viva la vida — raining

Aug 14, 2023
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
He barely noticed it, skittering around in search of anything when he felt the first few drops tickle his nose, odd-hued optics squinting until he looked up, maw parted. It was a slight drizzle, nothing like the wailing winds and pelting rain he was accustomed to. It was nice, in a way if it weren't for his injuries acting up, drawing a pained hiss from the male.

There wasn’t a fleck of unmarked skin, littered with scars that it shocked most people when they came to see his personality with their own eyes. He was weird in many ways, willing to risk his life for strangers and optics that would haunt someone’s nightmares if he looked directly at them. He sighed heavily, tilting his helm back to observe the light rain, nothing more than a fine mist. He wondered if anyone else was having much luck, having veered off from the hunting group to chase after a frail-looking mouse when his past injuries flared up, nearly sending him catapulting into the undergrowth.

He heard rustling to his left, keeping his helm low, he laughed, tail waving in greetings. “Maybe the rain will draw out more prey.” He mused, hopeful, giving nothing away. He was in pain, but it wasn’t about him. It never was. He still needed to prove himself. “It’s nice. The rain, I mean.” He added, grinning light-heartedly. “Did you catch anything?” He blinked, curious.

/ skyclan word prompt " drizzle "
thought speech
While the crisp autumn air was nice enough on its own, a bit of sprinkling's never upset Drizzlepelt. Sure, rain might not be every cat’s favorite, but when it drizzles like this, it’s refreshing. His name was picked for a reason, and even if it was similar to the one that he was given at birth, he has always had an affinity for water anyways. Maybe because they were both misunderstood? Well, he wasn’t gonna read into it too much. (Not right now, at least.)

Prey is still hard to come by, no matter how much any of them try. He hasn’t come up with anything yet on this particular patrol, and it seems the newbie hasn’t, either. He wasn’t too sure what to make of Lux yet, but at least nothing negative has come up. He wasn’t gonna judge just based on looks, either. His unique eyes might be off-putting to some, but Drizzlepelt finds them cool. He just has to get to know him better!

“Nothing on my end.” Drizzlepelt mumbles. His tone is lighthearted, but he is a bit upset that food continues to be elusive. “And it is nice. I mean, you’d hope a cat named Drizzlepelt would like when it drizzles,” he jests, chuckling. “Maybe it’ll scare them out of wherever they’re hiding. Would make things much simpler.”

Rain was not something the young daylight warrior was used to being out in. When she had been younger, before discovering the joys of being outside, she had not really ventured into the garden whenever it was wet out. Instead, she had always opted to stay inside, to watch storms from the comfort of a plush nest. Sometimes Dear would start a fire and they would move one of her beds close to it so she could bask in its warm embrace. Today though was different. A light drizzle plops raindrops into her fur as she walks along with the rest of the patrol but she does not mind. She likes it, actually. Except when it gets in her face. Sometimes a drop lands near her eyes and she finds herself blinking more than usual, a desperate attempt to see where she is going.

"I would think the opposite" her words, in regards to Lux and Drizzlepelt's comment, are accompanied by a small chuckle "If I was a mouse and I ain't sayin' I am, I would be hidin' in my den right now with my little mouse family" it's what she wishes she was doing now but she wouldn't say that part out loud.

The rain, oh how he loved the rain. Maybe they would all just nod about such a fact given he's a riverclanner. Riverclanners were obviously in the water and had to love or at the very least tolerate getting wet. They would think they would be correct in those assumptions but he knows cats such as Lichentail who dread the water. Yes, there are those among Riverclan who don't getting more wet than they have to. What's a little surprising to others is that there are also Riverclanners who can't swim. They are known as drypaws, but no one in Riverclan wants to draw much attention to those who don't know. Also, no one really says much about it. So yes, while they dominantly hunt in the river they are capable of land hunting, some are better than others, but in all a Riverclanner can hunt both on land and in water.

Pikesplash himself prefers to hunt in water, so he doesn't pay much attention to land prey and their behaviors. Although he figures that Fantastream might be right in saying that land prey would seek shelter. He can't help himself from chipping in "Fish are different! When it rains more fish are around, or I guess when there's no sun too. But there's something about the rain that makes them happy. Hmm now that I think about it, hunting today should be better, maybe I'll try my luck today." Ah, forgive him. He trailed off into speaking about his own plans even though this is supposed to be a nice time to relax under the gentle rain and the crisp autumn air.
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
He laughed, good naturally. “Maybe next time!” He chirped to Drizzlepelt, tail swishing until a startled snort escaped his maw, glad for the distraction. “I’d hope so!” He grinned, optics crinkling. His pelt wasn’t as soaking wet, but nearly so, standing beneath the quiet drizzle. Now that I think about it, I wonder if I’ll be here long enough to get mine. His gaze shifted, staring downward with a curious twitch of his whiskers. Ah, no point in being curious! He’ll find out if Blazestar lets him stay. His future was still up in the air.

Lux hummed, shifting his weight to ease off of his numbing past wounds, drawing a light-hearted snort from the male, nodding. “You’d think! I wouldn’t want to stick around when my den floods, though.” He chirped, tapping the ground with his lanky tail.

His gaze peeled to the RiverClanner with a curious shift of his brow. “You should! Can’t hurt to try, right?” He urged, smiling warmly. “Maybe you’ll like some company?” Lux might have done it out of concern, not wanting anyone alone with the rogues running around. He might not be much, but he could hold his ground.
thought speech