private Void Walker | Vulturemask

Jan 5, 2023
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Of all the tasks he finds himself doing, he doesn't expect it to be assisting Vulturemask in locating some herbs. Perhaps the medicine cat just wanted an armed escort, of perhaps Dandelionwish's treacherous words had gotten to the healer, which would undoubtedly lead to all manner of unfortunate things for the chimera tom, as well as the rest of the clan. Still, Vulturemask's promotion was the choice of Sootstar, and so surely it must have been the right decision, even if Tigerfrost was still unsure about it. Regardless, a different guard had been assigned to Dandelionwish for the day, and if Vulturemask really needed help sniffing for herbs through the frost, then so be it. It was an important task, he understands.

"What are we looking for?" Tigerfrost inquires of Vulturemask curiously, limping lightly on his sore shoulder.