private Wailing Death | sam


Nov 9, 2022

There was a chill in the evening air, a wind that crept through fur to pierce bone. Nathanos slinks through the grass, one eye glowing like fire as he makes his way through the small territory that Gin's group called their home. in the distance, the sound of ravens croaking through the dimming light, and the mind cracking wail of a lone coyote summoning it's pack. With any luck, the beasts would stay far away from home this time. Their previous attack had resulted in many injuries, and even deaths. It had been a gruesome battle. Jaw set like stone, Nathanos tries his best to pay the worry of his thoughts no mind, until he nearly bumps into another rogue ahead of him.

"Didn't see you." Nathanos grumbled his half-hearted apology, his mind still distant from the present situation around him. Then, the howl of the coyote once again, but this time the fur on the back of Nathanos' neck rises and tingles. The coyote had gotten closer. The towering tom eyes the other rogue with a grim expression, wondering if they had heard it too.

@tricky @sam.
His ass ― pardon his language ― still hurt like a bitch from the coyote that managed to chomp down on a haunch the other day, leaving the tabby with a minor limp. It looked like it was already starting to heal, but what did he know? He could only hope it didn't become infected, and with that sentiment, he obsessively groomed the fur around the wounded hip. He couldn't sleep comfortably with it, even now, leading to him lurking in the night and waiting to be tired enough to ignore the pain. The cold wind ruffled his ginger fur, though he supposed he was accustomed to it by now. The city gutter he was born in was often colder than this after all. Sam sat out in the tall grass, nose pointed to the sky and eyes closed, lost in a flurry of thoughts too fleeting to fully glimpse. Coyotes still prowled in the distance, but he figured he could retreat in time if he smelled any on the horizon.

What he wasn't accustomed to was other cats bumping into him out of nowhere; Sam nearly flinched out of his pelt as Nathanos spoke. "Damn, dude, he sputtered, looking more like someone just yanked his tail instead of almost nudging him. A piercing howl, closer this time, gave him a better reason to be awake and alert. Sam swallowed back the sharp lump of fear that appeared in his throat, mouth parting to scent the air. He returned the look Nathanos gave him, soon getting to his paws in order to slink off to the nearest hiding spot. Wherever Nathanos could find, he would stiffly follow.

They share the same look, and it seemed both understood the gravity of the situation. A coyote was dangerously close, and it had, perhaps, caught their trail already. Was the beast tracking them through the grass, then? There's a certain paranoia akin to ice that stabs upon the edges of the brute's mind, but he chooses to ignore it to focus instead on the prospect of escape. Here, now, the only thing that mattered was insuring that the creature could not sink it's teeth into his skin and bone.

Side by side, it seemed both rogues were seeking a place to hide, or a place to run. Wherever they could go that might have been out of reach for the canines, they would surely find it.

Not soon enough, it seemed. Another sound, another howl. This time, deafeningly close. The noise of heavy paws striking grass behind them, as the beast had drawn too close for comfort. Now it seemed that it had caught their fresh scent, and it was sprinting through the tall grass toward their position. Nathanos breaks into a run, because at the very least, they could evade the beast in the long grass until they could find safety. Whatever happened, he needed to insure that there was distance put between himself and that coyote's maw. One eye flickers toward Sam as a grimace rests upon his scarred maw.

"We must find a place the coyote won't be able to reach." Nathanos informs him with firm, lowered vocals, as he races through the tall grass and toward the twolegplace beyond.