WAITING FOR THE SKY TO CHANGE ME [ ✦ ] nightmare, prompt

The moment is finally here. She stands before the river rock and tilts her head up at the shade furred cat who stands perched above her. Smokestar, her leader, the cat who would decide what name she would carry for the rest of her life. She has been waiting for this moment, anticipating it with every breath and every beat of her heart since she was a kit. She had made guesses at what her warrior name would be, of course. What apprentice hadn't in their lives? Dippertail perhaps, for the way her tail plumed at the end. Or maybe she would be named something in honor of her skills. Dippershade, she thinks, would be a nice name.

Finally, it is her turn to step forward. She is completely alone as she stands in front of the clan, her heart hammering in her chest. Finally, Smokestar speaks. "I, Smokestar, leader of RiverClan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn" the familiar ceremonial words ring in her ears and then that one lone eye is staring at her piercing her soul. "Dipperpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life" "I do." she breathes, anticipation making her chest feel tight. "Then by the powers of StarClan I grant you your warrior name. Dipperpaw, from this moment forward you shall be known as Dipperbounce in honor of your tireless energy and your skills in hunting" What. She feels her heart absolutely drop but who was she to argue with her leader? Surely though, there had to be some kind of a mistake. "Smokestar I...." and before she can argue the clans shouts rise around her, chanting her new name, cementing it forever.

When she wakes she is sweating, her paws scramble at the moss that she clutches with her claws and her eyes look wildly about her, relief finding its way into her gaze once she realizes that she is indeed still in the apprentices den, not the warriors. "I just had the worst dream" she breathes to the apprentice in the nest next to hers. "It was my warrior ceremony but Smokestar... he named me Dipperbounce. After my energy and hunting skills" these words come with a huff, slight amusement in her words but her eyes, the way she still clutches the moss under her claws, suggests that she would not find the situation funny at all if it were real.

// prompt : Dipperpaw has a nightmare of being given a very subpar warrior name that does not suit her not speak of her skills.

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He turns with a wide swing of kitten-fluffy ears to listen attentively to the laugh-shaken voice of his den-mate. Dipperpaw is such a serious girl... always so stoic and quiet, wrapped up in her own head. This is probably the most she's ever talked to him! He relishes it.. sits forward with a small, interested smile.

She describes a very humbling nightmare, one that seems reasonable- they weren't very well allowed to tell Smokestar they hated the name he picked out... right? He shakes his head as if laughing off the silly idea... He wasn't one for really naming cats in general but Dipperbounce definitely sounded silly! She didn't strike him as the type to hop around or have... energy as she put it.

"That's... silly," he agrees, swallowing between his words while he seriously considered how to articulate them. "You're... so quiet..."