waiting for the call — dawnglare

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan. mentoring springpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
Too much had happened, one tumbling after the other like leaves whisked along a territory hunting-trail. Even though the rogues had been scattered from their borders, a rogue WindClanner had slipped past them and murdered Blazestar. Orangeblossom swears she can still feel the soil between her claws from his burial, finds herself faintly nauseous over the scent of lavender as if it clings to her nose. Despite this, she hasn't been sleeping poorly; the exhaustion of it all must outweigh her racing mind just enough.

She crosses the camp as the sun rises, feeling as if a trail of stones are pulling at her wake, to the medicine den once more. Pink nose enters first, sparing the multitude of patients within his den a glance. There's no immediate things that require the attention of him and Fireflypaw, she hopes; Blazestar's kit, though grief-stricken, is a competent medicine cat in his own right by now.

"Dawnglare. A word, if you've a moment?" She queries, catching sight of crimson-and-white coat. She considers, briefly, leading him to Blazestar's den. It's gone untouched since his demise; the moss inside would no doubt be stale, scraps taken for bedding to be used by Bobbie, leader's scent fading but still lingering in the air like a spectre. Is he there now, watching over them? Peering from his den like a shy kitten, casting kind blue eyes over SkyClan's dishevelled camp?

Instead, Orangeblossom pauses just outside the entrance to Dawnglare's den. It's far from secluded, but just out of the way of paw-traffic. Close enough that he would be able to return to his patients should they call, but far enough away that they wouldn't be able to overhear what she's about to say.

When she speaks, there's a note to her meow that marks her demeanour as unready as she feels: "Will you come with me to the Moonstone?"

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Blazestar is dead and buried. He had cleaned him. He had shut his eyes. He had draped him in lavender, and watched as the warriors took him to his hole in the earth.

...And yet it's hardly real, because the second it had all been over, Dawnglare was left to delve into den, to mend those should've— could['ve died in Blazestar's stead. With dull eyes, he makes his poultices. With jittering paws, he winds web around limbs and clots blood with his tongue. Another day, perhaps he would wake up and realize that he would never see him again. Orangeblossom, it seems, intends to make that day today.

Dawnglare is doing little more than staring at the hazel branches that were his roof, when Orangeblossom approaches. He thinks... an injury that he's missed. Or, ah, that pesky leg, again. He does not expect the presence of a leader; and when she finds him, emerging fox - like from his burrow, he would not feel it, still.

He thinks, perhaps, this was the least irritating he had seen her. Quiet. Asking questions, rather than making demands.

And then bitterness comes flooding swiftly back. The moonstone. Not for her like, but their leader was dead, and so... that meant it now was.

But it wasn't fair. Wasn't right. Orangeblossom could dream of being him, but she never would be. Blazestar had held this clan together with thin scraps of web as it were. What hope did she have? None, was the answer. Mother's voice is a dull drone beneath the earth, and Dawnglare can see this wretched place crumbling to dust beneath Orangeblossom's gaze. Would he remain long enough to see it happen?

Her destiny is a cursed one, regardless of who saw her to it. " Do you think yourself worthy? " His voice does not waver as hers did. Instead... it would come hollow. Worthy of what, but sitting atop a throne of rubble? he looks away, as if having suddenly lost interest in his own question. In the end, her answer did not matter. He knew it well enough for the both of them. " ...Either way, I will. " If this burden was not hers, then it would become his own, after all.

  • geLHt4I.png

  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 61 moons old as of 2.1.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest. Delusional and very much stuck in his ways. The death of his closest friend has helped him none, in this
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
  • Sad
Reactions: tasmagoric
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan. mentoring springpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
"I want to be." She responds, reflexive. The speed of her decision startles her. She'd said something similar to Blazestar before, hadn't she? It was a long time ago, borrowed from the nursery for a few short moments, a vow once again undertaken that she would succeed him when he was laid to rest. Orangeblossom's tail flicks, brushing the snow beneath her, and she squares her shoulders. "StarClan will judge it."

She's reminded, not for the first time, that Dawnglare is older than her. He doesn't often act it, she thinks, whimsical in the most irritating way and just as snobbish as he had been some eighteen moons ago (had it really been that long?) when StarClan had picked him as their intermediary, but yet Orangeblossom relaxes as Dawnglare voices his agreement. He knew StarClan better than any other living Clanmate. He had an odd streak of being dependable when needed; one she'd never expected to find herself at the mercy of, but it's a weight off her shoulders nonetheless.

"Thank you." For the second time in her life, she means it. This debt can't go entirely unpaid, however, and with some hesitation she continues, "Will you need anything before we leave? An escort? Particular herbs you need a patrol to find?"
It is not an answer he had expected— nor had he anticipated the speed at which it comes. He expected hubris, left unchecked. unfettered confidence left to swell to a front with no shining sun to mellow her beyond its rays. He had expected annoyance, but he does not feel such. Irritable as he was, miraculous, Orangeblossom finds a way to claw past his need to be furious. Instead, he tilts his head just so; sharpened gaze softening. Though not by much, perhaps it would be enough to give her whatever it was she needed.

It was a good answer, is what it was. His shoulders loosen, and in unexpected, but not unwelcome approval, he murmurs, " ...Indeed, " nodding his head once.

Thank you, and the medicine cat watches her carefully, now, replying only with a noncommittal hum ( which means: of course ). Will you need anything before we leave? At this, he shakes his head. " When Blaise... Blazestar and I had gone, it had just been him and I. " Some kind of sacrilege, he thinks, to compare the likes of him to the likes of her... But tradition is something he sees importance in. And besides, no tirp to holy grounds need be sullied by less - than - holy paws. Where Orangeblossom stood on that front remained to be seen. " I believe that things should remain that way."

Particular herbs... Unfortunately, he knew of no such thing that could stave the effects of hunger. " The journey will be a less than pleasant one. Long, " he breathes, recalling the hunger he's felt gnawing at his stomach beneath the half - moon . Clans and their borders... At least Leaf - Bare would leave them with plenty experience in going hungry. " Prepare yourself mentally. That is all. "

  • geLHt4I.png

  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 61 moons old as of 2.1.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest. Delusional and very much stuck in his ways. The death of his closest friend has helped him none, in this
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
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