VOLAR || meeting 11.11.22

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The last meeting he'd held, he'd been full of life. Untroubled. Bouyed by faith in his Clan, in his family, his progeny.

But an apprentice's blood has soaked his borders. A murderer runs their forest, unapprehended. His council is conflicted on how to proceed. ShadowClan and WindClan have formed an alliance.

And... he closes his eyes, pushing thoughts of Daisyflight away. His friend. His confidante. The she-cat he's relied on for what seems like a lifetime.

What's he to do? What's SkyClan to do?

But despite it all, Clan life goes on. Leopardcloud's daughter -- though the rest of the Clan does not know her as such -- is ready to be apprenticed with Coyotepaw. Two other kits ready to become SkyClan apprentices.

His gaze is bleak as he struggles onto the Highbranch. It's clear to any who see him know there's something wrong, but he does not have it in him to force joy, even for the poor little apprentices who are getting their names and mentors.

"Let all those old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting."

Blazestar finds the three young she-kits in the crowd and flicks his tail to indicate that they should all stride forward. "Bear, you are ready to begin your apprenticeship. From this day forward, you will be known as Bearpaw. Brodyheart will be your mentor." He glances at the NPC daylight warrior and gives him a nod, indicating the two cats should touch noses. "I expect you'll teach all you know to Bearpaw."

Then there's shy little Amelie, quiet and hushed since he'd found her. "Amelie, you will be known as Magpiepaw. Your mentor will be Huckleberry." A gentle-hearted tom who would treat her with understanding. "Huckleberry, I expect you to teach Magpiepaw all you know."

The final kit. Squirrelkit, Coyotepaw's sister and Leopardcloud's WindClan-fathered daughter. He twitches an ear. "Squirrelkit, from this day forward, you will be known as Squirrelpaw."

He finds Squallmist in the crowd, and Blazestar's gaze becomes damp with sympathy. "Squallmist, you were an excellent mentor to Centipedepaw. Will you take Squirrelpaw under your wing, teach her all you know?" He could have asked Crimsonbite, but he does not believe the ginger tom is ready to begin training again. Squallmist is less hotheaded and less needlessly aggressive. Besides, he trusts very few other cats to train a WindClan kit into a SkyClan warrior than Rain's own son.

He waits for the mentors to accept and touch their apprentice's noses, and dread begins crawling along his spine like icy spiders.

The meeting is far from over.

// @squirrelkit @magpie! @BEAR @SQUALLMIST @HUCKLEBERRY

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Laid outside of the nursery, Leopardcloud could barely move- but her ears worked just fine. Rested upon her side, blurry vision spots the form of her children in the distance. She feels the touch of something against her side, and she lets out a groan in response- soft in her weakness. She couldn't lift her head, couldn't do much more than watch them in the distance. But she was alive, alive to see her beloved daughter become a true SkyClan apprentice.

"I promised.." She wheezes softly under her breath to nobody in particular, a tear slipping down her cheek and onto the ground below. There was no more pain, just the numbness of oncoming death. Mother Earth would claim her soon, she knew; but she fulfilled her promise to her children. Squallmist, a trueborn Warrior that was more worthy than anyone to train her daughter. She smiles softly, blinking tears away from cloudy-green eyes.
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Though he is old enough, Burr does not move from his place next to Leopardcloud, his grandkits gathered in his fluff. It is out of a respect for the young, fading molly who he had grown fond of in the short time they had been denmates, rather than a disrespect for Blazestar and the apprentices and mentors being called. His heart wrenches at the idea of outliving both young Centipedepaw and Leopardcloud, they should've spanned seasons and seasons after he had returned to the soil. 'Time and time again, I am taught that sometimes life is just cruel, and there is nothing I can do to stop it, just lessen its blow on those I love.' His tail curls a little tighter at that thought, and though he wishes his heart could swell with pride in young cats being set on the path to adulthood....the same icy claws that keep Blazestar so carefully speared on his perch begin to prick into his fur.

It is awful, to have what should've been a most joyous day be tainted so.

header by lleafeons on DA, fancy via chérie​
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The most important day of Squirrelkit's life really didn't feel like the most important day. Why was she supposed to be celebrating when Leopardcloud was dying? How was she supposed to greet her mentor without thinking of how much she wanted her sister to be in their place? Squirrelkit didn't know. She didn't seem to know anything anymore.

The small tortoiseshell stood at the front of the clan now, shaking slightly beside the two other kits to be apprenticed. It could be written off as nerves if you didn't know what was going on. Her mentor had yet to accept her, though she was already named Squirrelpaw. What if he didn't want to be her mentor and she was going to be mentorless? Maybe she was going to be alone even by apprentice standards. She could barely breathe as she waited for Squallmist to reply.

The mood in Skyclan has certainly been somber lately - well, for all Bear knows, perhaps it's always somber around here. Still, today those around seem particularly subdued, as if waiting for the worst, and it's making her pelt crawl with nervousness. She knows that Leopardcloud is dying, and though she doesn't exactly know the molly, she can tell that the rest of the clan is already grieving her condition. Bear's seen her condition deteriorate so quickly even in her short time in Skyclan, and while she feels terrible that Leopardcloud has been suffering it, she also feels terrible for the molly's siblings. They both seem so lively and genuine, and she can't imagine what it would be like to be in their place, seeing Leopardcloud in so much pain like this. Not just that, but it feels like there's something...else hanging in the air, too, though it's a bit harder to decipher what the cause is. Either way, Bear has tried not to dwell on it, to instead try and settle in to clan life.

At Blazestar's call, Bear's head pokes up, startled. A meeting? That hasn't happened since she joined - is something wrong? Or, maybe it's just a routine thing, and totally normal, though frankly she's not exactly sure what 'totally normal' really encompasses around here. Trailing after some other cats, she joins the fringes of the crowd, interested in what's going on but not wanting to be in the way of anything important. The moment Blazestar calls her name, Bear freezes - is she in trouble? Is she about to get kicked out, or - oh, no, perhaps she should have waited before freaking out; she's about to become an apprentice. The revelation leaves her only slightly less nervous, however - it's a good thing, certainly, but she doesn't exactly know how this process is supposed to work. He calls Brodyheart as her mentor (she's seen him around before, she thinks), and as he approaches, Bear - no, Bearpaw now, which is certainly strange, stands still simply because she doesn't know what else to do. He leans in, and after a beat she awkwardly moves forward to press her nose against his for a moment. Another strange custom, though if it's the only thing she has to do in front of this crowd then it's fine by her.
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He feels as though he's cursed. As if loss follows him everywhere, these days. His father. His brother. His apprentice. Murdered. Lives cut too short by the claws of the reckless. He should have been able to protect them all. Should've... Should've been quicker. Should've paid more attention.

Blazestar has called a meeting. Squallmist doesn't want to go. He doesn't want to watch apprentices graduate to warrior status and earn their names - not while knowing Centipedepaw will never get his. A reminder of how much he failed the kid. Yet, something urges him to rise to his paws, to settle within the crowd, head hung, stormy gaze locked on his paws.

He listens as Bear becomes Bearpaw, as Amelie becomes Magpiepaw, as little Squirrelkit finally joins her brother, Coyotepaw, and becomes Squirrelpaw. He hardly hears who Bearpaw and Magpiepaw get assigned to, but, to his surprise, he hears his own name following Squirrelpaw's. His ears twitch, and he looks up at Blazestar with wide eyes.

A second apprentice, so soon?

He looks over at the kid. The scent of moorlands once soaked her pelt, WindClan heritage ever-present. Despite the bad taste in his mouth at the thought, she was a SkyClanner now. One whose training was now in his paws. One whose older sister was rapidly deteriorating. A curse continued, another loss of life at the ready. A shame - neither Squirrelpaw or Coyotepaw deserve to deal with such, especially not at such a young age.

Squallmist nods his head, stepping forward to meet the newly apprenticed tortoiseshell. "I'll teach her everything I know," he tells Blazestar, though grief rises in his chest at the thought - at all the lessons he'll be able to teach Squirrelpaw, but will never be able to teach Centipedepaw.

Stars, he hopes he doesn't fail this one.
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Blazestar can see the broken shine in Squallmist's green eyes. He gives the silver tabby a stiff nod. The warrior touches his nose to little Squirrelpaw's, and Bearpaw and Magpiepaw's mentors follow suit.

"There is a cat who has agreed to take on a warrior name. He is a true SkyClanner now." He nods to Burr, who is too elderly to perform warrior tasks, but whose wisdom is appreciated within their Clan all the same. "Burr, from this moment on, you will be known as Morningbird. We welcome you and your kin into SkyClan." His eyes soften, looking into the older tom's eyes -- eyes that have seen much, but now have more to see. He hasn't missed the way Leopardcloud has become dependent on him, sunken and withered in the elder's den. He imagines Morningbird will feel it as well as anyone when the young warrior goes to StarClan.

A pause sits heavy over the meeting. The flame point feels as though his next words are too heavy, that they will fall from his mouth like stone.

Daisyflight. Her patchwork pelt sticks out among the others, as it had that day, the day he'd asked her to be his deputy. To rule alongside him, to make judgments where he could not, to carry the burden of this Clan. She'd been pregnant, wit sharper than the tip of her claws, but she'd said yes.

And now.

"Your deputy, Daisyflight, has come to me with a request. She has served SkyClan well, and despite her wishes, she will continue to in other ways. She will, as of this meeting, no longer be your deputy, but will continue to serve SKyClan as lead warrior." His throat feels thick, but he looks at her with a look he hopes is full of the friendship and love he feels for the calico. "We honor her and all she has done for this Clan and will continue to do for it."

There's a moon now, glowing bright, not quite-full and apple-round with missing edges. He stares into its brilliant glare, mesmerized if only for a moment. "I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice."

His gaze pinpoints the longhaired cream warrior, and he gives her a curt nod. Businesslike, though his eyes glow. "The new deputy of SkyClan is Deersong."

// much love again to @DetectLife and @Daisyflight, & congratulations to @zaeya and @~Deersong~

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Squirrelpaw didn't seem too enthusiastic and he couldn't fault her for it. That her mentor was Squallmist who also lost someone not too long ago was a little jarring but perhaps it would be helpful. If anyone knew about grief, it was him. The rest of the announcements meant nothing to the dappled apprentice as he approached, he snorted at the elder getting a name, other cats he didn't know being made apprentices and mentored...yadda yadda...whatever.
Then he heard his mother's name and tuned back in with a frown.
There is a part of him that is bitterly relieved to not have to worry over watching his own mother die more than once, the idea of losing her even the one time is a tragedy he isn't sure he'd ever be able to cope with properly. Another part of him is angry because clearly Daisyflight was the best choice as deputy and anyone else would be-Oh. Oh, wait a moment. Had he said Deersong? Snowpaw's glower softens because if anyone else in the entire clan deserved the title his mother once held it was surely his mentor. His caring, thoughtful but loyal and strong mentor, who would be just as good at carrying herself and taking care of the clan the same way Daisyflight had been. His hackles lowered, he lost the edge of anger that had briefly spiked up. This was fine.
Where was she? Golden eyes turned to find the cream she-cat and upon spotting her he cheerful trotted over in the same way he'd gone to greet her upon being apprenticed to her.
"Well, Blazestar can make SOME good decisions I GUESS..." He rolled his eyes but smiled, "Congrats!" Now she had an entire clan to deal with rather than just her one troublesome apprentice.

He's never been one for congratulations, but when Deer's name is called and it is she who is risen to the leader's second-in-command, the ginger tom allows her a small smile. Deer, whom he had tormented on the excuse of his own grief. Deer, who he had hated for her dreamy stare and her nonchalance. Deer, who had forgiven him all of his hatred and arrogance without question.

She's near enough to him that he can grumble to her and only her. "Congratulations.... deputy."
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He's as bold as ever, striped in charcoal and adorned with his stylish rainbow collar. Wrath strides toward the crowd with flaming eyes, his tail raised high behind him. The first announcements are typical, but the final comes as a surprise. A new deputy? Me, of course. But no, it's not Wrath's name that flows past the leader's mouth, not that he truly expected it to be. Wrath had always been a man with talent in humor, and that day was no different from any other. He makes his way toward Crimsonbite when he catches sight of that shining coat among the throng of curious felines. Sliding up to the tom, Wrath presses his side against the other's just as the new deputy was announced. Deersong. Oh, oh, he knew her!

Teeth snap with a glowing grin as Wrath calls out with cheer, "Congratulations, dearie!" And that was that, a pleasant promotion and it seemed the meat of the meeting had reached it's peak. Well, Wrath had other things to do. The Daylight Warrior couldn't get fat and lazy by hanging around camp all day, could he? He runs his tail beneath Crimsonbite's chin as a dashing smirk adorns his maw, and then he's gone again, entirely unsurprising to most.
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The forest is unsettled, distant and fogged with the gloom of their suffocating fate. Like a plague rat Thistleback lets his mucky lungs drink the smog of uncertainty because if anything was going to outlive the possible mayhem it was this cockroach of the apocalypse here. Alas, Blazestar is still maintaining the hope, his lives like stars in the sky- not yet fallen, still shining above with the light to lead his followers from the dark.

His light is faded though, any who depended on it may find themselves lost in this moment. Thistleback’s jaws clench, he pads toward the gathered pelts and finds the tiramisu swirls that made up his wife’s luxurious coat. He settles next to her, pressing his nose to her shoulder with endearment. " my love " he whispers, his natural greeting.

As Squirrelpaw is named and assigned mentor, Thistleback’s brows knit together. An interesting choice by many angles, the piebald’s eyes narrow and flick through the crowd once more. Daisyflight’s name is spoken, she was stepping down and joining the counsel of warriors.

Nicked ears fall flat against his head, what he is not prepared for- is his very mate to be named the next deputy. His eyes widen, jaws shifting apart marginally. He stills, " bird…" he’s in shock, turns his chin in time to see the large orange flat maw of Crimsonbite turning away from her. What had he said? Thistleback’s attention is drawn down swiftly to Deer though. The cheers pour unto her, and Thistleback’s lips peel backward into a broad grin of his own.

" congratulations…my love… " grey eyes cherish this moment, as her duty is declared to the forest. " you were meant for this " he adds, razor tail-tip grazing hers.

  • — Thistleback | thirty-two moons | cis-male
    — daylight warrior of Skyclan | leaves rarely
    — bisexual | fallen for Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring Coyotepaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. Wears a purple collar with brass clasp.
  • bVBPWus.png

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Redstorm finds himself at the meeting almost by accident. He is just returning to camp when it is called. He would almost say it is a coincidence if he believed in such things. No, it was some other working that had made this happen. Paws lead him to the fresh kill pile to deliver the pigeon in his jaws before he makes his way to stand near Squallmist. His brother had lost so much, their family had lost so much. It wasn't fair. He wonders when the stars would stop taking and start giving instead.

He listens to the meeting with glazed over eyes, barely registers his brother is given another apprentice. It would not heal the loss if that was what Blazestar had been hoping for but perhaps it would be a good distraction, he bumps his brothers shoulder lightly, comfortingly as he passes, eyes never leaving his silver pelt until Blazestar is moving on to his next announcement.

Oh. He had not expected this, his head whips around to find Daisyflight, blue eyes landing on her with a curious glance as he wonders what has prompted this. He stays silent though until Blazestar announces who would take her place. Deersong. He cannot find it in his heart to be anything but happy for his fellow lead warrior. She was a little too friendly with rogues but she was a good cat and a friend, and he finds himself cheering for her along with his other clan mates.

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There is a heavy pit in the child's gut, pure shock when she hears the news of her mother. It's childish- she knows it's childish but bitter tears swell up in her orange gaze. Hastily she tries to blink them away, hide them, not wanting to be caught acting like a spoiled child. But mother being deputy is all she had ever known, it was apart of Figpaw's identity. How could Daisyflight not be the next to lead SkyClan? How could Deersong just like that be standing in her place?!

Grief is all she feels, for the era of her mother at the face of the clan is gone. A chapter Figpaw hadn't known she'd ever have to close, it felt like a weight of bricks had fallen ontop of her. Despite it all she tries to smile, but never had she been good at disclosing her emotions. It was evident she was shocked and upset by her mother's decision, maybe even Blazestar for allowing her to do this.

//ic opinions!! shes just a child w/ a lot of emotion and change to deal with because of this :) congrats zae!
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Daisyflight sat with dignity. It was the tight, well-handled type, one that required a tall chin and stiff spine. The calico was already positioned below Highbranch as Blazestar ascended behind her, breath shallow with anticipation. It felt a little much, frankly, the weariness that still clung to her. You’ve allowed yourself to slip… she chided inwardly.

However, as he began to call forth the youngest in the ranks to don the ‘paw’ name, the oil of routine smoothed her pelt down considerably. A content smile met the new apprentices, pride budding at the fringes of her gaze. Clanlife ran on in its circles and would continue to without her in her place. Her old place. Daisyflight gave a pleased blink to Morningbird, glad to have the sun-ruffle tom officially amongst them.

And that silence fell, the one she was ready for. Blazestar’s eyes fell upon Daisyflight and she met them. One last apology sparked beneath the friction of it, before the no-longer-deputy bowed her head and looked to Deersong. A good pick, one she trusted. Standing and leaving the shade of the Highbranch, she passed the cream-doused molly. "You'll do well. And if you need assistance keeping them in line you just let me know," Cheer was whispered between them, laughter on her breath at the thought of another having to contend with Dawnglare.

Congratulations spoken, the weight of her courtesy amongst the crowd lay thick onto her shoulders. Daisyflight took a breath and sought out her family. A paw hooked whichever of her children was closest to her flank briefly, as she might have when then they were kits.

/CONGRATS ZAE!!! AHH so happy to have you and Deer as deputy!
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( ) Deersong picked up her head from where she had been eating when Blazestar called for his clan to gather for a meeting. The lead warrior quickly buried her meal before walking over to sit towards the center of the clearing, smiling warmly as her mate joined her and returned his greeting with a light nose touch to his cheek before turning to listen to their leader.

This had begun as normal. Blazestar gifted some of the young cats of the clan the title of apprentices and blessed Burr with an official warrior and she would raise her voice just as the others to cheer them and welcome them into their new ranks and home.

Her eyes never left Blazestar however, mentally noting how murky his aura was looking as of late, and of course, she couldn't blame him, just as she couldn't blame Squallmist and the kits of Leopardcloud for the grief that clung to them as well. Her mind had begun to slip into the background as she wondered which of her stones could best ease their emotional stress when Daisyflights' name was called and she would be slapped back to the present.

Daisflight? She was stepping down as Deputy? A soft frown would touch her maw and as she began to look around for her friend she was smacked once again when her name was suddenly called. To be the new deputy.

Her eyes snapped back to look up at Blazestar, her normally half-lidded eyes blown open and her maw opening slightly as if she was struggling to find what to say. Her friends and apprentice voiced their congratulations, and Daisyflight came over and gave her words of encouragement Deersong would blink after her before seeming to finally find her voice, "Daisyflight was an amazing deputy, no cat would even dream of replacing her."

Looking back up at Blazestar, her eyes were clear and the smile she wore was full of gratitude and hope, "But I swear to do whatever I can to make her and all of Skyclan proud."


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Deersong looks surprised to have been named, and he gives her a soft, reassuring nod. Her acceptance gives him confidence, and he thinks with some irony about the difference between Daisyflight's acceptance and Deersong's. Regardless, he has faith in both she-cats to do their best to serve their Clans in the moons ahead.

"We also have a warrior to welcome into our ranks. Sparkpaw, please step forward." His eyes search for her and settle on her as he begins the ritual that will make her a warrior. "I, Blazestar, elader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn."

His eyes gleam as he says, voice clear, "Sparkpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

He waits for her to tell him I do. Once she does, he continues, "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Sparkpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Sparkstorm. StarClan honors your bright spirit, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan."

Blazestar waits for Sparkstorm's Clanmates to chant her name, to give her recognition, and once the clamor has died down, the Ragdoll will readjust his position. He closes his eyes, and he sees scraps of dark fur, feels blood squelch between his toes.

When he opens them again, blue fire sparks onto his Clanmates below. "Tonight, we honor an apprentice who will never be a warrior. That honor was stolen from him by a filthy rogue who has breached our borders." His tail begins to flick wildly, hanging down in a pale comet down the side of the Highbranch. "I have seen and scented rogues on our territory before, led to our forest by Vermilionsun. Clearly, one of those rogues has returned to steal a life from us this time instead of prey."

He turns smoldering eyes onto the warriors assembled in the crowd. "I plan to confront Vermilionsun. Even if he did not kill Centipedepaw himself, he knows who did, and he will answer for their crimes. Squallmist, Crimsonbite, Thistleback, Redstorm, Coyotepaw. Eat and rest. At moonhigh, we leave for the lands beyond our borders."

His exhale is ragged, final. Blazestar bunches his muscles and his paws find equal ground with SkyClan once more. "Be prepared for a fight."

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The ginger king flicks an ear in recognition, his trademark snarl creeping back onto his face. Vermillionsun. Wonderful. The old spark of jealousy has long since died but the name still evokes disgust, empowered now by a want for vengeance. He had heard that Centipedepaw had been a little shit but even still, he had been a SkyClan cat, part of something that Vermillionsun had turned his back on without a second glance.

He had despaired over cats who had done the same, now he only felt a smoldering determination. This was what he was made for. He stands and nods to Squallmist and Redstorm, not all-together pleased that their leader was allowing his adopted nephews to be led straight into a potential rat's den of volatile rogues, but at least he could be there beside them if anything went south.
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