vitamin water au


The Black Currant-flavoured vitamin water sat on its shelf, tucked away behind other flavours. For a reason which remains inexplicable, this particular bottle of vitamin water had been packaged in French-only labelling and subsequently sent to this store. Perhaps that is why the bottle sits behind the others. It is unwanted. Unloved. The bottle of Black Currant-flavoured vitamin water contemplated this as rivulets of condensation ran down its plastic shell.
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"no, benjamin, for the last time—we are not getting the fruit shoot."


the hand carrying you slams you, an orange-flavoured robinsons fruit shoot (no added sugar) (with added multivitamins), onto a random shelf. you squeak, inflate with an indignant pop. you cannot believe the audacity of this human! how dare she wrap her, her nasty-ass meat-hooks around your pristine orange form and shove you in along with these losers!! they're not even juice! these? these are bottles of water—vitamin water! water that pretends to be juice with its half-drowned flavours and its tack-shine labels! blehhh!!!

"they're bad for you! they're chock-full of sugars and artificial flavours, and all that garbage won't help you grow up to be a big boy!"

wh—?? that's not true!! you—you are healthy! you are juice! you have no added sugar and, and added multivitamins!!

"and don't give me that! you know that's all balderdash! that stuff will rot all the teeth out of your head by the time you're twenty!" an exasperated sigh: "now, come on! we'll find you some actual, healthy juice to drink instead!"

with that, the sounds of their footfalls tramp away, and you are left to squat amongst a sea of strangers. you quiver. condensation weeps down your sides, and your label pulls tight around you.

you… you're really. just left here. they really just took you. and—and left you here?

wh—whatever!! your cap gives a little twist. so what if you're not good enough for some ratty, random-ass woman and her even rattier son?? you're not ribena. you're not capri-sun. you're not vitamin water. you are nothing like them, they who swill themselves sick with their artificial sweeteners. you are bright and shimmering in the glass. you are the suns of oranges squeezed to sing on the tongue. you are 100% not from concentrate. and since you have no added sugar and come with extra added multivitamins, that makes you better than any vitamin sewage-water could ever be.

u r water, you condense at them. basic. unimaginative. boooooring.

they sweat with their own condensation; the artificial store-light limns you with a leer.

i am juice. full! fresh! flavoursome. & better yet! the water momentarily stops running down your sides as though dramatically pausing. i am orange juice! the first to be thought of, the first to be picked from a table filled with juice! the bestest, dare i say, juice of all time!

& u?

you leer especially hard at a blackcurrant-flavoured vitamin water with a french label, one half-hidden by its brethren at the back of the shelf. rejected by its own kind. hah! how disgusting must one be to be disregarded by even the genetic backwash of juices.

u r the piss-stains left on ribena's toilet bowl.

// hi hello I was just about to write an intro but then this came up and well hope you don't mind my first post being this lmao

I'll write it tomorrow probably anyway nice to meet you I play silentpaw you will meet her soon hopefully as a cat not a bottle of robinsons fruit shoot

Another day passes, and people come and go and yet with each passing moment comes with watching as strange hands reaches out to grab a bottle off the shelf which would leave one shaking in their own plastic boots (of course if they had boots). As the day went on relief flood the ice blue berry lavender vitamin water for it wasn't picked and then...suddenly... a child dare leaves something so grotesque on their shelf.

It was already weird enough they had a french labeled vitamin water but now? Now sat near them was and orange flavoured Robinson Fruit Shoot... that couldn't even be good for you!! Who knows what kind of weird addatives it had.

Matters not, for the ice blueberry lavender vitamin water paid no mind, enjoying that another day has gone by where they hadn't been plucked from their shelf and taken away from its home. Good. It hopes that never happens, no matter how delicious it might look, it rather be here and watch as its other peers are taken away and never seen again...
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Great taste. More nutrients. Win Win. You are a bottle of the Coca Cola company's least talked about beverage, an Energy Tropical Citrus VitaminWater topped with 60mg of caffeine. You are promoted as a bottle containing 100% vitamin B12, B5 and B6 and filled with the most important advertising hook that no one knows what it does - electrolytes. Today, you feel just like an electrolyte, excellent but misjudged, sitting on the shelf of a Target store somewhere in rural Quebec, Canada. On a shelf of equally uncomfortable flavours, you have made no friends, but the day appears to be looking up when a Robinsons Fruit Shoot Orange is dumped on the shelf close to you. The Britvic drinks should be your enemy, with 2.4g of sugar per 200ml bottle (measely compared to your own added sugars) and a return address in England of all places, the Fruit Shoot is among many who wish it to go in the bargain bin. But, you were designed to be different. At the top of your container, there is a ripple of water - someone knocked a shelf a short distance away, but to you, you were saying hello to the intruder.

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