camp violet skies .. goodbye

The rush of adrenaline in the moment of offering her life on a mission had passed. One by one her Clanmates had joined her in the cause for finding the cure and by the end of it, she had felt reassured in their success. Cicadastar had done his best to present the journey a grand, Star-blessed undertaking in their wake. Yet despite the unspoken perils, Hazecloud would agree to a point that it was. She had the opportunity to set her eyes on sights she had never seen before, and possibly no cat here ever would after.

Hazecloud would have to be brave for her Clan. To alight a Flame of faith and promise for all of their safe return.

Though now she hardly felt able to do such a thing. Her fur appeared ruffled, her tail-tip twitching back and forth even as she tried to subdue any visual irritation. Echoes of displeasure had kept her distracted from focusing on what should have mattered more- preparation, her farewell's. She couldn't let anything hold her back, not even him.

He will understand, he's just frustrated. Hazecloud reasoned with herself as she entered the center of camp quietly. She hoped no one had overheard them, though she wasn't exactly quiet about defending her choice.

"I would like to say goodbye to everyone properly before we're set to leave tonight." She raised her voice, hopefully heard far enough to reach her Clanmates in the farther corners of the island.

// if any journey cats want to use this thread as a goodbye thread as well, feel free to! <3

The kit didn’t know much but she did know these journeys were not normal. Cats didn’t just leave for random periods of time. Her paws felt tingly thinking that they may never come back. Just like mama. Who was one of the cats to be taken to the stars after suffering from this horrid plague. Troutkit didn’t want anyone else to go.

“D-do you really have to go?” the small kit asks after shuffling forward. Her ears flat as she sulks in her spot for a moment. She felt like crying at the news that some of her clan mates would be leaving on a dangerous journey. Why couldn’t Starclan just bring the medicine to them.

“Can’t we just let the other cats go.” she sniffles, rubbing her teary eyes with a paw.

  • Crying
Reactions: beatae

"Have faith, Troutkit. Riverclan mustn't sit stationary, each clan must pull their weight." Petalnose voiced as she strode up behind the youth in a sort of attempt to comfort the child. She sat elegantly; tail curling over neatly placed paws. Her gaze settled upon Hazecloud, a cat whom she didn't quite yet get an opinion about. All she knew were the nearly opposite personalities they possessed, however, it still didn't strike up any relevant thoughts. Petalnose only hoped Hazecloud and the others would come back untouched, she cared for them. Each and every one of them. No matter her opinions. No matter the gossip swallowing each reputation. This was her clan. The clan she fought for. The clan she would die for. These clanmates were proving they'd do just the same. That gave her respect for each of them.

"I expect to see you all soon. Many this will save. Safe travels, May Starclan be with you all." Not entirely the religious type, she still had faith in Starclan to protect her clanmates. There was a possibility some may not come back, she was careful to take in each face. Her sharp tongue formed softer words and sentences to show her pride and care for these warriors. They deserved it.

//rushed before work!

Would he have taken the same leap the others had taken, had his paws not been tied? It is difficult to say, but the medicine cat cannot feel very joyful about the prospect of six of their cats leaving. The journey is "star-blessed" as some would say, but in the back of his mind he wonders if StarClan's might reaches beyond the Clan's territories. It is something he has never thought of before, and something he does not plan to make known to the others—where his wavering faith lies.

He does not want Hazecloud to go, but he is not pushy about it like Rookfang is, though their argument unbeknownst to him. He does his best to prepare them, giving them lessons in wound-bandaging and tips for avoiding toxic plants and keeping pain at a manageable level. It is the least he can do. He cannot burden them with herbs—they would need empty jaws for the lungwort.

Ravensong brushes past Troutkit, his tail flicking gently at the poor kit. "They'll return before you know it." He mews to the youngest RiverClan cat, and if he says it enough, maybe he will believe it. His angled head nods alongside Petalnose's well-wishes. "May StarClan be with you, indeed." Indeed.

Then, before he can help himself, he steps over in an attempt to push his nose into Hazecloud's fur, the top of his head sliding underneath her chin. She is his favorite warrior, after all, and the bond that they had shared while he grew up an orphan could never be forgotten from the bitter-tongued medicine cat.

"Please be safe... keep Fernpaw strong, Mosspaw humble, and be gentle to Dovethroat, please." He whispers with eyes closed. Lakemoon and Iciclefang are more formed and confident warriors, but he worries about the other three the most. "And return all in one piece..."

  • IMG_0250.png
    LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them"
    openly suffers from chronic migraines
    single, but "it's complicated"
In every situation you give me peace
Sablepaw wanders forward with a veil of sadness overlaying her own features. She sympathized with Troutkit, it wasn't fair that their fellow clanmates had to leave in search of a cure. But it was necessary and she greatly appreciated their bravery. It took a special cat to tread into unknown lands far beyond the clans themselves. Her mind briefly wanders to Fernpaw as Ravensong mentions the sunset tabby. He was putting everything on the line to make this journey. Out of anyone she fears for him the most. "I pray that starclan guides all of you to and fro safely." She pipes up, adding onto the medics words.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead

Fernpaw's emotions were shredded raw as he split from his ill family, a goodbye for now uttered only minutes ago. And it had to be, it would be for now. He would come back, a bounty clasped in the jaws of every Riverclanner, and he would greet them again. Mudpelt would spring from his nest and they would, together, at last complete his training. Steepsnout would surge for an even-higher tree than last time, and they'd have a rematch- and maybe get further than halfway.

A small gathering of Clanmates caught his eye, solemn murmuring failing to sail past him. Hazecloud was among the group- he knew what it meant. She was saying goodbye, and- and it was time for him to do the same, to those he cared for who weren't coming with him. As he approached, his verdant eye moved first to Ravensong. "I'll really miss you," he told his friend, voice croaky and earnest. He'd never been very good at suppressing his emotions, after all- the black tom had become one of his best friends.

Then, to Sablepaw. "You too," he murmured, and it was clear this whole display was quite difficult for him to get through. "Look after my stuff for me, won't you?" It was half a joke, and half a genuine request. There was no one he trusted more than Sablepaw to undergo this task. "And don't let me miss your warrior ceremony!" Oh, but he probably would, wouldn't he?

Finally, he looked to the hardy Petalnose who had offered him important advice at a time he had needed it more than anything. "I know you'll look after everyone." he told her, simply. She held his faith steadfast in her paw and would not let go, he hoped.
penned by pin

Whatever resolve she imagined she had would quickly crumble the moment she saw Troutkit drag her way over. The kitten was a tragic reminder of exactly what yellowcough had taken from them, what it could continue to take while she was away. Troutkit remained as the sole survivor of her already tiny family. Hazecloud found some comfort that the rest of RiverClan would fill the gaps wherever they could for her.

Troutkits tearful gaze was mirrored in her own as she gently nuzzled the ticked little scrap. "We'll be safe, little minnow." Came her own shaky reassurance, desperate to believe it herself. "StarClan asks us to leave for good reason, we must have faith in their guidance." She pulled away from Troutkit slowly, but would welcome the she-kit to come closer still. No doubt she missed Silverheart just as much, if not more than Hazecloud.

The tabby patched lead was met with a respectful, proud nod. Part of her enjoyed the more casual approach she took to their leave. Of course she would expect them all back, of course the expectation they would is unquestionable. They were strong, they were RiverClan.

A skip in her breath stuttered the sad sigh in her throat at the sight if the pitch tom. Ravensong, grown so much from the scrap with too-big ears on his arrival. Hazecloud comfortably rest her chin between his ears as he pushed himself close to her. A loud purr rumbled in her chest and at once the growing wave of her stress had crashed. No longer strong enough to hold back her tears and blink them away.

"I will. You have my word." A promise she intended to keep no matter what. She would protect her younger companions with a watchful eye. Thankfully most of them were not any great concern, they had their common sense, they wouldn't make her kitsit them. At least she hoped.

"You have grown into such a strong asset to this Clan, Ravensong. I am so, so proud of you. Please, make sure to take care of yourself too." Stars she hated crying so much, the way it made her voice tremble and her breath shake. Maybe now would be best to get all the tears over with so she would be all out for the journey.
  • Crying
Reactions: Troutpaw
THE HERMIT ─── Rookfang knew that it was the day where he would once again have to close his heart out to the idea of connecting with someone. Someone who had taken the time to slowly unravel his wound-up self, how many walls had to be tumbled down for someone like her to walk through and agree to see him as an equal. Not lower or above, but someone he could share...memories with. That was an alien and unfamiliar sensation to him, to have expectations that were of sentiment, not of orderly conduct or duties. His family had briefly shared that before life decided to no longer grant them such a privilege except for himself. So, with the connection he now held with the gray molly, the lonesome male did not know how to preserve the emotions that he carried within him. Was he lacking so much faith to not trust their journey? His cynical attitude cursed his perspective to be tainted, covered in crimson blood and scars that had decided to never fade away. Yet, he knew there was no stopping them if this was what they wished to do, to take it upon themselves to head into the unknown and find salvation for their clans.

He just wasn't her life at risk.

The warrior had always believed himself as a sacrificial lamb, ready to be the shield that became battered and damaged until there was nothing more he could take. His self-worth wasn't capable of seeing anything past that and so, upon hearing Hazecloud and the others volunteer, he was ashamed of himself for not stepping forward. To not lose another...part of him that he had decided to build upon after so many moons. So, he had attempted to persuade, to change what he could after the damage had been done. He hadn't meant for it to be a bicker, he hadn't meant to irritate or enrage her by not being able to correctly phrase his concerns. Yet, he knew that she was her own identity and her defiant stubbornness would not be swayed simply because of his request.

With shame causing his velvety ears to burn and his usually tense shoulders sunken in defeat, the spike-furred figure of Rookfang approached the gathering crowd. His paws felt heavy, as if they were caked with thick mud and his throat stung with a painful searing want to beg. But he kept his jaws locked tightly shut, mixed eyes locking onto the chosen ones. Fernpaw seemed so young and his worry only began to spread at the idea of any losses, any injuries, any sickness. Not to mention the dangers that flashed through his head that used to be a constant in his younger time in his life. But what was he to say? What was he to do? The deal had been sealed and sent out for them to chase. Rookfang briefly closed his eyes shut, the constant shadow that laced beneath them sinking even more until he opened them to look down at Hazecloud with a gentleness he had been so terrified to show. Until now.

"Be safe and may Starclan guide your path...a-and I believe in you. I really do." He allowed a faint smile to show as he gave a deep bow of his head. He knew he couldn't doubt her or anyone else, it wouldn't help at all so all he could do was place his support behind them as they prepared to head towards their journey. He just prayed that Starclan would bring them back home, to bring her safely home to the one she held so much love and care for, a love she had even decided he was deserving of despite his own denial of deserving it.​
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ She feels her heart aching at the sight of her clanmates leaving for the jounery unaware of the dangers they may face or the conflict there may be due to clan differences, a part of them wishes for them not to leave much like Troutkit but she knows that if they don't go then they'll likely never get the lungwort that they need for their sick. The thought of Flutterpaw coming into her mind recalling the commotion that she had heard from a ways from the apprentice den, Riverclan could not afford to lose more to yellowcough. Beepaw makes her way over with bat-like ears perked forward as she comes to stand near Sablepaw offering her friend a quick smile before it faltered turning to those preparing to leave, she listens to the words that their clanmates exchange to one another and a small pang of sadness pricks at her heart.

"May Starclan be with you." Beepaw manages to say with a sad smile biting back the words that Riverclan would miss them or rather, she would miss them. They'd return to them one day and hopefully all in one piece, she cannot imagine any of them not coming back but the brief thought is enough to make her gut twist with discomfort. These are honorable, brave individuals. A small thought pops into her head, her eyes casting to the side trying to think if what more she could potentially say but nothing else comes to mind. It would be time for them to leave soon anyways.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of smokethroat & cicadastar
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

Maybe if she felt more confident in the stars or the way they spun in a silent dance amongst the soot-colored sky, then this wouldn't seem nearly so much like a permanent farewell. Pale eyes moved across the group of travelers, those set to depart with no promise they'd be seen again; it was entirely outside of the bounds of their knowledge. No less, Hazecloud was the only one of the volunteers not to have been born after the foundation of the clans... her skills would be vastly different and severely lacking by her companions.

An anxious tail flicks across the ground, disturbing the dirt and dust as it ruins an already frazzled gray pelt. If they were just a little more careful... a little more thoughtful... a little better at speaking... a little better at....


The fear and anticipation in the lead's bones made them want to rewind the clock, to take back careless words shared, to be more distant from that pretty girl in the Marsh Group.

Who were they kidding? Her presence was infectious... anyone who looked at her now, surrounded by clan-mates that loved and adored her, could tell that was obvious. Lichentail was no special case... they were just some blue furred idiot. A blue-furred idiot that let pride sweep their legs out from under them more often than not.

A heavy sigh, lined with distress and regret, the mournful pleas of Troutkit were met only with the greatest sympathy. I'm gonna miss her too kid...

Deciding that she couldn't risk being a reclusive, stubborn fool when this could reasonably be a forever thing, they got up to actually join the goodbyes. Moving gingerly past Ravensong's side, a gentle touch of a tail at his back to let him know she was there, they stood with searching eyes as they scoured Hazecloud's face for any sign she was afraid too. It's okay if you are. A reassurance that would go unsaid- there were far too many ears here and as much as the smoke wouldn't want to admit it, she was no molly made of stone-- those tears were proof of it.

"I uh...." voice hoarse, it cracks under their own nervousness, scrambling to find words fitting enough for the moment. Petalnose was so sturdy... so confident, unflinching in the face of this departure. Why couldn't Lichentail be like that? Strong... unbothered... proud in the face of whatever tragedy and danger might find them. "You um..."

Words... what words... how to string them in order... How to communicate what they wanted to say. There was no privacy here. "Listen. Hazecloud..." their voice sounded strained, struggling to maintain some semblance of courage (why was she so cowardly now... when it wasn't even her life on the line?), "I still...."

Still what? You... dumb, soggy idiot... she has to know, doesn't she? She already knows... It would go unsaid once more. She had to know it... just like Lichentail knew it in the wrinkles of her eyes when she smiled, like she knew the soft, plushy shape of her paw pads, the way the fur under her chin curled just slightly more than anywhere else... and the stubborn glance that had met hers under Cicadastar's looming request. She would leave her. She always did... right?

"...have a gift for you." A stumbling lie, knowing damn well she had nothing to give and hadn't considered it even up until this moment when the words left her deceiving maw. "For when you get back," they clarify, diving headfirst into a promise they knew they'd soon have to make good on. "So come home....... yea?"

Have faith? That wasn’t a foreign concept but was it really enough. Everyone around her seemed to think so. Troutkit rubbed at her teary eyes again before holding a brave face. If Silverheart was here, would she ask her to hold faith? Did she ask this of her now?

“Okay! But when you guys get back! I wanna hear all about it!” Troutkit settles on this. Though, her heart was still heavy with the notion of them leaving. She wonders how long they will be gone for. The young kit would rather think of their amazing journey than their time away from home.