————— —————

Starlightkit sets upon RiverClan's camp like a cat on a mission. It's evening now, which means their eyes don't hurt, which means it's time to explore. There is a hunger to see all they can, to know every inch of this camp. A pull to know, to explore, taking in all that surrounds her with quite literal starry eyes. They sweep this bright gaze across the length of the camp, before turning back to face their siblings. "C'mon, c'mon, we're going exploring!" he insists, before fixating on her rather unenthused brother. "Keep up, Cicadakit, you're gonna get left behind." Cicadakit needs to be reminded of things often, it seems. Good thing he has Starlightkit here.

But, the task at hand: exploration. Adventure. "Oh-kay oh-kay, so! You can split up if you want, oh-kay? But you gotta tell me if you see anything int-er-esting." He enunciates the word carefully, proud of himself for knowing it. "Or," he adds with a glimmer in his eye. "You can stick with me and we'll find the best places together. Or we can all stick together! But don't get lost if you go off on your own, oh-kay?" she has a big grin on her face as she rambles.

A moment of consideration. "And be polite to warriors, like papa said." You'd be forgiven for mistaking the tiny child for the oldest, with the self-importance they radiate in instructing her siblings, but she carries no such position. Starlightkit is merely the bossiest.

"Right! Exploring time," he concludes eagerly, darting his gaze around camp. A confident declaration: "I'm gonna go find the best spot in camp." His paws will lead him there, he's sure. Her paws are stardipped and sculpted, blood of the river king in her veins should make navigating the camp easy. And once set upon this task, their paws move as if of their own volition, pulled forward with jittery movements and a strange sort of assuredness.

She glances back at her siblings. She's already reminded Cicadakit once, so the both of them had better keep up, this time.
————— —————

  • // please wait for @BEEKIT and @CICADAKIT to reply !
  • STARLIGHTKIT named for faith and for the star-like mark on her forehead.
    — he/him, she/her, they/them. 2 moons.
    — riverclan kit. smokethroat x cicadastar
    — twitchy and strange, with boundless curiosity.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 68224970_22aRU29gri8jjcf.png
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( 🐝 ) Beekit had been messing around with a small mossball having dragged Cicadakit in one of her games but would look up when Starlightkit announced that they would be exploring and well, she would be an absolute fool to possibly miss up on that opportunity considering that she was awful curious about everything that had not seen yet. With a swift bat, she sends the ball of moss hitting the wall and stretches out gently bumping into her taller, long limbed sibling in an encouraging manner. Sure, they had already gone out with Smokethroat but it wouldn't hurt to adventure out before potentially getting herded back inside to sleep until the next day. "Okay okay," Beekit replies turning to glance at Cicadakit once more giving him another small nudge of her soft pink nose, the eldest of the triplets stepping forward to listen to Starlightkit mentioning how they could split up or stay together.

Her snout scrunching up in a thoughtful manner with little pearly fangs nibbling at the bottom at her jaw briefly before nodding slowly in agreement, it would probably be smarter to stick together than risk losing either of her siblings within camp which wasn't enormous to a warrior but small kittens like themselves it was very much humongous. If they find anything interesting to report back but anything could be of interest, she thinks though a little hum leaves her when Starlightkit reminds the duo about being polite to warriors. As if she would forget! Beekit would follow after Starlightkit then flicked her tail mimicking Smokethroat from earlier when they had been let out and glanced over her shoulder with a toothy grin "C'mon Cada, maybe we'll see something in... inter... interesting before Starlight does." She casts a quick mismatched look over to the youngest unable to hide that playful twinkle in her eyes.

Shaking her little body and picking up the pace until she stood alongside the youngest, Beekit's large ears rotating to pick up any sounds that might be interesting though she's curious on what Starlightkit might end up finding. It would be dumb to ask where they were going so she kept quiet despite her mulling over a few thoughts within her mind, the river princess half paying attention to her surroundings and briefly bumping into her younger sibling. Although, Beekit had no intentions of not being close to either of her siblings seeing as she loved the both of them dearly and she had no sense of personal space too since she oftentimes draped her little body over Cicadakit or Starlightkit. The thought of being together in the safety of their den next to Smokethroat made a brief yawn slip from her jaws. Who'd be her victim tonight?

Another little thoughtful hum leaving her as mismatched gaze would survey the camp trying to find the best spot before Starlightkit did. Maybe it was one of those dens? Surely, something interesting would be within either of them though she shook her head as she walked on and glanced over her shoulder to make sure that Cicadakit was behind them and hadn't decided to stay in the safety of the den. Finding him there did she offer a little lopsided grin before her mouth parted in a quiet "oh" and spoke up "Don't forget to lift your tail, Cada! I don't want anyone stepping on your tail!" And it was true, Beekit would be incredibly upset if anyone ended up hurting either of her siblings while they were out exploring.

She felt it was her responsibility as the eldest to ensure their safety whenever Smokethroat or Cicadastar were not present, Beekit would not say this outloud but it was the first thought that popped into her mind when they first embarked on this adventure of theirs.

✦₊ ⊹—— he's playing listlessly with beekit, having been wheedled into one of her mossball games; he can't seem to find the enthusiasm about camp that his siblings have. camp makes his head hurt, like he can feel the eyes of all the cats in it driving into the base of his skull and resting their in a dull needling ache. in the willow den, he hadn't needed to think about things like his expression, and his voice, and how he looked—the willow den had been darkness and warm moss and the familiar shapes of his family. camp is prying eyes, camp is his uncontrolled face laid bare to the world, camp is an ache that settles into the bone curve of his jaw and the notches of his too-thin spine. still, his siblings have been dragging him around all day, beckoning him to play and run and ... all that, making his head hurt more, making him lock milk teeth together until their roots are sore.

he loves his siblings, but when they make him do things, he wants to make them stop it. he doesn't know how.

now is no exception, starlightkit running bright-eyed over and insisting that they all go exploring. he doesn't want to go, though, but beekit is already swatting the moss-ball away and bumping his gangly limbs encouragingly. his other sibling stares at him, fixes him with starry eyes and demands he keep up or be left behind. he stares unhappily back with two-toned eyes, acquiesces, lurches to too-long limbs, stands still and silent as he listens to starlightkit ramble and grin. he likes that, likes how his siblings smile and talk so he doesn't have to, doesn't have to try to dredge up the words that stick in his throat like thorns and pierce his raw flesh. "i wanna stay with you guys," he murmurs shortly, a silent plea not to leave him alone to deal with all the cats in camp. please don't leave me here, he thinks, and blessedly beekit agrees, flicks her tail at him and tells him to c'mon too; cicadakit nods and trails after them.

starlightkit bosses them around, as per usual, and he nods wearily again, a silent answer, too-big ears flopping with the movement. she marches forward with a confidence that evokes a strange wonder in cicadakit, and he follows on his bony legs, weighed down by the force of his siblings. they're so much, too much, everything you would expect from the children of their parents (who, as starlightkit likes to proclaim, are important). maybe i'm just not big enough, he thinks, a thought that makes him ache and dig his small claws into the sandy earth until beekit shouts at him to lift his tail again and he nods once more, lifts the bent appendage from the earth, thinks, why do i have to be told to lift my tail? his mind has no answer for him this time so he simply lurches after them until he can keep up, looks around, mutters, "how do we explore?"


  • ooc: ——
  • disclaimer: it's important to note that cicadakit is not always in a stable state of mind. his view of the world may not always be accurate to objective reality, which may include seeing things that are not genuinely there, reading motivations or thoughts from actions that are not actually implied, and making assumptions or jumping to conclusions. this is not an attempt at metagaming, powerplaying, or mischaracterization, and is not legitimately true or correct to reality or what your characters actually think or believe.

    it will always be noted in the post if he is seeing something that isn't actually there. all opinions & thoughts are ic only and do not reflect my thoughts and opinions as a writer.
  • Tse77Co.png
    — cicadakit
    — he/him ; kit of riverclan ; 2 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by dejavu


Fernpaw's body ached. Today had been a battle-training day, and he'd worked at is as tirelessly as he'd been working at everything else... but, out of the plethora of things he was untalented at, he was maybe the worst at fighting. After all, that'd been the bite that had stilled his warrior-ceremony-dream with a killing blow; weakness, bumbling. He was getting better. Mudpelt said so, and Fernpaw could feel it, sometimes. Could feel something... adjusting in his mind, settling easier into a place it had resisted before.

He'd retired to a secluded spot to eat. A fiery pelt was a blessing in brightness, but also made hm quite easy to spot- not ideal for someone who took solace in being solitary at mealtimes. Bowed over his meal, he didn't notice that Cicadastar and Smokethroat's triplets were beginning to encroach the dusk until they started to drift a little closer to him. From here, he... couldn't quite tell if they were heading his way. But it'd be mean to ignore them, wouldn't it?

Starlightkit took the lead- and Beekit too strode bravely, though made a point to call back at her trailing brother. "Hi, you guys," he called from where he lay, his meal huddled quite close to his chest in an attempt to conceal it. A warm smile shone on his face, as his eye scanned the approaching kits- and then, lingered a little past them to see if either of their parents were attending them. Was he supposed to lead them back to their nest? Fernpaw possessed no means to boss anyone around, did he? It was difficult to imagine what Smokethroat or Cicadastar would want him to do... maybe just keeping an eye on them was fine. "Where are you headed?" Vision settled back upon them, crescent with his smile.
penned by pin
The sleek young warrior pads into camp beside her brother, eyeing the tired tension in his body critically. Another battle training session—she’d just glimpsed the tail end of it after a bit of fishing—and he was movely as though he’d fought a horde of WindClan warriors. “I think you’re getting better,” she supplies helpfully as they slip through the shallow waters to their island. “That one move, though, that you did at the end…” She trails off, distracted by three scampering little shapes headed somewhere generally in their direction.

Their leader’s kits are finally old enough to amble about camp, and their tiny eyes are brilliant. Cicadakit and Beekit, amusingly, both sport one fiery golden eye and one sharp blue, as though they’d inherited half of themselves from Cicadastar and half from Smokethroat. The other kit—the oddly-named one, Iciclefang muses, Starlightkit—seems to be leading this procession. His gaze is deep cerulean like the river on a cool day, and the tortoiseshell does her best to meet that gaze now. “Hello, children,” she says, humor drying her voice out like the blazing sun above them. “Off to conquer the forest, are we? I’m sure the other Clans tremble to hear you coming.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white markings and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin