camp VIRAL | yellowcough


During the night, his mother had begun to cough. Paranoia lanced through the den almost immediately. Nettlekit had bristled, both in concern and anxiety. He had nearly bitten Cloudjump when they had swept him away with their cotton hued tail. Reedflower had left for the medicine cat's den, not wishing to get anyone else sick with the viral disease that now decimated the remaining clan cats.

When morning arrived, Nettlekit was up earlier than usual, when dusk was still dark and the sun was hardly visible. Cloudjump still slept, and though he hadn't checked to see if Willowroot or Bristlekit was awake yet, he had managed to quietly prowl his way out of the nursery. The young tom wanted to check on his mother.

It takes him a few minutes to orient himself, to recall where the medicine cat's den was. He lets his nose guide him toward the hazel bush, expression drawn into a scowl. He never thought Reedflower would get sick. She was supposed to stay with him and his brother until they left the nursery. She was supposed to watch them get their warrior name. What if the journeying cats ended up back at a rogue infested RiverClan camp? What if they're attacked and whatever herbs they carry stolen away?

Lives were on the line, but to Nettlekit, only one truly mattered right now. He pauses outside the mouth of the den, sniffing cautiously. He smells sickness. He hears the coughing. He recognizes Reedflower's scent. Boldly, Nettlekit takes a step into the den.

Yellowcough is a terrible disease. Already many of their warriors had fallen prey to it. Stars be damned their own medicine cat had even fallen ill. Who would care for them if their medicine cat was laying sick in his den? She doesn't want to thin about it just like she doesn't want to think about their leader laying dead on the ground while they ran, doesn't want to think about how much she misses her home or how weird it was to be somewhere so different than what she is used to. She especially doesn't want to think about getting sick.

When she sees Nettlekit standing at the entrance of the strange medicine cats den her first instinct is to whisk him away. He should not be bothering the cats within nor should he be straying too close to the sick. She approaches, slowly and on soft paws as if she is creeping up on prey. "Nettlekit you should not be in here" she says, her voice hushed but her tone serious and scolding. Did he want to catch the illness that so many were dying of?

  • ooc : — ​

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    ➵ she / her
    ➵ riverclan apprentice
    ➵ single
    ➵ bisexual
    ➵ a tall, long legged blue tabby and white she cat with a plumed tail and blue eyes, the left one containing a burst of yellow
    ➵ toyhouse [ ]



Before he can even get half-way into the den, he's been caught. The child bares his teeth, an unfortunate tingle within his eyes as he whips his head back to glare at Dipperpaw, silently determined that he would not let any tears fall in front of others.

"I'm checking on my mother." Nettlekit protests sharply. "She got sick last night." So what if he got sick, too? Everything was terrible. Cats were going hungry. Cicadastar was lost, or dead. They had been chased out of their own home, and now his mother was dying of the cough that had claimed a few RiverClan lives already. The youth had a right to be bitter and angry all the time, he thinks. But more importantly, he had a right to visit Reedflower.

It's a horrible, awful thing to face. Undoubtedly irredeemable of whatever fates were out there to present a kit with something like this- to worry, and to worry nobly about his mother, and yet be unable to visit her. For Nettlekit, it must feel terribly unfair- when wide eyes scoured the camp to find Dipperpaw scolding him, he almost wanted to turn a blind eye. To give him a second longer in there.

He knew he couldn't, though. Not in good conscience, anyway- the thought of endangering a kit's life, even indirectly, made his skin crawl with a disgust for himself he was rather familiar with. With a sigh, Twitchbolt dragged himself to Dipperpaw's side, flicking his head- eyes stuttering with a couple of individual twitches- to bacon Nettlekit out.

"Nettlekit, out. Please." Voice quavering, he injected all of the sincerity he couldn't fit into his voice into his eyes, instead. It was a stern look, too- a serious one. This wasn't something to be bartered with, this- matter of life and death. Something a kit shouldn't even be thinking about really, but how could they avoid it when it assailed them at all sides? Any warrior would be exhausted, let along a kitten.

"We can- find Fireflypaw, pass on a message." An alternative, a compromise. Undeniably, Twitchbolt felt awful about it, but the necessity and the regret he'd feel afterwards kept his voice relatively steady. Relatively. Could be worse. "Just, you- you can't stay in there."
penned by pin ✧
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ The younger apprentice approaches with a small frown on her maw seeing Nettlekit try sneaking into the medicine cat den but Dipperpaw had stopped him just in time and even the lead warrior of Skyclan had decided to show up saying that Fireflypaw could pass on a message. It makes her wonder how bad Reedflower's condition was and it makes her recall how Bristlekit had asked Ratpaw once if she had the cough, an unease passes over her and makes her insides twist in the slightest. The fact that Ravensong, their own medicine cat, had caught it doesn't make her feel any better about the disease that had seemingly spread throughout the clans. Now, they had to deal with rogues, starvation, and yellowcough.

Her tail lashes behind her in frustration before settling her bicolored gaze onto Nettlekit and finally wills the words out of her jaws "You need to listen, Nettlekit. It's for your own wellbeing," He needed to since Twitchbolt was a warrior even if not a Riverclan warrior and he held a higher rank over all of them, the first lesson that Smokethroat had taught her and her littermates staying close to her. As much as she didn't like being here and around all these unfamiliar cats, she had to remain respectful despite it all. It's what her father and mentor would want of her.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 4 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokethroat
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
"Someone said my name," Fireflypaw quips from the back of the den as a kit sticks his head in, the smell of a kitten making his fur fluff up in anxious tandem. Was there a kit sick? Oh no, oh no... He listens patiently, waiting for an explanation, only for Twitchbolt and the others to tell Nettlekit to listen to them. That was all he needed to know, this was just a wandering kit wanting to see his mother.

Fireflypaw finds he can relate to Nettlekit more than most. He missed his mom, too.

"Everything will be alright, it is fine." Fireflypaw chirps as he makes his way to the mouth of the den, blind blue eyes blinking momentarily before he moves to use his body to gently attempt to push Nettlekit out of the den. "What's your name?" He asks.​
He is groggy. Leaden with.. something; something he dare not acknowledge, or it would make it all true. He is simply... tired, down for an extended rest, as he lays with heavy eyes within his nest, crumpled— too - hod, too - cold, that was all normal. Not normal, is the pitter patter of little steps within his den. Nevermind the wheeze of his lungs— exhaustion. For all that he's done, that is, much, he deserves the integrity of his den kept clean. Away from kitten paws— out of reach of other clans. Fresh, river scent wafts toward him— all around him. He is suddenly, suddenly surrounded by strangers within his own den, and Dawnglare is scrambling to consciousness, the pinpricks of his eyes zeroing in on the puny intruder.

The rest— they goad with honey words and plush paws. Dawnglare stares with eyes alight, the pricks of his claws catching on his own bedding. Stranger. Little thief, " Get him out, " The tom snaps, and his throat shudders in a hiss between teeth, his own lungs against him. He cannot understand.

His apprentice chirps useless questions— as always, as always. A glower that would not settle on the tiny intruder would settle on Fireflypaw instead; a pest that has somehow invited their way into his home. Were it not for his gentle pushing, Dawnglare would surely spit obscenities' his way. But instead— instead.

Dawnglare sits with tailtip aflutter. His skull throbs steadily— Lie down, it says, but he is fixed where he is. And he would be, until all is well again. However long that would take. However long.

  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 56 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    You may find him kinder to others than is typical, exhausted from the yellowcough blight and heart heavy in a way he has never felt.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads