Kits, he now finds, would run their mouths regardless of their grasp on speaking as a whole. Young Daisykit exemplifies this well, craning her neck and speaking jibberish, unaware of the fact that no one can truly understand her. Seeing the kits in a bunch, muttering their nonsense, with Pumpkinkit left hissing and spitting allthewhile makes their... condition that much more peculiar, he would admit.

It comes upon him later that night in the realm of dreams. Here, he sometimes sees ailments that the living would never need to know. He sees things that are not quite what they seem, things that seem one way, but are truly another...

When he retreats from his hollow come sunhigh, he would stick his head into the nursery, searching for one squealing kit and their worrisome mother. Not exactly keen on being attacked again, he would request that they meet him outside, rather; where his tail had less of a chance of being bothered. He cranes his head at them both, gaze dancing inquisitively over the kit in question before he would speak what he came to say. " Listen here, little thing, " he tells them— if they could at all, which is perhaps... a thing remaining to be seen. His smile stretches regardless, with the knowledge that they would not refute him in the ways of speaking. " I had quite the dream, last night. My jaw was not broken, my throat unmarred, and yet, when I opened my mouth to speak, no words would come... " He would loom closer, squaring his shoulders to peer clinically at the autumnal scrap. " Is this familiar at all to you, hm? "

But here is the thing— Dawnglare could spot no spark of recognition within those eyes. Foolish as kittens may be, there were things they heard even if they pretended not to, or forgot soon after. This ugly scrap often spat at him, but was it for what he said, or for what he did? He frowns in thought, an idea crossing his mind... " Or perhaps, is it your ears? All for show, but doing nothing at all? "

  • ooc: backwritten to before the most recent meting because im sillyyyy!!! please wait for @PUMPKINPAW
  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 60 moons old as of 1.1.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
|―――――――――――――――――| (()) |―――――――――――――――――|
Even after Dawnglare had left the den of kits, Pumpkinkit had continued to sporadically burst into a fit of growling when it caught whiff of his scent. It hadn't seemed to want to let its little tantrum go, seemingly unusual for the typically cheery kit.

Simply put, it didn't like him, didn't like the way he looked at it, didn't like the way he had so carelessly destroyed its toy. So when he poked his head into the den the next day, its mother ushering it out, its displeasure became apparent in the way dark ears pinned to its head as it looked up at him.

"Dawnglare, what is this about?" Roseblaze asked carefully upon the description of his dream. "You think he can't speak at all? He makes noises frequently, I know he can use his voice..." She trailed off uncertainly, glancing downward at her kit.

Dawnglare loomed closer to Pumpkinkit, closing the gap and mouthing. He seemed to really like doing that, more than the others. Rather than mouth back and play the game, it puffed its fur spitefully, nose crinkled. Dawnglare frowned at it, but it was already frowning back.

"His ears?" the queen echoed. "What do you mean? What's wrong with them?" Roseblaze looked down at Pumpkinkit, gently nudging its cheek with her paw to make it look up at her so she could study her child's face. She had never noticed anything wrong with its ears, had she? They looked perfectly normal, but she was no medicine cat...

Her paw lowered to the ground then, and after a moment's hesitation, Pumpkinkit's stare snapped back to Dawnglare. "...Are you saying you think he can't hear us?" she asked somewhat tentatively, ears tilting back.
|――――――――――――――| (()).....
  • // OOC
  • (( pumpkinpaw )) of skyclan, sibling to springpaw ; npc x npc
    ↳ its/they/any pronouns, doesn't care about gendered terms
    ↳ AGAB undefined ; intersex ; gender unlabeled, it does not yet understand the concept
    currently 4 moons old, ages every 1st
    completely deaf. unlikely to understand anything said with words alone.
    ↳ this is a known fact among skyclanners, but unlikely to be known by strangers
    likely to respond to situations based on the expressions of others.

    a scruffy, shorthair chimera kitten that is a distinct and striking combination of glossy black fur and bold red stripes. it has bright, mismatched yellow and copper eyes. for its age, pumpkinpaw is of average height. it smells of dry leaves and springpaw.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰Dawnglare's presence is a familiar enough one that despite his prickly personality, Edenpaw is more than willing to suffer him. They twitch an ear to see him slinking along the camp's open expanses, wondering just what kind of chore he has been assigned today (he treats his job like it is a burden... in most cases). Ears perk to listen in, to eavesdrop for gossip that might later be shared with Glimmerpaw and Lupinepaw... or Cherrypaw (any of the silly girl-not-girl group) and boy.. is this something less than ordinary!

The rose and white tom actually suggests two different theories and they're equally interesting... Unable to refrain from butting in, the black and white apprentice lurches towards the small group with a nose that seeks out a spot inches from Pumpkinkit's face. "Deaf," they squeak, loud, drawn out mouth motions. Did that help the little guy decipher them better?

They practically bump against Dawnglare to get a good look, ignoring that the medicine cat is anything but the touchy-type. He'd dressed their wounds, he could handle a brush of bi-color fur against his. (Also ignoring that deafness does not have an inherent 'look' to it).

"Can youuuuu hear usssss," they ask, droning loudly and slowly.​
Doubtful, doubtful. Yes, they always are... Dawnglare manages to keep himself from rolling his eyes. Mother would say that patience is a virtue; that other cats are not to blame for their own lack of knowledge... To explain certain things would be to attribute it to how blessed he is in his knowledge, and not necessarily ones stupidity. How lucky is he, to be the recipient of such prophetic dreams. Well— it's not luck at all really, but, ah, he does digress...

The thing is hellbent on being a brat, as usual. When the kitten stares, Dawnglare stares directly back, to assure them that he does not care about it's ugly little face. Upon Roseblaze's questioning, he tilts his head just so. A nosy onlooker butts into supply the word deaf. ...That is a thing, isn't it?

" Yes... " he affirms slowly. " ...deaf. " he repeats as if the word was foreign to his tongue. He bites down a hiss, hastily shuffling a step or two to the side when the interloper quite suddenly invades his space, only to yap loudly to the kit in an attempt to awaken whatever penchant for orders was asleep within them. With a wrinkle in his nose, Dawnglare looks on. As if he hasn't tried that, already. ( Though he looks on quite closely, still... After all, if the kit has only been ignoring him in particular this entire time, he would be less than pleased. ) ...But their mother does not receive the same hissing and spitting he himself does, and they look to her just fine when goaded....

Dawnglare narrows his eyes. Then decisively, he nods. " Yes, let us go with this for now. If my thought process is flawed, we may reevaluate him, again. " Of course, that would not happen. He is anything but flawed...

  • geLHt4I.png

  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 60 moons old as of 1.1.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads