VOLATILE TIMES ✘ mini-meeting/code announcement


It is not often they return from the gathering and he ascends the river rock, but it has happened more than it probably should; in this instance the addition of a new code was worth sharing with the clan rather than heading to the nursery immediately to laugh at Hazecloud as he had done previously - lovingly, of course. Smokestar stretches his back lazily as he reaches the top, black claws clicking and his jaw widening into a brief yawn, the sooner this was shared the sooner he could retreat with the other warriors back into the den to sleep. It had been a long night.
"Gather for a quick meeting..." The kits were all asleep, his voice is soft so as not to stir them but for the older cats within the camp he was heard easily enough, "Tonight another addition to the code was suggested by Howlingstar to which I agreed. Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name. The ThunderClan leader spoke of newly named warriors, excited by their graduation and eager to embrace their new freedom abandoning their guard posts and leaving her clan exposed for wolves to slip inside. It cost the life of one of her warriors. I agree a night to understand the full weight of ones new responsibilities and to reflect on the future can only be beneficial. RiverClan will abide by this code..."
He pauses briefly, lips curling as he recalled the SkyClan warrior speaking out of turn - he didn't necessarily disagree but cats should know when to hold their tongue and speaking so boldly to other leaders at a clan gathering was hardly appropriate, but here in his camp? He could say what he truly felt, "...if I catch a newly named warrior making such a folly you will not be a warrior for long. I will send you back to the apprentice den so quickly you'll get tangled in your own tail. If a clanmate dies as a result of such negligence there will be more severe punishment. I will not gamble with the clan's safety, if you become a liability...you will be dealt with." Single orange eye sweeps the crowd, looks for the more reckless of the upcoming potential warriors and it narrows critically.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

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Moonpaw had opted to not go to the gathering this moon, stubborn in her decision to not leave the camp save for when she needed to go out to gather herbs or if someone was injured and she'd need to meet them halfway. A precaution in case Ravensong were to stumble back into the camp in the middle of the night, a way for her to watch for her mentor to make sure that if he were to be injured she could do her job and show that she had learned things, that he could be proud of her in what she'd been taught.

As cats that went to the gathering filtered back into camp the white moggie stirred from her place at the entrance to the medicine den, head shooting up as she looked towards the entrance only to settle once more as she realized that it was her clanmates that had left the night prior. She was glad to see them back safe, though she was surprised to see Smokestar climbing up the river rock to announce a meeting, quietly she stood and moved forward the few steps from the den to sit to the side of those that gathered, looking up to the black and white leader. A new warrior code, a new tradition to remember and follow - or in this case make sure others were to follow. Though she'd once been training to become a warrior she would never become one now and though she didn't question her choice to choose this path - for at the end of the day it had been her choice - she wondered how this would effect those that were around her, her friends that would soon become warriors themselves.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    11 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Ferngill had never been a heavy sleeper- the news of the Gathering party's return roused him easily from sleep, a verdant eye creaking open to meet the small hours. A new code. The words rang out with a great importance, despite the tempered volume of Smokestar's voice.

A vigil, to understand the weight of being a warrior. Just one night... it was almost funny to Ferngill, looking back on his own apprenticeship now that it had- eventually- come to its end. He supposed it had been just one thing that had shown him the true weight of warriorhood, too. A fox's claws scraping across his face, marring the good looks he'd only just grown into forever, blinding him in one eye, causing him to relearn everything with half of the sight. If a vigil would stop any young warrior from doing something that stupid, then this code sounded like a great idea to him.

Thoughts lingered on those who were about to become warriors. Though he sat in warm silence, dipping his head respectfully in acceptance of the new code and wordlessly expressing his agreement with it, Ferngill's eye wandered to younger faces, curious about their reactions.
penned by pin
"You say that kinda thing," Houndstride begins quite slowly, "like any of the other clans'd do it differently." The point of it all sunk in at its own pace, the scar on his cheek bunching up as he scrunches his nose. "You're saying Howlingstar let 'em get away with it?" Sure they don't know all that goes on behind the borders of another clan, and in all honesty he's no interest in it anyway. But surely she would've mentioned if they were exiled for what they'd done. Or at the very least that they were being dealt with as they deserved. The idea of costing a clanmate their life because he wanted to, because he'd been too excited to play an' couldn't take care of his clanmates the way he'd sworn to — well that's just a terrible sort of thing.

He doesn't look to the younger ones like the others do. In his half wakefulness, light sleep and insistent insomnia curling up to make for a rest-deprived grouch at such an hour, that's almost certainly for the best. He would've been far harsher with his words than any of them deserved. At least they weren't the ones that'd killed a warrior. "Vigils'll be the least of our concerns if that's the way these warriors are headed." Maybe the other sort of vigil, though. Grim thoughts. He feels old now. A relic of days gone by. And the ones coming after him sure should do better than this.

  • OOC.
  • 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄. HE - HIM - HIS. PRODIGAL WARRIOR OF RIVERCLAN. ————— mauled by a fox moons ago and has the scars to prove it. though his wounds are healed, nothing can rid him of that pain.   PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a lean chocolate tabby with lime green eyes. the scars that had once been limited to the bridge of his nose now shatter and expand across that entire side of his face, up to a ripped ear and down to his shoulder and front right leg. it is somewhat difficult for him to put his weight on that paw at odd angles, and he gets grumpy after a long while of walking, but it does not inhibit him terribly.
♡​ why you so obsessed with me ♡​

bronzeshine & 26 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

Bronzeshine sat up at the call for a brief clan meeting with more than a little contempt on her face. A meeting? At this hour? StarClan, he'd better have a good reason. As she listened she grew more uncomfortable. A warrior dying because of some cat's negligence isn't something that'd be too far off for her. Though she knew when to shut her mouth. She pondered what she thought the punishment aught to be, and she didn't know. Back to apprentice? Exile? All of it seemed very harsh for what, to her, seemed like it wasn't intentional. She narrowed her eyes at the thought. A vigil to prevent couldn't hurt.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —

  • sassy | flirty | proud | vain | irascible

    physically moderate && mentally moderate
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please tag account if attacking