjoys the company of his sister’s mate, and considers Willowroot a good friend. He can’t imagine having to trudge all the way to the border accompanied by someone like Smokethroat or Lightningstone. "Do you think any of them will be here to say hi?"
"Okay, we'll lead down further to Riverclans border, and come back around to check if there have been any curious cats crossing the twoleg place border. Maybe we'll even see some of the warriors you met if we run in to a Riverclan patrol!" leading a small patrol of her own, Sheep makes her way alongside the twoleg places border and towards the river. Sheep's talking to Greenpaw, keeping both him and Sunpaw close to her sides, her tail swaying behind her as she walks. Theres a hop in her step and shes not sure if its because she feels safer now that the fox had disappeared or if its just because shes in a good mood. Could be both, could be neither.

And speak of the devil and they shall appear, theres a Riverclan patrol right on the other side of the river. Sheep perks up, eyes flitting between Green and the others. Opting to stay behind last gathering and guard the camp, Sheep hasn't quite mingled with their new allies and thus... She has no idea who they are. It doesn't stop her from greeting them with a smile. "Hola, amigos! How is Riverclan?" she'd call, flicking an ear as she watched them. "Do you know any of them, mijo?" excitement brims and she looks down to him once more. She knows he had attended the gathering, worry-striken she had paced the camp as she guarded, awaiting their return.



This was one of Figpaw’s first patrols since getting back to her duties, it felt nice to be counted on again for these sorts of things. It’d still take a long time for her spirit to fully restore, but patrols like these put the pieces back together little by little each time.

@TALLULAHWING has been teaching her more ground skills, she’s learned a lot already about how to use the shadows of the ground to her advantage and to use the foliage for cover. Far from a master, but she was learning quickly, Figpaw had always seemed to be a gifted student.

Paws wind up at the border patrol, Figpaw excitedly looks for Darkpaw. She’s only met the apprentice once at a gathering, but if she had been friendly with any RiverClanners it had been him. She’s disappointed to not find him at the border, she would’ve liked to explain to him why she has missed so many gatherings. Maybe he is just lagging behind?

”Is Darkpaw with you today?” She asks in a polite chirpy tone.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 9 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

RiverClan were allies, he had to remind himself- though that internal reminder did little to quell the hedgehog-spines upon his back. Quill-sharp, his bristles refused to lay flat even as his Clanmates embarked upon a fairly normal conversation. They were not... ill-intentioned, he knew that, and yet... since finding his kin slain, he could do little else outside of camp walls than worry. Wringing out his stomach like water from a dishcloth, he felt the seize of it every time he took a step. Nervousness, grief- some terrible cocktail of both. Vicious in its twisting, the sort that never let go-

Oh, he had to distract himself. Find something, anything- anything to temper his quickened breaths, anything to dare him closer. Even when conscious he was in no danger- who knew what could be lurking in the undergrowth, ravenous and savage, waiting for the perfect opportunity to rend flesh from bone and intestine from stomach?

He had to distract himself. It was a hellish sort of storm he was getting caught up in, so as soon as Figpaw spoke- a peer, and familiar, and something good- he cast her a wide, bewildered looking gaze. Wildness flared in those eyes, accompanied with the fire-strike of amber- "Who- who's that?" It was a direct whisper, shredding through the wobble of his throat, trembling form doing little to aid him in hiding the mild panic that toiled and troubled within his chest.
penned by pin ✧
Mudpelt pads behind his mate's brother, contented smile stretched upon a mahogany maw. At his side, he has @FERNPAW who he casts a toothy grin towards before mewing, "Remember, don't get too close to the river. It's higher than normal, and while you're the best swimmer RiverClan has ever seen, I don't want to lose my son in the current!" It's of course an exaggeration, but he won't hide his pride about his apprentice's natural talent.

They're lagging behind, and with a quick chirp of surprise he nudges Fernpaw before loping forward to the bank. He spots a few SkyClanners on the other side, lots of young cats. He calls over, "Careful, kids! The river's strong right now!" He'd hate to see a neighbor (and one who can't swim, at that) be caught up in the rising waters. His attention is called to the ginger she-cat with a bent leg, amber eyes blinking curiously as she asks about his son. "He's not! Got a message? I'm his dad, I can pass it on!" He trills happily, ears angling forward with interest.

RiverClan, a clan they owed a debt to for their assistance against the WindClan scourge. Sharpeye held nothing against them, in fact he generally found them quite alright in terms of all the clans he had sat with during the Gatherings. It was hard to miss how the river itself had been as of late, so naturally he worried how RiverClan was coping. "Heed their warnings, stay back from the water." He instructed as he looked back at his own apprentices, though he trusted them to have enough common sense to avoid falling in.

// @Bananapaw @-Wildpaw-

Tallulahwing pads dutifully behind Figpaw, her ears pricked at the sound of voices across the river. Their patrol has just met RiverClan's, and careful yet friendly greetings are exchanged. Like her Clanmates, the torbie has to remind herself that they're allies, that there's no threat of harm from the swimming, fish-eating warriors.

She calls out, "Hiya, darlins! Hope RiverClan is splendid." She can see their ribs, poor things, though it's no secret every Clan is suffering from lack of prey right now. She's one of the few exceptions, coat glossy and full, body well-kept. One of the many privileges she enjoys as a daylight warrior. She paws the ribbon at her neck as she smiles.

Her apprentice calls to them, polite but eager. Tallulahwing looks down at her, eyebrow quirked. "Darkpaw, huh? I don't think I know him..." Her tone is light, but interest sharpens her yellow gaze. Did Figpaw meet him at a Gathering, or at a border meeting like this? She supposes there's no harm in it--especially now that Blazestar has gone and made them allies with the swimming cats.



The red tabby looks to Twitchpaw, "Oh... just some RiverClan apprentice I met at a gathering." Figpaw meows in a hushed voice. Warmth begins to flood her cheeks in sudden realization that her clan-mates could be getting the wrong idea... Emberstar's code was still fresh on their mind. Darkpaw was a mere friend, Figpaw knows if their alliance ever crumbled she could take him in battle... surely?

A chocolate tom calls from across the border confirming the apprentice is not present. She does blink in surprise when its noted he's Darkpaw's dad though, what a coincidence! "Oh uh- nothing particular! Just tell him Figpaw said hi and that I hope to be at the next gathering." The ginger she-cat calls before adding, "If you could please." Figpaw wonders if she would reunite with Nettlepaw too... a bitter taste formulates in her mouth. He was WindClan, it'd be an awful reunion. For both their sakes they should stay clear of each other, Figpaw can't bring herself to be friends with a tom from an enemy clan... Even if he did seem decent.

Figpaw raises her head just slightly to look at Tallulahwing, though she's practically the same size as her mentor now. She might've been sickly and injured, but she grew a lot during her time in the medicine cats den. She was shaping to be quite the tall feline. "Maybe I can point him out to you at the next gathering?" She offers the tortie with a smile.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 9 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
The SkyClanners who greet them are half familiar and half not—he spots Greenpaw, and it’s a small relief to see that the kid seems to be doing fine. At least he made it back home; Clay hasn’t seen the apprentice since Greenpaw left RiverClan’s camp. And alongside the apprentice is Sheepcurl, a friendly warrior as far as Clay can tell, and another apprentice he isn’t sure of the name of. This group seems to have brought along quite a few apprentices, actually—Figpaw asks after Darkpaw, apparently having met him before, and a brown and white apprentice looks terrified as they say something that Clay doesn’t hear.

The tall warrior casts a warm gaze across Tallulahwing and Sheepcurl, tipping his head to the side. "RiverClan’s doing pretty good," he chirps back across the water, bright smile stretched across his face. It’s pretty obviously untrue, but there’s not much that SkyClan can do to make the water level recede. Well, maybe if they all banded together and started drinking… "I hope SkyClan is doing okay, too?" He hasn’t exactly kept up with the goings-on about the pine forest, but after their fight with WindClan he hopes they’re recovering well. Maybe the flooding hasn’t affected them too badly, since they don’t have rivers criss-crossing about their land.

It's kind of weird, being back here.

Greenpaw finds himself somewhere between Sheepcurl and Figpaw on their trek to the border between Sky and River. It's a crossing point he hasn't been to since he'd actually crossed it in search of help amidst panic and fear in a moorland invasion - his holding point during the battle further in the river territory's depths.

His mentor seems excited about the thought of a reunion between Greenpaw and those who'd come to his aid. Greenpaw thinks it would be neat to see them again too, thinks it would be nice to say hello in a less intense atmosphere - friendly, rather than urgent.

And, as they approach the neighboring patrol, Sheepcurl asks him if he recognizes anybody.

"Um..." He searches the faces, thinks for a moment as he tries to place them within panic-filled, lung-burning moments. Clayfur. Clayfur, he is able to place. One of the faces he'd seen greet those arriving back from the battle. "Him. I know him. That's Clayfur." Figpaw mentions a name too, and Greenpaw is able to recognize that one, as well.

Darkpaw, the apprentice who'd offered to fight first, when Cranecatcher had brought the orange apprentice back to RiverClan's camp.

"Darkpaw?" he repeats, looking towards his sister. He didn't know Figpaw had met him, but he supposes, Figpaw had gone to gatherings before Greenpaw ever did. "I know Darkpaw, too. I saw him while I was over there."

Clayfur asks if they're doing okay, in SkyClan. Greenpaw nods his head at that.

"We're doing better than before," he decides. Far better than the last time he'd seen the RiverClanners, at least.
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Riverclan! Their- friend? Frienemy? Whatever, their allies she suppose, and ones they owed a great deal of debt too. They seemed nice enough that hopefully it wouldn't be a problem anytime soon. Bananapaw had taken a habit of following Sharpeye around at all times when she was in camp, to mainly make up for not being here at night, and they had gone on a border patrol. Coming across a Riverclan one as well and was joined in by her other clanmates as they tried to guess who each of the other cats where. Suppose they should get to know their names now that they where going to have a friendship of some kind.

She looked up at her mentor and gave a small nod at his warning of staying away from the waters. She wasn't one for getting wet anyway, baths were the worse thing to ever exist. Green hues moved over to that of Greenpaw as they exclaimed they knew of this Darkpaw that Figpaw was interested in knowing. Bananapaw gave a smirk in amusement, silly, and then puffed out her chest rather proudly, "I'm Bananapaw! Its nice to meet you all," She was merely referring to the Riverclan cats, but her voice carried further than she had wanted it too and she flinched. Oops.


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