private VIOLENCE BORNE WITHIN MY MIND | stormywing

With an ire of sulfuric wake, the beast trampled forth.

Chrysaliswing pushed past the verdancy that seemed to stand too steadfast in his way, emotions molten and choleric within him, like bile burning through a paper throat. Crackles of twigs and twine sounded just beneath him, though there was little consideration of stealth tonight. A storm hardly made its destruction woven in quietude, and a wildfire hardly blazed so that the woodland could not hear its sputters. His feet had been quick to escape the judgmental words of his sibling, as though there were coals provoking his every footfall, blistering through his pawpads. He didn't know where he wanted to go, especially at this hour. Glancing back, the tomcat half-expected glowering stare of amber to match his own vitriol, though cast in much softer and gentler lights. Termitehum did not follow, and he thanked Starclan for it in brief respite. You think I'm anything like my dad? You think I'm a monster? I'll show you what a real monster is. Right now, the chimaera just wanted to get away from the clustering and crowing voices of those he dared call his kin, like flames roaring at the sides of fragile ear drums. And so, he ran. He had always been quite good at running, when he could fight no longer. This was an opponent bearing no pelt to raze through, no skin to pierce into. He could not fight this one, he knew - but he could fight what had been real all along, what bore sweet-red sanguine and peach-fuzz flesh.

He hadn't even noticed that he crossed past the border of Thunderclan, how the scents of familiarity had been overtaken by that of oak sap and summer's petrichor, though it at least appaeraed to bridle a great temper. He stopped in his tracks, huffing quite loudly for those who dared to listen in. Feathery tail lashing behind him, he stopped just to take a heave of a breath, as his fury had gnashed away any goodness that had fluttered in his breath. It had simmered down, at least, and settled into restless limbs and bird-bone. Still, he needed a release from it all, not for it to reclaim another home within the holes of his heart. "Damn it!" Chrysaliswing shouted to no cat in particular, as though even the shadows of nighttime scowled at him, with blunt edge and swimming gaze of the deep. Silverpelt did not come for him now, though he lamented what he was, as if prayer could not unveil what had been hidden underneath all along. He was convinced that there was no such thing as a 'deep-down,' that all he was was what he was in the moment.

  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 26 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

It is one of those rare moments the warrior is finally without any charge, any cat bound to her side like a burr. Fallowpaw is stuck tending to the elders, and Thundergleam was put on moss-gathering duty, leaving Stormywing to her own devices. So she does what she always does when she is free to roam her own world by herself: she climbs.

The tabby leaps through the trees, muscles burning pleasantly as she works through the adrenaline coursing through her veins. With as much speed as she can muster, she continues to propel herself through woody branches and clusters of leaves, until a bird-scattering shout stops her in her tracks. "What the-?" She breathes to herself, claws sinking into the branch she'd found herself on. Curiosity causes her ears to prick, and within moments she is headed in the direction of the sound.

She had expected to find a frustrate clanmate, perhaps someone who just missed a great catch. But when she comes to a stop, panting in the trees, she is shocked to find a SkyClanner just down below. She recalls a moment much like this, a young Stormypaw in the branches as a SkyClan apprentice crosses the border. Much like she'd done that day, the she-cat doesn't hesitate to dive towards the ground, an accusing yowl escaping her.

"Intruder!" She tries to tackle him, bring him to the ground in a pin with claws sinking into his shoulders. "You're on ThunderClan territory!" Her raspy voice spits, teeth bared in the face of the stranger.

In his wake, Chrysaliswing had hardly noticed Stormywing upon the trees, yellow eyes swirling with a tempest from above. He had let his guard down, and even for a moment did that have dire consequences, for the beasts of molten eyes always looked for a weak point. In this case, the predator that watched him was of his own kind, though hardly of his own allegiance. With a screech, the Thunderclan warrior leapt from her perch, and the chimaera had only spotted the grey torrent rushing towards him a little too late to roll out of the way. A surprised shout escaped his own maw as claws curled into his long fur and pricked at rough skin, as though they attempted to root out the evil of his heart, or perhaps strike at the earth that held it fast. The scarred body tackled into his own sturdy frame, like a torpedo aggressing into him, and Chrysaliswing found himself tumbling to the cold ground. His shoulders ached at the area that had collided with the ground, as well as where the tabby-striped Thunderclan warrior held him down. Hot breath expelled as a snort as the stench of oaken forest flooded his nostrils, disgust curdling plain upon angular countenance, as though it tainted the ripples of a soot-and-flame sea.

"Intruder! The molly shouted as she pinned him down, though the chimaeric longhair did not return her any sort of answer, as ears rang like a lashing slough within a hollow body. He knew he did not afford her any such thing, either. Those of the other Clans were merely his opponent - nothing more, nothing less. Even at the Gathering had be hardly considered them friends. Shit. I wandered too far. Quickly, Chrysaliswing aimed to kick his hind legs upwards in a burst of strength, aiming to at least knock Stormywing's oppressive weight off of his shoulders. If successful, he would roll back onto his feet to shield his vulnerable belly and spin around to quickly swipe at the space where broad shoulders and marked flank lie. He needed to escape, to run off and forget the altercation had ever happened. And yet, his avarice chained him to the thrill of the fight, and he remained in his place upon a land that was not his own. He needed to show her, right now, that he was not a cat to be trifled with.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 26 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.