camp WAIT A MINUTE &. nest weaving


Jun 10, 2023

"okay, little one. it's actually pr-pretty easy. being one of the best n-nappers in the clan, I do make a r-really good nest so, uh, i-i'll show you how to make yours. you're gonna need one for the apprentice den someday, so..."

he sits down, ignoring the way his bones seem to ache and his stomach twists. ugh. the sunshine seems to cast down upon his fur but with how cold it is outside, it's like a false beam of warmth, its like some reflection of him. humming, his paws move slowly as he moves to weave the nest, sticks and moss and things of the sort to make it pretty sturdy. he uses his claws to keep it in place as he pushes some nest materials to fawnkit.

"go slow and be very careful, okay, honey? if you need any help, just ask. we have time to practice, and you certainly don't need to know how to do it right now."

he has very little going for him right now, in his own opinion, but at least he's got patience. no need to rush anyone, especially kittens, when they have time.

// please wait for @Fawnkit~

[ ༻ 𓆩✧𓆪 ༺ ] Fawnkit's gaze carefully watched as Drowsynose worked to weave the nest together with skill and ease, ears perked forward as he explained to the younger tom that he'll be needing these skills for when he joins the others in the apprentice den, another nervous knot twisting in his stomach, wondering if the others would think Fawnkit's nest weaving skills would not be up to the older apprentices ideals when the time came. "I hope to make a really pretty nest..." he spoke softly.

Soon enough the warrior pushed some nesting materials in the direction of the younger boy, giving encouraging words to be slow and be careful, reassuring if he needed help just ask, and that they had time...which made the boy's gaze glow with determination as he began to awkwardly and nervously weave some materials into the nest, "Like...this?" he asked softly, tail swaying behind him while he glanced over towards the warrior to see if there was a nod of approval or a quick paw to help the boy in his nest weaving.
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fawnkit 𓆩✧𓆪 He/Him, Kit of Skyclan, 5 moons.
    Fluffy Fawn with low white with bi-colored eyes (Blue and Yellow)
    NPC x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Lambkit himself is still a long way off from the apprentices den. In four full cycles of the moon Butterflytuft had told him. That was like two whole lifetimes away! It was crazy that he had to wait that long. He knew there were a couple of kits who were older than him that would be leaving the nursery soon but... "Are you leaving the nursery?" he asks, alarm filling his voice as he overhears the conversation between Drowsynose and his den-mate. He just started playing with Fawnkit! He didn't want him to leave already!

His eyes dart to the nest between the kits paws, and for a selfish moment, Lambkit thinks about shredding it so Fawnkit can't leave, but he stops himself just in time. What would Butterflytuft say if she caught him doing that and how would it make Fawnkit feel? His blue eyes fill with frustrated tears "You cant!" he blurts out without thinking "You can't be an apprentice!"

  • 4egpTNu.jpeg

  • 92609962_IJHHFYAPLztcqs9.png
    A fluffy cream coated tom with mismatched white socked toes, a white marking blazing a trail down his face, and striking blue eyes.
    easy in battle + no formal training
    difficult to befriend
    Peaceful + healing power-play allowed, anything else with permission only

Well, he certainly didn't get that skill from me. A rumbling chuckle reverbates through Doeblaze's chest as she watches the pair, a mingled sound of humor and affection. Drowsynose is still more hollow around the eyes than she'd like—stars, if she doesn't know that feeling—but it's good, good to see him moving his paws. Stagnation is deadly for the grieving, as she knows all too well.

" You're good with them, you know. The kits. " A smooth pull of sunwarmed shoulders and she's loping easily over to stand by Drowsynose, gently nudging her shoulder against his in a quiet nudge of steady affection. She's rather contented to stand and watch Fawnkit's earnest imitation. That is, until…

You can't be an apprentice! Lambkit squalls, Butterflytuft's charge bursting onto the scene with a bang. A familiar struggle around the nursery, but that doesn't do anything to ease the tears filling Lambkit's round blue eyes. Doeblaze winces and then leans down to the cream tom's level, trying to draw on a well of parenting experience gone a little dry from a couple seasons of disuse.

" You'll be an apprentice before you know it, Lambkit, " she mrrows, hoping the little tom won't erupt into a full-fledged tantrum. " And I bet by then, Fawnkit will be able to help you make the best nest in the whole apprentice's den. Won't you, Fawnkit? "


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