Waiting for Superman ♥ hooked


Petalnose had been quite happy to be discharged from the medic den. She spent most of her day fishing, working up a good pile. The wind had made her catch less, the fish hid deeper to not get caught in the waves the winds brought. The warrior was more comforted by the ability to enjoy outside. Normally she would become frustrated at the lack of prey but it was just nice to be out by the river. She breathed in long and heavily, blinking slowly from enjoyment as the sun rays hit her, peaking through the dark clouds. She held her attention on the river, deciding against catching the minnows that rested below her.

A dark shadow floating quickly made her bend more down, then she struck quickly with a kill bite. She slipped into the water in surprise as she suddenly felt it pierce her lip. She jumped back out, sneezing and coughing out water. Petalnose expected the so called fish to let go, assuming it had just bit her. Although, she felt something hanging from her. She looked down and saw the still fish holding onto her. This isn't a real fish. "Get this stupid thing off of me!" She hissed, throwing her head around and backing up. "Argh! I can't deal with this again!" Her eyes burned with rage, digging her claws into the sand below her. The water on her pelt washed away most of the blood, however it slowly gushed more blood each time the wind blew. She lifted her leg to remove it, the fake fish falling to the ground with ease. More blood dripped from her lip and down her chest, staining her white fur. “Oh great stars- Nevermind I guess!” She spat, flicking the odd fish away from her with her paw. She wiped the blood away, examining it on her paw.

// minor injury, kind like getting a piercing without numbing. She can barely feel it and continue warrior duties. Another L for my idiot.


Hissing, spitting- for a moment Fernpaw thought ThunderClan or WindClan might be back, which would have been... highly unlikely. But it was usually around them, those blackened and rotting and evil Clans, that such a tone of voice was taken- therefore, there was a small, verdant flicker of surprise in the handsome tom's eyes as he looked to see Petalnose seemingly warring with and swearing at something invisible. It was only when a ribbon of blood arced from her lip did he realise that something had hurt her.

His memory hearkened back to when he had seen Darterwing wrestle what he now knew was a crayfish from her whisker, and he wasted not a moment in hurrying over, abandoning whatever failed endeavour of fishing he had been toiling at. "Did it bite you?" he said hurriedly, voice steeped in worry. Where- where was the blood even coming from? He could se no open wound, no tooth-marks from here... and that abandoned fish on the ground looked... remarkably still. And remarkably bright. Remarkably fake, even...
penned by pin
From their place slightly downriver, Crappiepatch’s muzzle shifts into a pleased grin when they hear Petalnose fall into the water. That serves her right, they think, but then her shouts reach their ears, and—oh, something is wrong. They abandon their fishing spot with a sigh, hoping that they will not have to witness another clanmate fallen dead on their land.

Thankfully there is no corpse, merely a bloodstained she-cat and a… very dead, very wrong-looking fish. They trot over to join Fernpaw, a frown twisting across their face as they take in the sight of Petalnose. They reach forth with an alabaster paw, aiming to roll the strange fish over on the ground. "What is that?" They ask about the odd catch, their gaze skating right past the obvious injury that Petalnose sports. There is a lot of blood, but the older warrior is still well enough to complain, so they are not particularly concerned for her health.
[ my my, cold hearted child ]

Two forms made it to the scene, her stomach twisting in cringe at her embarrassing mishap. In other terms she knew it was a mistake anyone would make. The form mimicked a fish and looked well like one, the winds that pushed the river in waves had made it move like the specimens. She listened to Fernpaw's question, sniffing the fake fish and backing up in disgust. "Kind of, I think those sharp things at the bottom got me," she explained, drawing her tongue over the minor wound to clean up the blood. "It felt like a claw going through my lip instead of a bite. It doesn't really hurt." The wound had ceased its bleeding, a small scratch placed near her clenching teeth of confusion and disgust.

Her attention turned to Crappiepatch, watching him tap the odd creature. "A cause of concern." she simply stated, watching the thing wobble by the force of its paw. It was light, hollow almost. "Probably another piece of those dirty two legs," she concluded, moving to search the waters for any more of the fake fish. Hopefully, none of her clanmates would fall victim and actually get it stuck on their paws or faces.
