WAIT JUST A LITTLE WHILE — throwing pebbles

Sorrelpaw !

I love you so.
Apr 8, 2023

SORREL — she’s been living on the highest shelf.
Her day had been perfect! The sun was hot on her back, the birds chirped, and she had spent the whole morning with Orangeblossom, who she had quite publicly announced as her favorite-ist cat in the world.
Eventually, however, Sorrel wanted to play with someone that was just a little closer to her age. Obviously, she had set out towards the apprentices den, confidently proposing an enticing game of hide-and-seek towards a couple of the younger apprentices.
High and mighty they were, a fact Sorrel quickly discovered when she was cast off with the title “pipsqueak” and told to come back and speak to them when she was an apprentice herself.
Off in a hurry with tears in her eyes, Sorrel had quickly sought out Orangeblossom once more for comfort, though refusing to explain what exactly had happened, the embarrassment too great.
Now, however, she was feeling much better, so much better in fact that she had created a whole new game for her to play- the best part of hit-a-slugface?
You only needed one player.
Tucked amongst low-hanging shrubbery on the very edge of camp with a small pile of pebbles tucked at her flank she watched with a sharp eye as the three apprentices who had shunned her earlier share tongues.
She blends in perfectly with her auburn and chocolate coat, and she as a slight advantage of having just a teeny bit of higher ground, blessed with a natural slope in the ground.
Once her first target is steady, she’d take her first piece of ammunition and roll it in her paw. Curled claws keep the small piece of rock clutched to her as she raised her forepaw, counting to three.
The pebble goes flying for only a heartbeat before smacking the first apprentice right between the ears.
They gasp in surprise, rushing a forepaw to their head as they look around in confusion.
"Heheheh.. bullseye!" Sorrel proudly whispers to herself.
Something rustles behind her just as she takes her second pebble, getting ready to aim for the second apprentice.



Sparrowpaw’s day so far had been… average. They were busy, but that wasn’t unusual. Not that they minded it. Back and forth, running errands, stopping only to start their next task. Flighty, and light on their toes like their namesake.

It wasn’t Sorrel’s fault that they just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The brown tabby was in the process of cleaning their nest, having brought back fresh moss a little while earlier.

Some apprentices were chattering outside the den, and they weaved past easily on their way in and out, unbothered by the space they occupied. After carefully separating their soft lining from the dried moss, they worked at setting it outside to gather it up and dispose of it.

With poor timing, Sparrowpaw scooped up the old moss and strode by just as a pebble was lobbed their way, striking home right upon the bridge of their nose. They dropped their moss with a yelp, flinching back and shaking their head.

What happened? Their nose smarted, and a creamy paw lifted to rub at it. ”Ow…” they mumbled, peering around to no avail.


Blueberrybounce was just talking with Cloudberry ... they had a great conversation! He doesn't quite remember what they must've talked about, but he does know that they did. They just did. He just saw Cloudberry and he just saw Banana, he only just saw them, just earlier. He just saw them, he could swear they were just here. And he's glad they're doing alright, because they must be, because ... he just saw them, he could swear. Just the other minute, or maybe it was the other day. So he's in a good mood... he's in a good mood. Not a bad one, or a sad one, or...

Oh! There. Something's going on that might need his attention thank StarClan because his attention was about to go nowhere good. Blueberrybounce redirects himself.

From where he'd been sitting he could see the tiny little perpetrator. Sorrel, little mischief-maker. So he makes his way over ... he is the rustle in the bushes that she hears, and — "Boo!" he'll aim to startle her.

What is she doing? It isn't a very nice thing, that's for sure.

"Now what did Sparrowpaw do to earn that whacking with that rock?" he asks, grinning. "I saw that, little miss."

Ha. Look at him, scolding a kid like he wasn't just a kid himself a few days ago. Blueberrybounce. He's still getting used to the name. He should really tell his littermates about this... he's sure he'll get the chance to soon. Really, he just saw them — they must be around here somewhere. Maybe he'll check the warriors' den again, after this. ​

Prowling the camp had become much safer than prowling the territory, Silversmoke couldn't help but feel like a caged animal with his movements restricted (not by Blazestar, but by fear of being caught by bare paws). It was an imprisonment only softened by the scarcity of the dens, even that felt bitter knowing that they weren't deserted by choice. Silently prowling towards the Warrior's den, the silver fur across the male's body suddenly bristled as an amorphous blob appeared in the corner of his eye. He thought it to be a floater at first, his blue eye not unused to seeing such things - a quick, pained noise from Sparrowpaw put an end to that theory as soon as it began. He peaked his head forwards in suspicion, then, Blueberrybounce pounced. He bared his teeth at first, convinced the other had something to do with it. Then, a little orange shape appeared and his misunderstanding was rectified before it ever became a problem.

The Maine Coon moved closer, his presence like salt in the soil as he promised to bring about an end to the game. "Kindly cease attacking our apprentices." His tone conveyed irritation rather than serious discipline, a single twitch of a tufted ear offered as he stared down the young kitten. Rock throwing was hardly a concern compared to the stealing of clanmates and land, but he knew it would set a bad precedent to let it slide - catastrophe was hardly an excuse to begin behaving like rogues. The Lead Warrior reclined on his haunches, his tail twitching behind him. It was difficult to keep his eyes narrowed, as impudent as it was, there was an innocence to the act that caused his gaze to soften the longer he thought about it. He looked between Sparrowpaw and Sorrel and exhaled sharply through his pastel pink nose. "Apologise to Sparrowpaw." It wasn't a demand, but it wasn't exactly a request either.
Talon was prowling around the place as he tried to build a familiarity with his new home. The scents were very different from that of twolegplace, and he was finding the idea of passing by other cats on the near-constant very unappealing. So many cats... how were they avoiding fights and arguments? It was strange and a lot to absorb. Then again the picturesque appearance was perhaps entirely untrue in terms of peace. It was hard to avoid noticing how a youth was rejected by some apprentices. He might have been tempted to share some choice words but ultimately he decided to keep his nose clear of it lest he risk incurring Jinn's wrath.

It was some time later that the familiar sight of the youth greeted him, along with the presence of a few of the other SkyClanners. Oh dear, clearly things had escalated and come to a boil. Now the original victim was the bully. Talon let slip a low sigh as he decided to approach the scene before pausing near Silversmoke. "Taking revenge has a habit of biting ya in the ass, ya know."
Rosepaw was one of those apprentices that didn't care much for kits. In this precarious stage of life, he is neither adult nor kitten– and as such, he must vehemently reject both. Though he follows the rules, listens to whatever the warriors said, that didn't mean he liked all of them. Especially the ones who just got promoted and were so– so– mean! Like suddenly they got a new name and they were better than the rest now. Even if they'd just shared a den with them a few short moons ago. Even ifi they were supposed to be so cool and honorable, and even if one day they would turn into the amazing warriors that Rosepaw did look up to with starry eyes. Most of them had to go through a phase of being just plain inconsiderate first. Horrible, right? Of course apprentices are going to be annoyed with warriors! But apprentices have surely never done something to deserve a kitten's ire. Definitely not.

"If we did something like that, we'd get extra chores for a whole day!" It's not really a protest (he certainly isn't dumb enough to go against what a lead warrior says, especially when Silversmoke is actually someone that Rosepaw admires), but the apprentice definitely does not sound all too pleased. "All she has to do is say sorry?"

  • ooc:
  • ──── rosepaw, named for his pelt color + in memory of his father's friend.
    ──── cis male. uses he - him only. unknown sexuality, but decidedly single.
    ──── apprentice of skyclan. mentor undecided/tba. deersong x thistleback.
    ──── five moons old. brother to eveningpaw, sunflowerpaw, and briarpaw.

    a spiky-furred tortoiseshell with blue eyes, slightly protruding fangs, and very tall ears. though still gangly with youth, he is growing to a solid, sturdy build that mimics his father's.
  • "speech"

SORREL — she’s been living on the highest shelf.
Just as her second pebble was tossed into the air, Sparrowpaw intercepted the invisible path Sorrel had set it to- and she watched with a wince as it promptly bounced against their skull.
Both regret and anxiety thud against her chest as forepaws urgently scramble to scatter her remaining pebbles.
She jumps with a short-lived shriek, only managing to cut her pile down by half before Blueberrybounce.
Her eyes are as wide as honeycombs as she looks upon the amused warrior.
"N-nothing! I..I-" She cannot stutter out an explanation before Silversmoke was looming over her- well not really in an intimidating way, more in the way that Sorrel had to crane her head to look up at him.
Apologize to Sparrowpaw.
She nods, her regret genuine as she looks for the apprentice she had accidentally hit in her attempt at revenge.
As she shuffles to the side, she catches the group of her original targets snickering at her. Her face scrunches up as she tries to suppress her juvenile tears. "I’m sorry Sparrowpaw! I didn’t mean it! I really didn’t!" She earnestly apologizes, cream paws making tracks in the ground with their shuffling.
Talons words bring no solace or comfort- or even a lesson learned as her gaze finally drops to the ground with a miserable sniffle. "Okay…" She mumbles in response, not necessarily in a place to defend her actions- if there was anything to defend.
But they were mean.
She shoves the thought away as Rosepaw speaks up. The frown on her maw deepens, "I didn’t mean to hit Sparrowpaw." She murmurs, quickly breaking her eye contact. "I won’t do it again, I- I promise."



Around them, the lingering apprentices began to snicker, and with another rub to their nose, they frowned. Did they... do something? Was it a prank of sorts? They didn't like it very much.

A small voice blurts out that has their head and ears swiveling, eyes falling upon the bright-pelted kit and the crowd that had gathered over the spectacle. She was apologizing profusely, insisting that it was an accident. It seemed they were all scolding her, and Sorrelkit looked to be on the verge of tears.

Despite the sting upon their snout, Sparrowpaw couldn't help the way their heart twisted at the sight, lightly shaking their head and lowering into a crouch so that they were eye level with the kit. The apprentice offered a small but reassuring smile. "No, don't cry," they urged gently. "It's- it's okay. Accidents happen." Although, they couldn't help but wonder who the intended target was, based on the scattered pebbles. They glanced back at the other apprentices, who looked more than smug.

Faded eyes flicked back to Sorrelkit. "I think- I think everyone said it already, but it's not very nice to try and hurt others. I'm not mad at you, and I accept your apology. Just stick to your promise, 'kay?" They swiped their tongue over the top of her head and sat up.

"I'm okay, really," they said as they glanced up to the others. "Don't be mean to her about it, she's learned her lesson."


"Ya know, it takes a big cat to apologise for one's own actions. So whilst we're on the matter why don't we wring an apology outta the ones who were less than polite towards Sorrel earlier?" Bad behaviour often had a root cause, and sometimes one needed to trace it back a few times in order to find the source. Some apprentices had been mean with their rejection towards a game, right? That had in turn caused Sorrel to throw pebbles, and from there poor Sparrowpaw had been hit despite being innocent in the whole affair. "Whadda say?" Talon lifted his head a little more in order to train his sights on the other warriors as he sought their opinion on the matter. Even if they disagreed he would probably do the deed himself. It wasn't like Jinn was around to keep him in check at that moment.