border WAIT FOR IT &. waiting for gentlestorm


Jun 7, 2023

"stay right here, sweetheart. mama will be right back, okay? don't go anywhere. i will come back for you. it's safe here."

he remembers her words so clearly. she was adamant that she was going to come back. he's got a good enough memory to remember exactly what she smelled like but he doesn't know what that scent it. he's never smelt it before that moment but he knows what it was. mixed with copper of her own. she was walking funny as she did her best to carry him. he was large but she was bigger. the collar around her neck jingled, former housecat thing that she never took off he remembers her saying. and he nodded, insisting he would stay where he was. he got so tired, and hungry, but still he stayed... until he had no choice. he was taken for his own good, and now was a clan cat. still, he goes back to that spot. he would until his mama came back. it was just that simple. she would be back. she had to be.

and like her, gentlestorm would be back too. he had to be. again, his stomach twists in something unfamiliar as he lays down right at the border, watching the blades of grass near him before fixing his round eyed gaze to the riverclan territory. he's coming back. he's just helping. that's nice. he's a nice cat. orangepaw wonders if that's what he will be doing when he's hold. he still knows not his purpose but everyone has one, right? maybe he will be a big strong warrior and help everyone he can. he hopes so. his ears twitch back and forth as he waits. he's getting tired, but it hasn't been more than half an hour. still, he waits. and he would keep waiting until he saw gentlestorm cross back over.


When she had departed from Father, Thundergleam had done so willingly, joyfully even. Leaving for Thunderclan had meant her life could finally begin- and Howlingstar falling to the earth before her had proven it. There had been tearfulness when she had left Father, but it had not been abandonment on either end. She was special- destined to come here, and Father knew it, had told her and prepared her every moment of her life. Though she sometimes wished he was still around- there were many things about her mission she still did not know, and was waiting for StarClan to reveal- their separation was not one she dwelled on with sadness. Only whole appreciation.

Still, she was not ignorant enough to think everyone shared that sentiment. Often, the parting of parent and child was heartbreaking, one way or another. More often, it was friends who parted... and in Gentlestorm's case, without saying goodbye.

"Dear one, he will be home..." Thundergleam blinked down at the apprentice from the shade in which she stood, watery eyes of pink soft with sympathy. "But any good medicine cat, and friend, would not want you to squander your day waiting. You must eat, at least..."
penned by pin ☾

The pride he felt at listening to Gentlestorm's orders turned sour with regret when his clanmates grew worried and disagreed with their medicine cat for leaving in such a haste. He should've stopped him, told him to tell them himself but he was moving with such urgency whatever happened in Riverclan must've been bad and he trusted him and wouldn't ever think of going against his orders so he wouldn't have even tried even if he'd known his clanmates wouldn't be happy. He was always taught to listen to his elders... He just hopes he gets home soon, he's not the only one who feels that way many of his clanmates did but it seemed Orangepaw felt more strongly then most. He's surprised to see him at the border, he didn't remember his mentor taking him out hunting or anyone giving him orders - but seeing the way he stared out and the way his body was held taught made him realize that he was waiting. He didn't have any duties to attend to.

Tornadopaw himself had gone out further then he was probably meant to, he liked trying to find the softest moss in the forest to take back to the elders whenever it was his turn to tend to them. He had a theory that the moss closest to the river was a little more spongy then the rest, but maybe it was just in his head. He hadn't found any that felt just right yet - but he would eventually but first he has to check on Orangepaw. Thundergleam had found him first and was kindly urging him to come back to camp, that Gentlestorm would be back soon and of course he would. "I'm sure he's okay, he knows how to take care of us so of course he can take care of himself" he tries, he comes to sit besides Orangepaw, his tail laying down behind the other back gently brushing against his fur.

"Do you want some company for a little bit?... If you're not going back to camp anyway" he didn't want to leave him, he'd cast a look over at Thundergleam hoping she'd understand if Orangepaw decided to stay then at least he wouldn't be alone.

  • text
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    Tornadopaw He/Him, Thunderclan Apprentice, 7 moons
    Brown and white masked tom with blue eyes
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​

his ears find themselves twitching back and forth, before a few blinks of his eyes makes him pull away from what he was staring at. he has a soft smile etched into his features as thundergleam speaks to him. he will be home soon, she says. he knows! he believes that. just like he believes his mom will be back, too. it was just that simple. but that didn't mean he couldn't wait. what if gentlestorm got sad that no one waited for him? that simply wouldn't do.

"i'm not hungry, thundergleam! thank you!"

he doesn't once lose that soft happiness that seems to glow around him. his brows furrow in thought when tornadopaw speaks next, appearing from seemingly no where. or maybe he just wasn't paying any attention. that seemed more likely. his attention span was not the best but when he told himself to focus, he truly could. and right now, his focus was seeing gentlestorm come back.

"not yet! I can't go back without him because what if he gets sad that no one waits for him? I would want you guys to wait for me if I had to go to riverclan... or any other clan for that matter. my mom said I needed to wait fir her, too. i promise i'm alright, I just gotta wait! just for a little while longer."

it's unfortunate he's getting tired but even if he needed to sleep here, he doesn't know if he can be convinced to go back. not yet. he waits because it's polite. he'd wait for all of them if they wanted.