private very good then, bon appetit ⚜ Chilledstar


I'd let the world burn for you
Jan 17, 2024
Whispers in the wind are saying that love tends to bloom in this season. Write on your character's perception of love. Is love important in their eyes? What does love look like to them? Do they have any past experiences with love that are significant to their character?

*+:。.。 "What do you think, Chilledstar?" her words, spoken in a soft melody, are almost snatched away by the brisk afternoon breeze of the still-cold weather. She shivers despite her plumy coat, though despite the discomfort a small laugh escapes her, "I wouldn't have thought a season significant for its connection to love would be quite so cold" Periwinkle blue eyes are aglow with mirth, looking over her shoulder at her patrol companion, the great Shadowclan leader themself. It wasn't often that Duckshimmer had the time to spend with the ebony feline, though they had grown quite fond of watching them from a distance be so kind to her scoundrels for children. Singepaw talked about Chilledstar like Starclan had blessed them with magic! It was only right that she took any opportunity she could to properly get to know her leader and clanmate. Eager was Duckshimmer to pick the vantablack cat's brain. Talking about awkward things like love, or death or dreams was often the quickest way to gauge who a cat was - their responses, even lack of, was always telling to Duckshimmer.

"Though if that's not the greatest ice breaker, I could ask you something less controversial." she purrs amicably, mindful of giving Chilledstar and out if 'love' wasn't something they cares to speak on. Slowing her pace she she walks more in step with her leader, a glint of mischief lights up her eyes as she grins, "Maybe a pun?"
Love, death, dreams...and puns - the best conversation themes to get a cat to betray their true selves.

  • >:3c @CHILLEDSTAR.

    DFAB— She/Her — Bisexual
    30 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mother to Singepaw, Swallowpaw and Sneezepaw
    Shadowclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #ffa98f
    injuries: None currently
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"i would."

they take a second. they've never talked about love like this before. not with anyone but geckoscreech. their heart aches for her at the very thought that she may be alive. that she may still be around. love makes them think of her. but they have to move on. they're trying to. it's been moons and they're still attached to the idea that she's coming back. something tells them otherwise. they need to move on.

"the cold makes you want to bundle with the ones you love. and as you do, you appreciate them more. you feel the way they care for you, and how much more they love you in those moments. so... it makes sense."

they hum with a flick of their ear.

"i do like a good pun. if you can make me laugh, i'll give you the next piece of prey I catch."
*+:。.。 The mischief leaves her eye as she watches the feline beside her contemplate her silly question. Perhaps she had overstepped. Love for Duckshimmer was a flower you didn't get to choose. It blooms however it wants in whatever form it cares to. Duckshimmer has only ever known a patchwork of weeds- quick to grow and slow to leave. She finds it all so...cluttered. Messy. Needy. It's much easier to find refuge on a sun-warmed rock high above it all, watching the blossoms and the weeds bob among each other, tangling into knots or crowns; soft to someone else's touch.
But Chilledstar had had a blossom all to themselves once, not even that long ago.
It was always had with these sorts of things, wasn't it?
Duckshimmer opens her mouth to change the topic and apologize more sincerely for her choice in conversation when Chilledstar finally speaks.

" a lovely sentiment, Chilledstar" Duckshimmer finds herself responding, picking her words carefully as she finds her concentration betrayed by how cold the breeze feels against her fur. But a smile soon returns to her maw as she says, " Although you speak with a troubling lack of experience having a leg kick you in the jaw while you sleep" Sharing warmth with her kits was always a pleasant bonding experience...until they got restless in their dreams. She was lucky to have survived those four moons with her jaw still intact!
Jokes aside, she liked the rare show of sincerity from her leader. Though the tinge of bittersweet longing in their words did make something in Duckshimmer's own chest ache, just a tad.

The woman's periwinkle eyes would light up once more with Chilledstar's challenge, of which she happily takes by the horns. "I made the mistake of laughing at one of Singekit's puns, so for an entire moon he thought up as many as he could, let me see if I can remember some of them" she purrs, happy to set the stage lest Chilledstar believe Duckshimmer were capable of producing these awful jokes all on her own. Granted, she did help Singepaw think of one or two - but that's not anything Chilledstar needs to know.

She opens her mouth, before quickly snapping it back shut with a very dramatic hiss of disappointment, "Oh no! I was just about to share the first ice pun with you, but it appears it has just slipped my mind!" She smiles at her leader, then put a paw on her forehead and looks away tragically, "I promise you, Chilledstar, I snow so many puns, it's un-burr-leavable that I've forgotten them all! Oh wait, that was one! I cold you I knew some. Ah, that was a bad one, huh? I suppose they can't all be winters"

Snickering to herself as each pun falls into the next, she finds herself quite proud of her winter-themed arsenal. Perhaps not a little lost in the magic, she presses herself closer to Chilledstar and continues, "Perhaps it's fate that all the puns I have are snow-related. I must admit, I do only have ice for you," she winks playfully, " perhaps it's love at frost sight?" She searches Chilledstar's gaze for any sign of amusement, but whether she sees it or not a red tint begins to warm her cheeks and, at last, she drops character and laughs, stepping away

"Alright, alright, that's all I've got. I'm am so sorry" she giggles, licking a paw and restlessly brushing it over her ear to smooth out some of her good-humored humiliation. "I must have earned that prey, for my efforts alone, surely?" she mews, though she does hope she's manages to actually get the placid shadow of a cat to laugh.

Hm..what does Chilledstar's laugh sound like?

    DFAB— She/Her — Bisexual
    30 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mother to Singepaw, Swallowpaw and Sneezepaw
    Shadowclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #ffa98f
    injuries: None currently
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they nod when she begins to think, but as she does they do take a bit to think themself. their sentiment about love was... an odd one, wasn't it? they didn't get love in the way others did. they did not see it. romantic love wasn't really their thing, and it was hard to even try to think about having it with someone else other than geckoscreech. they can't help it. they love her. they always would, no matter what. but they just shake the thought away. they needed to focus on here, and now. focus on duckshimmer. she starts to talk again, and her puns are nothing short of horrible but even then, chilledstar cannot help themself. horribly simple puns are often the best.

they lifted their paw to cover their muzzle, a soft laugh turning to a more loud and hardy one, making them close their eyes and throw their head back. they really did love a good pun, didn't they? tears pricked at the corner of their eyes as they tried to catch their breath before breathing out steadily, and wiping their face.

"oh, ice ones, duckshimmer. you really know your puns! very good. you earned my next catch, just as promised."

they sigh wistfully, twitching their ears in thought before just looking back at her.

"thanks for this. i needed the distraction and the laugh. can't remember the last time I had done that."

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    44 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
//mobile post forgive meeee

Duckshimmer had expected a chuckle at best and a patient but suffering sigh at worst, but what she’d received was nothing short of…a bouquet. Duckshimmer is left frozen when she looks up to find her leader hiding their giggles before leaning fully into their laughter. Being a prim and proper lady, it really in Duckshimmer to focus her efforts on being humorous. She put too much effort into looking her best to allow herself to be someone who’s laughed at, at least that’s what she always figured.

And yet, she finds herself and her delicate, graceful gait now thrown off course as she mentally trips over herself trying to think of another frost-related pun, feeling like a child who believes she can touch the sun if she stretches her paws high enough - naive and small. All for the sake of wanting Chilledstar to not cease in their boisterous laughter.
I never knew my fierce leader had such a horrid taste in humor” Duckshimmer would tease, finding her chest fluttering with her own giggles. ‘Oh, ice one’ earns Chilledstar a snort of laughter from Duck now, appreciating her leader’s fall from grace alongside her.

Being an adult with responsibilities - patrols, codes to follow, children to care for - leaves little room to just be…silly. In all honesty, she had expected Chilledstar to say no to the offer of a pun. She’d been prepared to tease Chilledstar about it, eager to see how close she could get to chiseling away at whatever walls her leader possessed. But it would seem Chilledstar was much less “cold” than she’d originally thought.

The woman found herself mentally taking a step back, properly looking at the feline before her. She found herself gazing at someone who was far, far more than just Shadowclan’s leader. “ I think I needed this, too” she muses, smile soft as she trails her gaze over Chilledstar, as though seeing them for the first time. Her gaze would, of course, pause on the scars. Some old, most fresh. She reflects then on how quickly she’d skirted around their previous conversation about love and warmth, about love that was had instead of has. Scars that ran deeper than it shows upon the flesh.

im glad my own awful jokes entertained you. You have a lovely laugh, Chilledstar, I’m sad I don’t hear it often” she drops her gaze to Chilledstar’s wounds then back up, eyes twinkling with concern, but carefully removed of pity, “ but we’ll take a rain check on that catch until you’re free from Staingheart’s watch.”Iin a softer voice, she asks, “ How are you?
About your wounds, the attack, geckoscreech and your responsibilities all go unsaid. If this has been the first time in a long time that Chilledstar has laughed what other needs of their have been neglected?