a liar and a thief
May 5, 2023
mourka (moor-kah) / a common czech cat name
— about 24 moons old / ages semi-realistically on the first of every month
— male / masculine and neutral pronouns preferred
— former rogue and warrior of skyclan


&. blond spotted tabby with brown eyes and white fading / reference
— mourka is an alleycat if there ever was one. uneven, ragged cream-blond fur covers his lanky frame, nestled with pale tabby stripes and rosettes. he has scars, but they're mostly random and inconsequential, or hidden beneath the spiky fluff of his pelt. mourka's eyes are a rich, reddish-copper color, but the cataracts covering his pupils can sometimes make his eyes appear cloudy depending on the angle. despite his overall scruffiness, mourka has an expressive, kind-looking face; however, those around him often complain of the smarmy grins he wears, otherwise ruining any natural earnestness.
mourka is blind due to being born with congenial cataracts. he can see light, shadows, movement, and most colors, but has trouble distinguishing shapes and has no depth perception. his night-vision is particularly impaired. this also makes him sensitive to bright lights.
smells like rainy-asphalt and cinnamon
— tentatively sounds like harry lloyd as viktor (arcane) / reference

neutral good / the architect (intj) / the anti-nihilist
— charismatic / intuitive / manipulative / hot-headed / sympathetic
— mourka is, at his surface, a sleazy conman with no qualms about scamming an unaware bystander. he is not what most would call a particularly good person, though he's not inherently evil, either. he has a penchant for being selfish and indifferent toward others; flippant, but not callous. however, he is often eager to meet new people, have new experiences, and is ultimately an incredibly empathetic individual. he will often make the impulsive decision to lay down his life for the nearest stranger who seems like they need to help, which means that he must consciously avoid these interactions in order to maintain his breezy, nonchalant facade. he is also terrible inconsistent and almost never holds a grudge.
— laughs at his own jokes / quick to fight and quick to forgive

npc x npc / no notable relationships
likes n/a
dislikes n/a
— frenemies with slate

penned by bellus
— updated 5 / 16 / 23
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