backwritten wait for it | backstory


the shadows can't have me
Oct 4, 2023

Twenty moons ago. On a night quite like this one. Kits were brought into the world. Not surrounded by moss or clan-mates. There wasn’t even a medicine cat in sight. Only the soft buzz of the two-leg heat-rock (heater) and gentle mummers from a newly made queen. New additions to the cozy den.

A warrior was born. They just didn’t know it at the time.

The little ball of fur that was now a warrior. She had spent so many moons with her littermates and two-legs. As a kit, she never dreamed of the wild. To be honest, she didn’t even know there was a ‘wild’ to explore. All she knew was the comfort of her kin and the treats of the two-legs.

It wasn’t till she was allowed outside for the first time that she knew. Knew that she was meant to be outside. The comfort of indoors no longer felt like comfort. She spent all her time in the wild. Dragging her littermates up and down to every den to check out. Even getting to know some of the other felines.

Kitty-pet was not a term she was familiar with till she meant a loner. Stars, she hadn’t even known what a loner was. But they were the ones to first show her the real wild. Even nicknamed her Fang after losing a tooth in a shuffle. The taste of what it truly meant to be alive. There was more to this. There were more cats deeper in the woods.

How she had journeyed so far from home but never felt it. Fang had shared her tales with her kin. Their faces twisted with concern. Urging her to stay safe. ‘Do not forget where you belong.’ That had puzzled her for many moons. Because out here, under the woods, that’s where she belonged! And if they couldn’t see it, then they were mouse-brained.

Emberstar. Fang couldn’t believe such a strong but kind cat existed. Till she joined the group. Nearly sixteen moons ago Fang joined Thunderclan. A moon had barely passed when someone questioned her loyalty. As she did often visit her kin. She had never felt rage like that before. To have her heart questioned, her loyalty! Fang said goodbye to her kin and planted her paws firmly into Thunderclan.

Day and night. Putting everything she has into everything she does. Hunt, watch, eat, sleep. Thank the stars for another day. Keep her newly found kin safe. The she-cat truly tried to embody Thunderclan. She was no longer the kitty-pet known as Fang. The warrior was Wildflower. No one should dare to question it.

But they did and they still do. She has seen the looks. Knows the catch. Behind every compliment is a look of ‘you did well… for a kitty-pet.’ Some were more up front than others. It didn’t matter how good she was because at the end of the day, she was born in a cozy two-leg den.

Twenty moons ago. A warrior was born. They still don’t know it yet.

But, she’ll show them.