camp Versace l intro


Oct 9, 2022
By the river's edge, an imposing figure is stationed there like a fierce statue. Soaking in the sun and listening to the gurgling water while she still has the alone time to do so. Coldstorm licks down her flyaway pelt and scrunches her muzzle in a swirl of complicated emotions at her spreading stomach. Often confused for a tomcat for her large size and handsome face, it's clear by now that she's an upcoming queen and it's all thanks to that silvertongued, mouse-brained, fucking--

She's supposed to be relaxing. Right. The more experienced queens told her that stress would be bad on the kits and much to her reluctance and dismay and uncertainty going forward, they're going to be a large part of her life now.

Coldstorm doesn't decorate her nest or collect pretty shells, she sleeps in a pile of shredded reeds and crushed clover tangles. When it rains, she just stubbornly sits out in the mist or reluctantly hunches under a concerned clanmate's creation if they pester her enough. Even in leaf-bare, her pelt is enough to keep her warm and if it isn't, some sneezing isn't the end of the world. All of that will change now, for them, whether she likes it or not.

Cold sighs and her voice is rich even as she mutters dryly, "Relaxing. Mmm, yes. Right." Who the hell could relax in this situation. Surrounded by clanmates, she never thought it was possible to feel so isolated.

It’s not that Snakeblink has been following Coldstorm, per say. He’s been keeping an eye out, is all, like he would for any other clanmate. So when he didn’t see her with the other queens this morning… Sure, he went looking, but it was an opportunity to hunt, really. He barely got distracted at all.

(There is a sense of guilt in his chest that never goes out. A memory of what he could have said, had he been brave enough to ignore the threat he paused— but that doesn’t matter anymore. Taking care of the clan is his duty as a warrior: there’s nothing more to it.)

He finds her nearer the camp than he expected, sunning herself on the riverbank. Well, sunning herself… The sun is shining on her dark pelt alright, but Snakeblink has never seen a cat look so tense while doing it. She’s muttering to herself — he pricks up his ears to catch the words and can't help but be amused at her muttering about being relaxed, as if to convince herself.

Padding up closer to Coldstorm on quiet paws, Snakeblink drops the minnow he had caught for his own breakfast at her feet before backing up a few steps. “Perhaps you’ll find it easier to relax with a full belly,” he notes, gesturing to the fish and adding with a grimacing smile, “Well. Fuller than it already is.

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 34 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


An offbeat scent lingers just above the ground, creating a path which leads out of camp and off towards the shoreline. In an effort to identify what he'd gotten a whiff of, Fishface's angular snout is pressed to the ground, and it guides him along the trail. He swears it isn't an unfamiliar smell, but he cannot pin a name or thingamajig to which it may belong. It's not necessarily pleasant on the nose, though not utterly repugnant either. All he knows is it's a far cry from the camp's ordinary stench of fish. That alone piques his innate curiosity.

The scent becomes ever-present as he draws near the riverbank, and it reaches its strongest point when he catches a glimpse of Snakeblink (that fiend) and Coldstorm. Maybe they'd have an answer to his nosiness. He is about to intrude on whatever is being said, before the she-cat's bulbous belly enters his line of vision. The realisation then hits him like a monster.

Coldstorm is pregnant. Very pregnant.

After erasing the fact that he'd ever thought anything in the first place, the lanky tom comes near the two on lively pawfalls. "Uh, hey!" he calls out in greeting. His tail, held stiff in its odd, intrinsic position, bounces slightly with every step on his approach. "I find the river helps me relax, too," says the oriental tabby as he comes to a halt near the older male. Keen eyes become affixed to the robust queen, who didn't look all too relaxed at the moment. "It always flows, no matter what happens to it. Just like life."

Now, that's something to meditate on. Deeply philosophical.



"What an interesting way to view the river" a voice piped as Frostpaw made her appearance, her bi-colored gaze flittering between the three. Coldstorm was pregnant and standing in the cold, taking whatever warmth the sun can provide for her and both Snakeblink and Fishface made comments towards her as she was trying to relax. Something Frostpaw would adamantly agree was not easy to do. Leafbare was approaching fast, and the leaves had already fallen off the trees, some of them crunching beneath the small feline's paw as she got closer to the others. So much has happened but she had her concerns, would the clan have enough to keep these kits living throughout the colder weather?

And with other threats and dangers, could they afford all of this? Coldstorm was hardly allowing herself to relax and even looked tense while attempting to, a soft sigh slipping from the gray tabby's maw. "Mayhaps a little hunting would help? Eer, since we're out here, is all" Frostpaw offered, whiskers twitching, maybe that would help Coldstorm feel better? Frostpaw wondered what it would be like to carry kits, would she stress about their future? Remembering what Dogteeth had been like with his own daughter, would she grow to be like that if she ever had kits, and...did she even want kits?