Nov 14, 2023

Waiting. He had been waiting with half of his face bandaged up as he laid obidently in his nest. To every shadow that surface by the entrance a wide grin would appear across his maw but it was never the cat or rather cats he had been waiting for. Before knowing it a whole day had passed since he had joined the medicine den and neither of the two had showed up. Probably busy, right?. Maybe they didn't even know what had happend. It was fine though, all fine. Tomorrow for sure they would come. So he rested his head down for the night with a brightful hope that tomorrow for sure they would come for a visit. He could endure the pain another day.

And so the next day arrived, and so he would do the same like yesterday. Expectently he would wait with a yearning hope and every face that came through he would think was them. But it was always somebody else. The medics to check on him, or another clanmate for a visit either to him or somebody else. Basilpaw kept on smiling though in hope that one of them would show up at any moment but before knowing it morning had turned to noon, and noon had turned to evening and like that another day had past, and still they hadn't come. He suppose they where still busy. Leafbare was over after all. But tomorrow for sure!. Basilpaw just knew that tomorrow they would come for a visit!. Just one more day he had to endure.

So the third day would arrive and after morning had passed and noon arrived his never ending grin that he would greet to anyone who showed up at the entrance started to become more stiff. They had still not arrived. Why?. No, there was still hours left on the day. He was sure they would come soon...very very soon. Third day felt like forever but once the last beam of sunlight had vanished away from the sky Basilpaw just knew that they wouldn't come to visit him today either....Tomorrow for sure.... and the pain...

Fourth day felt like forever to arrive because Basilpaw had been unable to sleep very well. His face hurt more then usual, or rather it still hurt. Would today be the day?. He really needed them that day. His face hurting so...Just like all the other days Basilpaw smiled at anyone who entered the den although not as wide as he had done the previous days because of the pain with a slight hope that anyone of them to be them. But it was never them always somebody else.Aha, they most really be busy...Fourth day passed by just like the rest. Basilpaw slept most of that day away still with no sight of them.

Fifth day eventually arrived and...
Basilpaw was no longer looking at the entrance. He just stared into the wall barely paying attention to anyone who walked in and out. It was never them anyway. Had they forgotten about him?. Would it really hurt to pay a visit to him just once. Just once would have been enough. Basilpaw just wanted to see them.

All he wanted was to get to see his father and brother.


"Don't frown so much." He says quietly, "You're making the poultice slip." Paws raise, carefully adjusting the wrapping about Basilpaw's face with far more grace and fluidity than he is normally known for. Magpiepaw's muzzle scrunches, nose wrinkling as he inhales deeply and holds it. There is no denying that longing gaze, eyes facing outward and disappointment flashing with every shadow that fell and was not desired. He is not really intune with much of his clans family lines - he himself was an outlier in that and so keeping track of who was related to who and such was often difficult for him, but he was sure this one had kin. A father, he was aware of, sharp tongue and sharp face. Lividpaw was his brother he thought too-odd then, how neither had passed by once.
The medicine cat apprentice gives a scoff, "Are you expecting visitors? Is that why you keep fidgeting about so often and looking outside?"

It was clearly a sore spot but he continued, "I would not allow my heart to weep over such things, cats are busy. I'm busy. I may bite them if they disturb me." He joked but he didn't like too many crowding the den anyways, if Basilpaw did get a visitor he would chase them off rather quickly after a few words only. This was not a gathering place.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 75204717_KgcjQ7iJ5YDThlB.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)

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Jaggedpath was normally rather good about not needing to visit the medicine den often. Back in the formative days of ShadowClan, as Bonejaw still had a hold over their herbs he had formed the habit to keep himself out of needing poultices and cobwebs. The monochrome she-cat was rather finicky about who she wanted to treat based on the direction of the wind. Then dumped her poor niece to care for an entire Clan as though she weren't still a kit herself. And while the girl grew and grew and learned more and more, that habit never quite left Jaggedpath.

Unfortunate he went and got himself a thorn in the paw. His good paw, too, and he favored it in his mouth as he hobbled toward the shadowy entrance. "Aye, we guh-good fer'a thorn in the ol' pad?" His rickety voice shook more with a laugh as he inched closer inside to see Magpiepaw and Basilpaw talking to one another. Something about visitors, something about biting those visitors.

"Mm, somethin' both-botherin' ya, Basilp-paw? I can giv'it a-ah lash fer'yah?" Poor guy, as if being stuck in here wasn't sorry enough.
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  • // OOC
  • image here optional
  • (( jaggedpath )) fluffy white tom with black speckles on his muzzle and bright blue eyes
    ↳ shadowclan, warrior, cismale he/him
    easy to make friends with | bad at romance | good at teaching | bad with kits

[ ༻❄༺ ] What angered Snowpaw the most was, Basilpaw's own kin seem to act like he wasn't even hurt, their father too focused on making Lividpaw the best and playing favorites while Basilpaw was sitting in the nursery healing from an injury, and Snowpaw couldn't help but be angry and disappointed at their lack of care or how neglectful they were to their own kin. Magpiepaw seemed to attempt to help the boy while even Jaggedpath come in to try and support Basilpaw.

"They don't deserve you, as a brother or as a son" her words sharp and cold as they pushed their way through the medicine den, setting a lizard at the paws of their friend before a soft look danced on her face. It was true though, Lividpaw nor did his own father deserve Basilpaw, and truthfully nor did Snowpaw deserve to have a friend like him. After all, at the beginning of things she only had seen Basilpaw as a nuisance but soon enough the tom had grown on her.

Her yellow gaze then focused onto Magpiepaw "Just came in to check on Basilpaw but also wanted to get a quick check up on my ear to make sure everything is okay" she prompted calmly before looking down at Basilpaw, thinking how... happy she would have been if Basilpaw had been her own brother and not that of those undeserving fools.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 7 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

its hard to be the one waiting. they somewhat know how that feels in a sense but not to this extent. basilpaw wants nothing more than to see lividpaw, and their father. but... they don't visit. they don't come. lividpaw swears he's too busy, that he has to do extra now because basilpaw is hurt. their father? stars know what he's doing. but they don't come to visit. not once. not even a small glance. it's certainly hard to see your love one injured but it's harder to be kept waiting to be seen. and when they don't come, it's hard to forgive. they'd never forgive. they have no obligation to. they don't need to forgive or forget anything, and truthly, basilpaw didn't either. if he so chose to hold a grudge against his brother and father alike, they can't even say they'd be surprised, let alone upset about it. he reserved that right.

but in some way, some how, magpiepaw was right too. be upset, but don't let it hinder your healing. don't waste your time thinking, thinking, and over thinking about who didn't come. focus on who did. love them as they've loved you. chilledstar made it a point to visit the injured no matter what. even if they hadn't been forced to heal upon their own, they would have visiting basilpaw because they're worried. this still need to speak to starlingheart about those wounds. they just don't look like owl wounds but before they did anything, they needed proof. starlingheart has treated enough wounds to know the difference.

"here. I'll go get you some food. @STARLINGHEART , do you wish to join me"

while their face held nothing, the look in their eyes said urgency. they hoped she got what they meant.

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    44 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

The weathered medicine cat of ShadowClan has seen many wounds in her days. The bite of a rat, the claw marks of talons against skin. When Basilpaw had come in for treatment she had frowned at the explanation. The apprentices wounds had not come from an owl, of that, Starlingheart is certain. She had kept her mouth shut but when she glances over at Chilledstar, she can see the same concerned look cross their face, can read their emotions as plain as day. They are thinking similarly to her.

Magpiepaw was growing into a more than capable medicine cat, and along with his sharpening skills there came a sharpening tongue. Her whiskers twitch in amusement at his words and as Jaggedpath and Snowpaw enter the den, Starlingheart backs off, allowing them space to visit and converse. She had to admit, she wasn't the biggest fan of crowding, but she knows how lonely it can be to spend time here when one was used to the bustle of a more populated den than hers. She would not begrudge them the company, so long as they didn't linger for too long.

When Chilledstar pipes up, her lone gaze finds their monochrome features and she nods "Of course." she says, understanding the double meaning behind this request. A talk was indeed in order over what to do about the origin of this particular apprentices injuries. "Magpiepaw I-I'll be right back. You're in charge."

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  • 75214491_NhVBn1uSQsE4P99.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training