private VULTURE CULTURE — mallow

Jul 9, 2022
Many would find Mallow's fascination with gore and death unnerving. But Ember is unfazed by her nephew's eccentricities; rather, she actively engages in them. Encourages them, even. Why should she try to stifle his creativity and humor?

Today, they'd been out on a hunt when Ember comes across an interesting discovery.

"Hey, check it out!" She calls to Mallow, a grin plastered across her face. She's pointing towards the corpse of a hare as if it's a prize, her tail swaying. It's a grotesque sight, with clouded eyes staring at nothing and mouth ajar. It's abdomen is swollen, the stench of rot only just beginning to roll off of it's mangy pelt. But she seems unbothered by the smell, aside from a slight wrinkle of her nose. "What d'ya think it'd look like on the inside?" The flame point risks a step closer, crouching down to eye level with the corpse. It's not a good idea to dissect this thing... The stars only know what the cause of it's death is. But Ember has never been one to come up with good ideas.


Mallow had always been glad that his aunt found solace and humour in the things he did; often he'd received a grimace, a flicker of wide eyes, a 'not right now, Mallow'- but never from Ember! She always saw the fun in it, the fascination. Always glad to have her along for the ride, the smiling spectre was content in simply trotting along the moors looking for hunts; but oh, she had a good eye!

Grey eyes snapping suddenly to what his aunt had discovered, there upon the ground lay the bloated cadaver of a rabbit- no, a hare. Buck-toothed maw agape and eyes glaring into a plane beyond seeing, it would be a sad sight for anyone with a brain wired for sympathy toward corpses. Mallow's was no such mind, however. A hum of contemplation, discordant sing-song, left him as he danced toward the thing, head falling to one side as if a little too heavy. "Dunno... I could get a good guess at what it smells like, though!" A giggle left him, as if the smell of illness' rot was a joke. To him, the concept held humour- imagine it! And if it lingered, no one would be able to come near this spot for days!

He could guess that they were on the same page- that page being the definition of curiosity. "We could slice it open, or- throw it against a rock or something- HAH!" His laugh came out yowl-like, wrangled by a sharp gasp inward.
Ember's whiskers twitch upon Mallow's joke, throwing her head back with a snort of laughter. She doesn't care how insensitive it may seem to find humor in pestilence and rot; the hare is already dead, it's not like it could be emotionally wounded by their crowing. As if it would be able to understand them in the first place. "Yeah, I've got a damn good guess as well!" Ember flashes a toothy smile to her nephew.

Mallow suggests that they could slice it open, or throw it against a rock. Ember snorts once more, nodding along with a similar eager curiosity. "Hey, hey, y'know what'd be really funny?" Her lips quiver as if she could barely hold in the laughter. "Smackin' one of those smug bastards with it." She chortles at the thought. Oh, it'd be especially funny if it were to be Sootstar. But, unfortunately, there are no authoritarian pigs around to practice their aim on.

Ember prods at the bloated corpse. "Wanna see how far we can throw it before it explodes?" It's an even stupider idea than the previous ones mentioned, but the light of a challenge glimmers in her eyes. "Whoever tosses it the farthest without it explodin' gets to decide the loser's fate!"

His giggles did not cease at her jokes; though the more vociferous guffawing was, for now, contained, the spilling bubbles of amusement would likely not cease while he was still entertained. Ember's maw wobbled as she tried to contain her laughter, but Mallow had never been able to- he had no idea how anyonedid it. Still, around his aunt he had no reason to even worry about it. There was no diplomacy here- only fun, and that was boundlessly welcome.

"Smacking someone- pfffffffshhhhhh!!" The tom contorted closer to the ground, doubling as laughter rocked his ribs yet again. Oh, what a great prank! And they'd not be able to get the smell of that off of them for ages... though, part of him wished not to have anyone shunned because of a stench. Ember moved quickly on, however- prodding the rabbit with her grin still set sharp upon her muzzle. Expression alight with humour, Mallow nodded enthusiastically at her suggestion, still unable to suppress his laughter as pupils followed his aunt's flame-flicker faded pelt.

Oh, he'd had plenty practice throwing things.

Wobbling over to the corpse as he tried desperately to choke down his hysteria, the tom wrangled one of its ears into his maw. Sound muffled now by rot-ridden fur and flesh, he spun quickly in a circle- and once enough momentum had been built, eye-teeth parted and sent the thing sailing into the air. Bogged down by the bloat, it did not fly quite as far as he had idealised... but still, he'd wager it was better than most could do!

"Just-hah, getting- snnnk-started- hah!!" She'd probably beat that one, but... Mallow knew his full potential had not been reached yet.