It is only once the others depart from Vulturemask's den that Sunstride rises from his fragile rest. The stillness of the wait has left his leg sore and aching, yet that is hardly a sensation he was unaccustomed to. Of all the wounds he has suffered in his life, this was hardly the worst. Rabbits were obnoxious prey, with claws of their own and powerful hindlegs to lash out against any perceived threat. They are, however, not warriors. Not an enemy the way that another predator could be. Obnoxious; unavoidable. The longer he spends within WindCla's borders, the more he sees truth in that. The more around him that becomes unavoidable despite their prickling irritation. His arguments with Wolfsong, his disdain for the others outside of this moorland. Rabbit scratches, prickly nests, bitter hearts.

At the center of most any problem: Vulturemask. He has not thought strongly on the medicine cat's position since Dandelion had vacated it. The world around them had been a hurricane of chaos, leaving no time to consider his thoughts on the matter. Perhaps he should be thankful for the occasional rabbit's wound: as he slowly pushes closer in this cramped medicine den, he finally has time to think on it. Quiet eyes roam the dark tom's visage and sweep across the stocked herbs. It is familiar. Distantly so. He does not know these plants, but he knew others that had known them this way. "Did you struggle?" he cannot help but ask, "To change your path in life as you did."

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. thirty-six moons old. lead warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests.  single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"