WAIT FOR PAIN TO CHANGE US | return w/ injury

The throbbing of a freshly-made wound had almost hurt as much as the sting of defeat.

As the curtain of dawn slowly drew away to reveal molten light, a lone warrior limped back to his territory, with his gait like coils of yarn spooling out ungracefully to the ground he treaded. Chrysaliswing's heterochromatic eyes settled upon the quietude of the Thunderclan border, once bearing witness to caterwauls of contempt and flurries of claws. Now, the forests lie deathly still, pursing their lips and simply watching as the chimaeric feline straddled back to his home. Each step upon a darkly-lit path had been one of agony, as though his piquant wounds only invited a searing pain into his leg and his tail, as though the entire world would concentrate into his suffering now. Whiskers twitched as the stench of oak rolled along his own, though even now did it fade into the obscurity of the pines, as the needles and the foliage would soon wash him of his fight. Perhaps a smarter cat would have rolled themselves in a mud puddle to rid themselves of the scent of another clan, but the longhaired feline simply wanted to get back to his camp. It was not the worst he had endured, but even scars were once open wells of blood and gore, even as the self had survived and persevered through a lapse in judgment. It had been a mistake to wander too far from his own border, and now he paid the price. A snort escaped his maw as the scenario rewound through an addled head - at least he showed that mangy prey-stealer not to mess with the clan of the kittypets. It was a shame that he had to make up for so much of the reputation that outsiders ate away at.

"I need help from a medicine cat." Came the oddly monotone voice as Chrysaliswing arrived to the camp, as though he had sutured up his lesions with sheer willpower alone, and he did not bleed from the unfolded apertures of his flesh. Bustles of dawn patrol and restless wanderers flitted through his ear, and he counted himself lucky that there was no spectace propped up to meet him, no audience to prod the details out of him. Mismatched gaze searched around for either @DAWNGLARE or @Fireflyglow , and perhaps the twain would emerge from their den to witness him. Ducking through the thicket-laden mouth of the entrance, a visible grimace took hold of his features for a moment, as though his face would also well up with his ichor. It had been mostly shame that seared through flame-fraught face, shame that he had even allowed himself to get into this position in the first place. It's all Termitehum's fault. If they hadn't said what they said to me, then I wouldn't have run off. Upon the morning's young light, the cats of Skyclan would see the many marks upon a feathery tail and the rightmost hind leg, as if undressed by an urticating force of thorn and hollybush. They were simply more scrawled verses to add to a repertoire of a life led in war.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 27 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

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"ch-chrysaliswing? oh, dear stars are you- uhm... no no you're not. uh, i-ill... here l-let me help you first and then i-i'll go get them."

he hates the scent of blood. rarely does he hate, but he absolutely hates that scent. it never was a good one. never came with good news or news that was somewhat neutral. it was always bad. always bad. always terrible. so what happened here? something bad, of course, and now the medicine cats had to use their herbs and orangestar would have to be told about what happened. it was a lot. it was never just simple. why couldn't it be simple? if you want simple, return to your roots. you live in a clan. you will die for it too.

he knows that. he wishes his inner voice would for once say something that he didn't know already. he knows what clanlife is. it's all he knows. with a deep sigh, he moves to gently nudge chrysaliswing before running off to go get the medicine cats, and after that... orangestar.

// going to get dawnglare and fireflyglow. also grabbing @Orangestar
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-ˋˏ ༻❇༺ ˎˊ- The smell of blood was what made them lift their head at first. They blinked a few times in confusion at the scent at such an early morning time. Honeysplash looked up from where she had been laying by the nursery to enjoy the hours before her kits woke up for the day and, of course, wait for Florabreeze to arrive as well. Though when the fronds of the camps entrance swayed with movement it wasnt the arrival of the daylight warriors or the dawn patrol- no it was just Chrysaliswing.

Their ears flicked back and horror struck their chest like a claw, and they found themselves on their paws. Worry etched into a pale half-mooned face and their green gaze followed him as he announced to needing a medicine cat. Like it was the most casual thing in the world and he didnt reek of iron. The cream queen then couldnt help herself as they approached the tomcat with worry in their eyes, "What happened to you? Are you okay? Did you find more rogue?" She asked in a flurry ramble of undying concern.

Sure they havent talked for a long time and they werent on terms to be worried, but she couldnt help herself. She cared still much to the dismay of most around her and even herself sometimes, but what could she do? They had a heart willing to give the fur off her back for even those undeserving and she went to offer her shoulder as if he needed it but he managed to get to camp from some where. Though as she got closer she picked up oak and a scent that made her chest sink, "Here, let me help-"

  • Speech
  • Honeysplash she/they/it, Warrior of Skyclan, 29 moons.
    a lithe, short haired cream tabby and white patched cat with mossy green eyes
    sister to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower and Cloudberrythorn // aunt to; Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Glimmersun // crushing on; Florabreeze & Chrysaliswing // mother to; Cloverkit, Adderkit, Weaselkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by wolf@wolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Heed the scent of blood, Drowsynose tells him, but he's been accustomed to it for some time now. So too does he anticipate the worried chatter, the questions... what happened? they fawn. Such questions fuel the very reality of Clan life, fighting to live when so easily, they would not have to. Perhaps these things continue to happen because they would have no purpose if they didn't. Nothing for them, if they could find no battles to fight, no wars to win... No skin to mar. In their loneliness, all they can do is rip themselves apart and pretend the scars are honorable. Dawnglare would much sooner respect a pelt unblemished. One that finds blood only by their own will...

" You look dreadful, " rather unhelpfully, he says. If all he could ever do with his paws and be honored for are his actions, why must his words be equally useful, all of the time? He's no more frivolous than the rest of them were. A scowl, aimed at someone unseable, paints his face. " I'll... ah, spare a miracle for you... " A languid invitation to his den, surely shuddering with oversized company...

He winds his way around Chrysaliswing on heavy steps, sniffing for what blood is his, and what was purloined from another. The use of ones legs was not one often afforded to SkyClanners post - war, and so, he does not fret over him too much... A fleeting radius is maintained around the warrior, as if a graze of his wing would have him bedridden; and then he is flitting back to his den, beginning his rustling for herbs.
The sun was yet to rise to it's peak, the metallic tang of blood hung thick in the air. Drowsynose's call to attention perked her head up from the warriors den, she wandered out only to frown at the sight that greets her. What should have been a day marked with the return of a dawn patrol full of bountiful prey. That's what the blood should belong to, instead it clings to a clanmate but when doesn't it these days? The sight of it being attached to her friend on top that just really compounded the issue. She didn't move to approach, would much rather sit by the sidelines and gasp in shock. What good could she do right now? All she'd do is fret over her friend and she figured that Chrysaliswing wouldn't appreciate that at all. "Are you okay?" She asks, echoing the queens sentiments with her own concerns. He seemed okay enough though to be able to walk. How could someone be so calm while reeking of blood like that? Hearing the approach of Dawnglare brought a sense of relief, she shuffles on impatient paws hoping to hear some kind of confirmation that things would be fine.

Instead he offers some rather unhelpful words, the tabby tries her best to cool a flare of irritation at his words, tail flicking sharply instead of frowning. As he guides the chimera tom back to his den she decides to push forward. Walking around the two of them to approach Honeysplash who seemed ready to dig a hole in the ground with the nerves she bundled. She smiles, half heartedly and nervous but a smile all the same. "Dawnglare and Fireflyglow will know how to help him, do you want to go for a walk around camp?" Maybe it would give her aunt some outlet for her nerves while giving the medicine cats space to work. Besides, things were weird with them right? She didn't want to get involved in any of this but she didn't want tensions to rise all the same. "We could stop by the medicine cat den on the way?" The suggestion is soft, leaving an opening for Honeysplash to check on him later, if she couldn't help in this situation she thought she may as well try and provide a distraction from the worries.
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