pafp Very good then, bon appétit | fishing


There is something… off about Coalheart.

Snakeblink cannot put his paw on what it is, exactly, that gives him pause about the other tom. The way he smiles? The curl of his voice around his words? Maybe, but those are things Snakeblink knows not to give too much credence to. He has been blamed for the same faults of his expression, after all, while his actions were beyond reproach. Why then does he watch Coalheart so closely, when the dark smoke has done nothing to attract suspicion?

It’s something about his size, he supposes. Physically imposing cats have always put him on edge. They make him all too aware of his frail composure: Coalheart could probably slap the skull right off his spine with these big paws of his. Still, he’s a clanmate: it’s silly to be concerned over physical violence from him.

In an effort to dispel this bad impression, Snakeblink has assigned himself and Coalheart to the same hunting patrol. He’d like to see the other warrior in action, to get to know him, and the presence of others near the water will hopefully ease his overactive mind. Even if he says the wrong thing he’s sure Coalheart won’t try to drown him before witnesses...

”I hope you are not feeling peckish,” he tells Coalheart, an attempt at humor. ”The queens have not all been fed tonight: we hunt for them first.”

The river has been generous, as it always is in unfreezing seasons, but their thinned ranks mean it takes the remaining warriors and apprentices twice as much effort to catch enough prey for the clan than before. With the new code recent in their mind and, as such, still vulnerable to old habits and the memory of how good prey tastes freshly caught, it’s takes deliberate care to set fish aside rather than gobble them up immediately.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
    Apprentice tag: @CARPPAW

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 45 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

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tags! ₊˚✧ ゚. Coalheart preferred to keep his distance from people. Not that there was anything wrong with having a consistent and constant supply. However, in his mind, other cats were just... odd. Weird. Of course, in spite of his thoughts: He is better, he must be better; they are lower, he knows not to show this. After all, that would be a very quick way to lose any supply and support that he had. The most he could do is show it subtly, in the way he walked with his head high and confident, his smiles seeming nothing more than empty, and not in the depressed way.

And honestly, it was even odder that someone appeared to want to spend time with him. Usually, he was alone. Or, at least, cats were indifferent to him being on their patrols and such. He didn't have the energy to make the patrols all about him, and once again, it was a very bad move. A quick way to ruin relationships. So when Snakeblink talked to him, Coalheart looked over for a moment, before blinking, almost in surprise. The black smoke glanced the thin warrior up and down, as if making sure he was speaking to him. Then, Coalheart chuckles at the humor, though seems slightly offended. "Oh? Me? Peckish?" He began, smirking and swishing his tail. "Of course not!" There is a very slight twinge of anger underneath his playful tone. He almost has the thought of telling Snakeblink to eat more, but decides against it. "I wouldn't dare eat before a queen does. Though I do have to wonder, what would be the best food for them? Should we hunt in the river, or catch the land-dwelling prey nearby. What do you think?" Coalheart tilted his head, seeming to be genuinely interested in what Snakeblink thought. It was also a way out: in case Snakeblink didn't want to spend the day swimming, then he and Coalheart could still be productive.

His light-hearted comment seems well-received, though there’s an underlying tension to Coalheart’s voice that has Snakeblink staring at the dark cat, wondering—

Ah, well, he is used to his words being taken the wrong way. He thinks back on them, trying to find the insult in them — but just because he didn’t mean it doesn’t mean it isn’t there, unnoticed by him but not others. If his words came out sharper than he meant, he’s glad that Coalheart had the patience not to snap at him. If it was indeed patience.

”Perhaps something fatty?” He wonders aloud, looking at the other cats fishing near them to check what kind of catch they might be working with already. ”I would say fish, of course, but any food is good to take in these times. Does it matter…?”

He is not well-versed in the specifics of a queen’s needs; he remembers some discussing the benefits of some foods over others while expecting, and that vague memory is the extent of his knowledge on the subject.

Maybe Coalheart asks out of concern. He hazards, ”But of course, if you have… less ease with fishing, you are more than welcome to hunt land prey instead.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 45 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo