camp VIRTUAL INSANITY — power outage human au

This... was a first for Nikolai. Never had he been in public when a power outage occurred; in the comfort of his own home, sure, but at a department store? Not to mention he was still beat and starving from his workout session. The universe was playing a cruel joke on him at this point. There was nothing that Nikolai dreaded more than being stuck in a space for an undetermined amount of time.

Donning an athletic tank top and shorts, Nikolai marched up to the front doors himself. "Seriously? Seriously?!" The dark-haired man exclaimed, urgency building in his voice as he attempted to wedge his fingers in between the middle of them. "There's gotta be a way to get these open." Who the hell designed these doors, anyway? His mind grew frantic, jumping to conclusions that he would sue the store for having such a poor design.

He planted his strong legs, trying his damndest to force the doors open. "Come... on!" Nikolai clenched his jaw, exerting as much energy as he possibly could. He had an appointment in half an hour ( not to mention he wanted to grab food from somewhere ); he didn't have time for this!

  • i've decided that they're all trapped in a singular store just to make things more claustrophobic! let's just pretend that all the doors can't be opened via key bc they're automatic-sliding so they're all literally stuck waiting for help ( it makes zero sense but it's an au and we can do whatever we want B) )
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  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- There was murmurs of panic through the store and it had them stopping, furrowing their brow a bit and looking around. Had something gone wrong? Then the lights went out- a power outage came the murmurs and people tried to continue onwards with their shopping. Surely the people running the store would be able to get them out in an hour or two right? Though it didnt seem like it.

The young, curly blonde turned back to the person behind her, then back to the front of the store where there was a man who was trying to force the doors open. That didnt seem like it worked as he looked more annoyed than previously, and now more out of breath. Alanna took a hand to her blonde curls, playing with the ends of one of them as the slight panic of being stranded in the store dawned upon her.

You think this will last long?,” She asked the person beside her, a random person or anyone within ear shot as no one else seemed to be in panic. At least not yet, but suppose one wrong move could have that changing. What cause the power outage? Didnt stores have back up generators? Alana wondered a lot and stood close to her cart, perhaps she picked the wrong day to make dinner.

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.



Being plunged into darkness in the middle of a quick shopping trip was probably the last thing Johnny had expected to happen today. To make things worse he'd just been about to go through the checkout, which meant the cashier was left apologizing as concerned murmurs began to echo throughout the crowd. After being informed that it could be a while, he begrudgingly accepted his fate and dragged his cart out of the line, expecting to leave- only to realize that the sliding doors weren't working.

"Well, that's just great." he huffed as he watched another customer try -and fail- to force the doors open by hand, a young blond woman standing nearby.

Stepping over to observe the situation, Johnny frowned and let a hand run through his short, brown mohawk. "Shit. Doesn't even look like the kind you can pop off the track and push open." he noted with a hint of annoyance. Shouldn't this place have some sort of fire exit they could use or something? "The cashier said it could be a while before the powers back. Unless someone wants to take one for the team and pick up charges for smashing out a window, we might have to sit tight for a bit."

Granted, it wasn't the worst place to be stuck- better than an elevator, or a burning building, or a really steep pit.


Konstantin didn't shop often, and today's events did little to inspire him to make more frequent visits to the market. Abandoning his near-empty basket in the food cupboard aisle, the man made his way towards the light, eyes narrowing at the shadows that already congregated there. If it was a metaphor for where they'd all be before the end of this power outtage, then he hoped he'd at least get the chance to eat some food before he died.... actually, scratch that, that was a stupid bloody wish. Crossing his arms at the display to wedge the door open, Konnie stepped forwards. yelling, "Dude, you're just gonna have to wait!" Breaking the door like some caged animal waiting to be free would get Nikolai arrested or banned, as volatile as he seemed to be, the man didn't want police anywhere near the vicinity - it wasn't like he was on the best terms with the law. He waited for a few moments, tapping a scuffed trainer against the floor's frigid tiles, before he heard others speak up. Someone muttering to someone else, and a mohawked man suggesting that they wait. At least someone else had the sense to be patient.

Heterochromatic eyes veered towards the rows upon rows of frozen food, a frown twisting upon his scarred face. "That's a lot of food waste," he muttered to no-one in particular; an observation moreso than a conversation starter. If he could remain in silence the entire time, he would, but something told him he'd need to manage tempers like herding cats the longer they stayed in this locked-down store. "Gonna cost the company a fortune, poor sods." A twang followed his words, not quite as British as he tried to put on, not quite anything else. Tucking his dyed fringe behind his ears, Konnie would quietly linger.


Christopher Guevarra should have known that misfortune would befall him as soon as he went outside. Like a sixth sense embedded ungracefully in his mind, he had a feeling that today would have been a shitty day. For one, he slept through his alarm, of which the wretched contraption screaming at him until he finally awoke to gently turn it off. And by that, he threw it off the side of the nightstand until it shut up by itself. Then, his breakfast - consisting of a hard-boiled egg and two buttered slices of rye toast - had burnt in his terribly outdated toaster, spluttering out the toast that had been unevenly striped with blackened edges and whatnot. Chris ate half of it before electing that no amount of butter or jam could save that monstrosity.

And now, on his first chore of the day, he was trapped in the supermarket. The tall man had been examining a box of cereal, a kid's brand with gaudy branding complete with a cartoonish animal mascot. Heterochromatic eyes glazed over the nutritional information, though even from a first glance of the brightly-colored pack, he could tell it was full of sugars and preservatives and whatever else. Ugh. How did I eat this slop as a kid? I swear, this is - Everything turned black, like he had closed his eyes, even if he veritably still had them opened. With a grumble, Chris put down the cereal box and straightened his jacket, walking towards the apex of the chaos. Great, even the doors were locked. The supermarket had trapped all these strangers within its stomach, and he needed to get out.

"I'll break through the window. I have places to be." Chris grumbled, grabbing a tin can of food from one of the check-out sections and preparing himself to absolutely chuck it at the glass window. Although he was quite tall, he harbored little strength, and his build was akin to a branched tree rather than anything substantial. Still, with enough force, anything was possible. Perhaps someone would stop him from getting glass to fly everywhere, but he dialed his arm back and prepared his best slugger's pitch.
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Fuck his life. Flynn should have known better than to leave his home today. All he had wanted was to buy himself some soda and potato chips for his studies and this just had to happen. For everything to turn dark and for the doors to stop working. Flynn was stuck inside this store with some random idiots because of some bad weather!. How was he supposed to finish his school project now which he was suppose to send in before midnight?!. Flynn wished he could kick down that fucking door more then anybody in here right now. But he knew better than to resolve into violence to join in with the chaos. It for sure wouldn't look good on his record if he ended up doing something foolish right now. He had to remain calm and hope for this all to be over soon.

With a heavy sign Flynn took a step back and leaned back against one of the food store doors while opening the bag of potato chips to have something to munch on until this awful situation had been solved. Why not?. He would obviously pay for it later whenever the store were up and running again. Picking one chip out from the bag Flynn's eyes circled around the room as he was about to take a bite from the snack when his eyes find a fool that was about to break one of the windows!. God fucking damn it!. Flynn bite down at the chip in frustration before walking himself straight up to the other male and attempted to grap his hand around the male's wrist with the can inside to prevent them from finish what they had started.

" Hey dumbass!! what do you think you're doing right now?" He narrowed his orbs at the other male, irritation flaring inside of his emerald green eyes. They had been stuck for what?, three minutes and already people where losing their damn mind in here!.

// interacting with @CHRYSALISWING >:)


"Hey! Let go of me, fuck-face!" Christopher felt a harsh force grip around his wrist and pull his body back. The tall shopgoer almost lost his balance, sneakers skidding slightly along the traction of the smooth supermarket floor, as though the ground below him squeaked in surprise. He whipped around quickly to see someone he didn't know, though bright green eyes blazed with fury. Chris only gripped onto the can he was holding harder, feeling his fingers press onto the tin as though he could break right through it as easily as the glass he attempted to mow through. "Give me one good reason I shouldn't punch your teeth into your stupid skull!" The man shouted, and though he did not strike, he was pretty damn close to doing so. He didn't care that he was making a scene in front of all the other people trapped in the store with him - nobody grabbed him like that.

( Interacting with @FIERYHEART but feel free to jump in and stop them from killing each other LMAO )

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- This wasn’t good- people were starting to loose it. Did no one have patience? Alanna shook her head slightly and approached the front of hot store where a man with orange and black hair was arguing with another man, “Must we resort to hitting each other when its only been not even an hour since the power went out?” She questioned between them with hands on her hips.

The curly blonde rolled her eyes slightly for a moment, “Just give it a few minutes, im sure the back up generator or something will kick on,” She pointed out to them with a small gesture of their hand. Though they could probably pry the doors apart or use the emergency exits at the back of the store- but seemed no one had thought of that just yet.

//interacting with Flynn n Chris

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Kaiden lifts his eyes from the shelf he was rummaging through, the shouts of his friends making his eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. What is it they were all freaking out about? The doors not closing? Had the power gone out? He abandons his cart in favor of walking down the aisle, cane in hand lightly tapping against shelves as he finds his way quite easily through the darkness. A soft snort leaves him at Flynn and Christopher's bickering, the dark haired man standing up to his full height.

"Check the breaker. Maybe the switch just needs to be reflipped." Kaiden offers the idea with a shrug of his shoulders, hand raising to ruffle messy hair. If people were this scared and irritable when it was dark, he must really be a lucky one to not be able to see. They were all like claustrophobic children. "This place has to have flashlights. Right?"
Nikolai's attempts at prying the doors open gain attention from the folks around him, though mostly negative as most simply stand back and do nothing. Hey, at least he was trying something! Not everyone had the time on their hands to just wait. He had a busy schedule. "This is horseshit. I swear to god, if I miss my appointment..." Nikolai curses, stepping back and lifting his leg to swiftly kick the crack between the doors though to no avail.

It seems that many are approaching the situation rationally, choosing to reason and be patient as opposed to reacting with force. However, a few storegoers were not happy with this predicament; tensions spiked in an instant, loud outbursts slicing through the sea of concerned murmurs and chatter. "Would you guys cut it out already? Shit's bad enough as it is." Nikolai shouted, raising his voice in the hopes that the younger adults would break up their altercation. He didn't have the patience to wedge himself between them, but someone would have to if they didn't listen.

Nik fished his phone out from his pocket and quickly pulled up the internet app, anxiety coiling in his gut as he realized that his battery was dwindling and obviously he would not be able to get a charge here. A few moments pass as he scans some local news sources, and he announces to those within the vicinity, "They're sayin' that it's the whole block, not just this building." A transformer must have blown or something. It was not entirely uncommon, though Nikolai had never thought that he would be out in public when misfortune was finally bestowed upon him. "I say we give 'em five minutes before we smash the door."

  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
𓆝 . ° ✦ "I'm sorry mam', this coupon only works online... yes I understand that you've printed it out, but that doesn't -"
"I'm never coming back! You just lost a customer!"

Oh no. She thought sarcastically. "Terribly sorry ma-" The usually anxious women watched through half lidded eyes as the lights flickered, then gave out. "Oh no."
Oh of course. 'We need you to cover a shift today Chole. We know you put in a sick leave notice, but it's only a mild headache. Surely you can be a team member!' Screw Kevin and his day off. Screw this job. She went to college, but here she was with three jobs. All of them retail.
She had just wanted to watch her soap opera and eat ice cream. Was that too much to ask?
In the insuing confusion, Chole just sat down on the ground, head resting against the front desk. She doubted her feet still looked like feet after this shift, it had been about 7 hours since she was last allowed to sit and she was not about to let the moment go to waste.
She sighed, trying to recall if there were any staff meetings about any planned black outs. Probably not, right? That would hurt their sales...
Opening her phone, Chole went to text her manager to inform them about the situation before she heard what could really only be described as a cross between fight club and birds squawking. She poked her head up to see a small scuffle illuminated by sunlight, though thankfully it looked contained.
"Please don't-" She sighed, getting up. Her feet screamed as she hobbeled over the doors.
"Please don't fight. And please, sir, lets not break the door. I understand that we're all, um, that we're all uncomfortable. I ,uh, was not trained for this, so lets, lets not... do anything drastic."
All of the tired spunk drained out of the women. She was not paid enough to deal with this and she knew it. Would any damages come out of her pay check? Probably.
"Uh, yeah flashlights, uhm, they're, they're over in aisle 5. Which is," she gestured to her left. "Over there, uh,"
Oh should she tell people they need to buy them? Her first instinct would be to say 'just take it, no cameras no proof' but she did have to inventory to make sure nothing was missing. She could always lie though....
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — lmao i was going to go for more of an anxious circe, but the ex-retail worker in me grabbed me by the throat.
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    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang
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