Jul 29, 2023


  • Name: Gracepaw
    > Previous Names: Gracekit​
    Grace-: a simple elegance or refinement of movement. / named after Halfshade.. | -paw: standard suffix for an apprentice.
    Age: 3 moons
    > Aging Rate: Ages 1 moon every 1st​
    Gender & Pronouns:Trans-Male, He/Him
    Sexuality: Undecided
    Rank: Apprentice of ShadowClan
  • Short Description: Long-haired cream and white marbled tabby with light green eyes, masking chocolate tabby and carrying solid.
    > Long Description:Gracepaw is a long-haired cream and white marbled tabby with light green eyes who is a bit smaller than average, and will stay quite small throughout his entire life. His fever coat has begun to fade, and will mostly be gone by the time he becomes an apprentice​
    Scars and Injuries: None
    Accessories: None

    (base credit to supurrnovae on deviantArt and coloring done by Blobl)
  • Humble | Reliable | Emotional | Impulsive | Reactive
    Personality: Gracepaw's name would make others assume he is graceful, kind, and calm, but in reality, he is anything but. In his younger moons, he's very emotional, and that stays a constant through his entire life. Even something simple can cause an extreme reaction - positive or negative. He also isn't sure how to deal with others very well, and as a result tends to keep to himself. He is, however, quite impulsive, acting with his heart and instincts rather than thinking it through. He is very humble and generally downplays things he does, believing them to be rather unremarkable. He is pessimistic at heart though, but despite this he remains reliable, and, if able, always finishes what is asked of him.
    Mental Ailments: N/A
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Vision: Cryo
    Path: The Destruction
    Pokemon Type: Ice/Dark
  • Parents: Frostbite X Rageweed, Gen 2
    Siblings: Ptarmiganpaw, Poppypaw, Wolfpaw
    Mate: N/A
    > Relationship Status: Single​
    Children: N/A
    Other Relatives: N/A
    Mentored By: N/A
    Likes: His family
    Neutral: Everyone else
    Dislikes: Nobody - yet.
  • > Theme color is Harvest Gold #E0B974 (Gradient uses #870F06 as well)
    > His partner Pokemon, or his Pokemon self, would be a Sneasel or Weavile
    > His can be found here... when I make it.
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