camp WAIT FOR ME // gift

Apr 21, 2023
Brookstorm returns from the first patrol of her day with a frown. Although she doesn't usually depict border patrols as particularly grueling, the mere knowledge of knowing she has battle training later with Foxtail makes her muscles ache and her bones weep. Punishment, it must be, to be young and stupid. To want to be free of consequence whilst regularly beat over the head with the promise that the consequence will once live and breathe like she. Lichentail must think her the idiot - and for once, she agrees.

Though she struggles with apologies, especially after the mess she made of their lives, she figures she can start small. It was, admittedly, an idea hammered into her head by her former mentor themself. The least she can do is hunt for Robinheart in these troublesome times. A fish is held taut in her mouth, and in her mind's eye she practices what to say. Something simple, maybe - 'I thought of you,' But what if Robinheart cares not to know what she thinks of? 'If you're hungry,' as if her ex mate is so bloated she cannot walk to the fresh kill pile herself. Brookstorm struggles with her words however upon finding the nursery - she sees that Robinheart is gone.

"Where..." she murmurs around the fish in her mouth. Green eyes fit over any queens and kits present, and she frowns somehow deeper. Her ears twist backwards and she makes her visit quick, picking through the nests until she finds the one belonging to her former lover and leaving the fish there. Just as quickly as she slips in, she leaves, bidding the queens a farewell to the tune of, "Don't tell her I was here." If they listen or not matters little to her. She turns away from the nursery and towards the warriors den instead, searching for Foxtail and his parade of over excited apprentices.

[ in & out && no need to wait but @robinheart :) ]​
  • Love
Reactions: robinheart
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — Obviously, Swiftfire knew of Robinheart's move into the nursery. It would've been pretty difficult for the queen to not notice yet another body in the already packed den of willow branches, not that she was really complaining all that much. The mass of other cats around her made for near limitless warmth that made sleeping a breeze, even if she knew she likely wouldn't be so enthusiastic once the seasons changed. Greenleaf would likely be grueling as she waited for her litter to grow into apprentices, but at least the other litters and queens that had come sooner would move out before long. They could all deal with Robinheart being around and support her, regardless of how cramped they all might have felt.

Though, while she knew that Robinheart had moved into the nursery, she hadn't known the cause of her new little issue - or issues, rather. The chimera hadn't seen any reason to ask, considering the last thing she needed was anyone asking about the sire of her litter, but she did have to admit she was curious. Especially considering there hadn't been anyone hovering around and pampering her, up until now. Though what Brookstorm was doing wasn't exactly pampering, it did at least demonstrate a level of care for their newest queen. Swiftfire's green gaze was eying her curiously as she navigated awkwardly about the nursery, eventually plopping the fish down at the intended destination.

She was one of the several faces addressed by Brookstorm's swift farewell, and she couldn't help the soft snort of amusement that left her as the younger warrior made herself scarce. Though it was hardly a confirmation of who had sired Robinheart's litter, it was funny either way. "I suppose all new queens need to be spoiled a little bit. And that does look to be a pretty impressive fish." Her words were casually muttered towards the other nested queens gathered around her, head tilted over to one side with a smile. Though she wasn't going to open her mouth when Robinheart returned, she was curious to see if her denmates would do the same.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    41 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; secretly mated to hush
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

As silly as it sounds, Robinheart finds herself missing going on patrols. She wishes she had gone on more before becoming camp bound… She could have gone on more had she not been drowning in her grief over Brookstorm leaving her. Even now she catches herself thinking about the stone furred molly, wondering how she is doing. Part of the tortoiseshell hopes her ex-mate is suffering just as she is, but another part of her wants Brook to be okay. Is it foolish to wish for the one who broke your heart to be doing alright? Certainly the curled eared warrior had shattered their love, but stupidly Robinheart held onto what shards she could grasp, caring not how they cut her in the end.

If she had been in the nursery when Brookstorm had dropped off the fish she would have been shocked. Maybe also hopeful. Potentially sad as well. Truly there would have been no telling how her emotions would have played out - fickle things they’ve been as of late.

The newest queen arrives minutes after Brookstorm’s departure. Like two ships passing in the night. Citrine eyes readjust to the lighting of the nursery and blink in confusion at the foreign shape in her nest. The last time something had been left in her nest it had been an awful prank - dead robins planted by the very one who had planted the kits in her belly. However as she stepped nearer she noted that the shape in her nest was that of a fish. A freshly caught fish at that. Not exactly prank material, so Robinheart assumes it to be a gift. “Who? …” she begins to ask, removing her gaze from the piece of prey to glance at the queens and kits who were currently resting in their nests. A myriad of RiverClanners come to mind, though Robinheart would have thought them to at least stay and say hello rather than leave the prey and run.
[ penned by kerms ]