wait a minute — drowsypaw


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
They traveled further into the pines, away from the prying eyes of their peers, lungs expanding to inhale the familiar scent of pine. His paws were heavy, leading them into a small clearing, pivoting on large paws to stare at the other, expression calculative.

“We’ll focus on huntin’ and tracking for now.” He stated, tone indifferent.

He had a new apprentice to train now, something Duskpool would admit was bittersweet, but a welcoming task against his overworked-ridden mind. The scarred tom shifted, optic narrowing with hidden interest, tail flickering. His chest vibrated with an inaudible rumble, “Wanna show me what ya think a hunting crouch looks like, kid?” He wanted to see what she knew, even if she hadn’t been an apprentice for long.

He figured starting off with the basics would ease them into a routine. Building her skills until they reached what he excelled in. His claws prickled, itching to sink into the dirt-ridden ground. Duskpool made a damn promise to himself to keep the kid safe. He sure as hell didn’t want Bobbie to deal with the loss of a kit, not when he knew the blistering pain all too well.

Shaking his helm, the obsidian smokey tom shifted, muscles rippling to move into a hunting crouch. “First thing first.” He stated, easing up. “Remember what your huntin’. Keep yourself on your paws and balance your weight against those back legs. They’re powerful, so use em’ to your advantage. Things will serve ya some good in climbing.”

thought speech
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