sensitive topics Waiting For A Pulse [Lone Kitten]

He remembers the chilling bite of the wind as they fled, the sound of the dog that howled and barked close behind them. He remembered the overwhelming smell of something he did not recognize before, as they passed some invisible border into the dark forest beyond. Most of all, he remembered the darkness, as the night swallowed both mother and son. There's a prickle of grass as the she-cat nestles her young within the tangled safety of woven bracken, before she flees farther into the shadow to leave the cowering two month old alone. She had whispered to him to stay in silence, and so he had with nary a whimper. A part of the child understood that his mother was merely leading the dog away, that she would come back for him when it was safe. The other part failed to understand that, after the hours ticked by, she probably wouldn't be coming back at all.

So, he had waited. He had waited until the sounds of the dog were long gone. He had waited until the noise of crows began to gather in mass nearby, as if descending upon a newly found food source. He had waited until the light of dawn cracked the horizon, and a light snow began to brush trembling black and white fur. Other than the wind, and the sound of the crows over their unknown meal, the child heard nothing. He was alone. But still, he waited.

( @~Deersong~ the dead mother is fairly close but not within view. she tried to fight off the doggo rip )
( ) The sound of a barking dog is what would set the deputys' paws thundering deeper into the territory, her tail having signaled silently for the patrol she was with to follow her. Her heart thundered in her chest in worry, trying to remember if there were supposed to be any other patrols nearby that could have reached the canine before them.

Her paws would skid to a stop as the scent of the dog was the strongest, and her tail would lash to the warriors with her to start scouting the area from the trees' in case the dog was still close by. She would scent the air, trying to gauge for herself where the dog might be but the different scent would cause her to freeze. No...oh no...

She would look around quickly, honing in on the scent before following it to a bramble bush and carefully crouching down to peer inside. Her heart would break for what she saw, a kit, barely two moons shivering in the snow and cold, wide-eyed and clearly waiting for a mother who had not returned yet.

"Hey, there star child..." Deersong would meow in her usual gentle coo, resting her head on her maws in a body language that ensured that she was a friend, "Where's your mama? Do you have a name?"


once the sprain in his paw had healed, Soil had begged like a newly-christened apprentice to be let out on patrol. The aging tomcat wanted nothing more than to prove his worth and show that he wouldn’t be just another mouth to feed, and after enough badgering his request had been answered. The elder marched out of camp with Deersong and the others in high spirits.

It wasn’t long before that cheery disposition was replaced with dead seriousness, however. Experienced emerald eyes sharpened as oak-hued paws pounded their way across the forest floor. Soil was old enough to know that a dog was serious threat, but he also knew that the cats who drove it off would be given a serious amount of credit. This was a chance to prove to everyone that he wasn’t a doddering old fool, everyone including himself.

It was only when Soil skidded to a halt beside Deersong that the cat realized there would be no battle. Or at least, that one had already taken place. The tang of copper was thick in the air and the old man veered towards the source, peeling away from Skyclan’s deputy. Emerald eyes darkened as the corpse came into view; tossed unceremoniously into a nearby gully. After sitting in silence for a few moments, Soil solemnly padded back to report the news, thankfully holding his tongue as the deputy came into earshot and the true weight of the situation dawned on him.

Soil would poke his head in briefly, using every ounce of effort not to scream and curse at the world as he laid eyes on the newly-orphaned child. Instead, a wide smile would appear on his graying features. “Don’t worry, friend” he started, voice strained. “You’re safe now.”

The facade dropped as the elder turned away, claws unsheathing and tearing at the earth. Soil would stay silent, Instead walking circles around the bramble sanctuary, guarding the recipient of a cruel miracle sheltered inside.
skyclan ~~ scent ~~ visual ~~ by mothmeat

Songbird could rarely be described as 'serious'. Usually the opposite, even. When he followed along a patrol, it was more to enjoy the company than to actually look for threats. The cat chattered pleasantly the whole time, even after the clan's deputy charged off, trotting behind on long legs. He just had trouble taking threats seriously.
The gory sight of a mother was enough to make his grin fall. Fall far. Bird slowed behind Soil, unable to pull his eyes from the corpse. Bile threatened the tom's throat, and he fought not to retch. The world was a dangerous place, but that never stopped the sting of each life lost.

Stars, he could still smell the milk in the air.
The cat forced his eyes to the ground -- away from the dark patches -- and heaved a sigh. The scent of young was for more than the obvious. One he could help. One he wasn't too late for. Far, far too late. Far, far, far, far, far too late.

It took a long moment to steel himself. Eventually, he turned and followed after the others, grin plastered back onto his face. Despite half-flat ears and a twitchy tail, Bird's song was smooth, the natural, reassuring chirrups usually reserved for a mother's own kits rising from his throat before he'd even seen the thing.
Another part of his heart shattered when he did, wide eyes staring into wide eyes. But the smile never faltered.​

♫ got my two step ~~ winning grin ~~ my finger guns are ready to shoot ♫​
Thistleback as it would seem on the outside had not a single bone in his body that responded to the heartbreaking display of the shuddering bundle. His frown stays, ice grey eyes settling with his silence but inside he fumed and bled faint sympathy from thick thorn lined walls.

It was only as he padded forth, neck tipped over his mate’s shoulder and he was greeted by a closer look did it hit him way too close to home. He’s reminded of his life as a stray kit, he was born into an icy world just like this. alone. Nothing but the bitter grip of solitude and ice, when you cry- noone hears it.

With this, his maw briefly draws blank with the horror of his past's ghostly vision, and he shifts away- white tipped tail grazing Deersong’s side with silent approval. He spots Soil as he rips into the earth subtly, despite his sweet words to the lost child- his demeanor has shifted and Thistleback approaches him with slow prowl. " what did you find, Soil. " he whispers it more as a statement than a question because- it wasn’t hard to presume, he aims to guide the brown and white elder away a few steps. Eyeing Songbird and Deersong as they coax the kitten with gentle words and smiles.

  • — Thistleback | thirty-two moons | cis-male
    — warrior of Skyclan | leaves rarely
    — bisexual | fallen for Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring Coyotepaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. Wears a purple collar with brass clasp.
  • bVBPWus.png


Paws in the brush meant he wasn't alone. For a moment, the chill in the air was forgotten, a thrill surging like heat in his veins, a hope that his mother had returned. But then upon brittle, crisp and wintry winds, a scent that was not that of the she-cat whom had nursed him. Next came the shadow, the figure of something unfamiliar, and the youth sunk deeper into the bush with wide eyes that glowed with fear.

It was a she-cat that peered into his hiding place, eyes soft and glistening with vocals akin to sweet honey. The child stares up at her in shocked silence, sides heaving with quickened breath. This was not his mother, and she had not come alone.

Next was an older tom, and he was friendly too, cooing and somewhat strained, as if to break through that distrust within the kitten's brain. The third doesn't speak, but the sounds he makes are those of reassurance. Finally, there's the last, a prickle furred feline with a frightening gaze. The kitten holds his breath as the white and black tom guides the older male away, leaving only the eyes of the two that remained.

The child is frozen in place, silent and shocked and freezing. Mother had told him to wait and so he was waiting, but she had never said anything about what to do if other cats showed up. Had mother gotten this group together to help with the dog? And if so, where was she?

Perhaps he was lucky to be so young. In time, this event would be little more than a clouded dream. For now, though, the youth felt paralyzed.