border waiting for you endlessly - thunderclan patrol

Aug 14, 2023
Cautiously, she waded through the snow and into the ghostly gloom of dawn. Their dark tail waved high above it as she signaled for her patrol mates to follow. Honeydapple wasn't accustomed to the added weight of Windclan's treachery, but she had no intention of being involved. Their misgivings were between them and Shadowclan, but she would not shy away from saying it deeply troubled her that they would attack a leader. She steered clear of any hiccups or disaster zones and the dotted molly dutifully marched along. Thankfully, all seemed rather still and peaceful, minus the occasional howl of the wind.

Her pelt did its duty in keeping her insulated, but the chill still infiltrated her pads and chest, chilling the moggy to her bones. Alas, they made it to the border, reeking of two-leg monsters, as it usually did. Curling up her nose, she turned to the patrol and nodded. Gentle tone loud and cool as she addressed them. "Alrighty, let's make it quick so we can get out of this cold. I know your whiskers must feel like ice by now." A smile played softly on her maw at the light humor. "Remember, let's keep things civil and play it safe." Casting her blue gaze over each cat, she turns and trots to the side of the thunderpath.

She kept a safe distance from its sticky black top as she rubbed her side against a few sickly saplings. Noting they were well on their way to arriving at the location of the tunnel. A place she preferred to avoid but knew was a necessary strip to mark.

patrol tag - @Sparkwing @Moonwhisper
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// just a tiny FYI no other clan knows about the kits being stolen by WindClan yet!

Along the opposite side of the thunderpath, Forestshade plods along, ears pressing forward so she’d know when a monster comes rumbling through. Border patrols aren’t her favorite; in her opinion they’re boring and pointless if they do it too often, but she does what she’s assigned nonetheless. Behind her, she drags her apprentices along, quizzing them on scents every so often. It’s important they always know when they’re approaching the thunderpath, Sweetpaw especially, so as soon as they reach the tar she says nothing, uncharacteristically. Instead, she stands silently and waits to see if her blind apprentice knows when to stop by himself.

Her nose twitches with interest when she realizes they are not alone; a ThunderClan patrol walks just along the other side, earning a half-hearted wave of her tail. She cannot see their reactions, but she keeps her ears peeled in case they offer up any greeting - or something.

// apprentice tags @orchidpaw @Sweetpaw


they didn't want to do this, but finally healed enough to take a quick patrol, they figured it would be alright to do. they're still on edge, and they hardly trust the thunderclanners, but that was no fault of their own. they'd been an alright clan, and howlingstar truly was a good cat, but could chilledstar be blamed for not feeling very... friendly? two of their cats had been traitors, even one having admitting to the murder of many, and even killing them. they did not want to risk it, because what if yet another cat was doing the same... but for the sake of thunderclan this time? they walked with their apprentices behind them, gaze dull and unmoving before they gave a nod to the other cats, yet not making much of an effort to socialize.

// apprentice tag @APPLEPAW @SCREECHPAW

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You've wasted your life, but thanks for applying

She stayed close to Scorchedmoon with a tired look in her gaze as they came close to the Thunderpath only to pause as a stranger scent mixed with the stinging scent of the path mixed which made the young apprentice wrinkle her nose before glacing at her mentor. "which clan is that?" she asked softly, her yellow gaze flickering back to the thunderclanners attempting to sift through the mixures of scents that surrounded them her stumpy talk twitching slightly before huffing a bit and goving up, the thunderpath's stentch was too overpowering for her.

Mentor tag @Scorchedmoon

Behave yourself Spiderwing word warn them through a hissed whisper as she leads them to accompany the rest by the border. Basilpaw would nod briefly nod his head before he stopt beside his mentor to stare at the strangers on the otherside of the...what even was that?. That black looking grass looked so weird. This was his first time here, first time being on a patrol border actually!. So many questions went on inside of that tiny heads of his he was dying to ask aloud all at the same time but right now his attention was swift to turn over to the strangers at the otherside of the black wide border with big round eyes. Already forgetting what Spiderwing had warned him abou the kit couldn't stop his curiosity and his million of questions. " HELLO THERE ON THE OTHERSIDE !! my name's Basilpaw and i just become an apprentice the other day!. I've never seen cats that look like you before!. Is it normal to look like you do in your clan?, what clan do you even come from? not windclan i hope they are a very very bad clan. Did you know that?. " Spiderwing multiple times tried to hiss at them to stay quiet but Basilpaw couldn't hear them over his own voice so he contunied.

" Oh yeah also what're your names? if you have any it's okay if you don't! but if you haven't got any names i don't mind giving you some i'm really good at it!. Do you also eat frog-" his mouth finally got shut up by his mentors tail who's cheeks were burning with embarrassment after her apprentices shameless behavior. Basilpaw just blinked his eyes in confusion not understanding why he wasn't allowed to speak anymore. Had he done something wrong?.

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As him and Snowpaw arrive close to the Thunderpath once more, this time they land themselves in the middle of a ThunderClan patrol. How exciting! He rarely got the chance to interact with the other clans, much less as a warrior with someone under his tutelage now. “This is ThunderClan! One of the two clans that are actually close to us. And the nicer one, too!” Scorchedmoon blurts out, not thinking too hard about what comes out of his mouth (as per usual) as he inadvertently scorns WindClan.

His claim is confirmed as another ShadowClan apprentice also comments on how WindClan is foul. (How you can be more foul than the territory his clan lays on is beyond him!) He doesn’t seem to be fazed by all of Basilpaw’s questions, either. It’s not like he does much to make his clan look less like a joke, anyways. “They’re ThunderClan, like I just said! And I’m pretty sure they don’t eat frogs. I know RiverClan eats eels and they’re slimy too, but that’s about as close as it gets…” Frogs are tasty once you get past the goop layered on their warty skin, but most other clans just didn’t get the appeal. Oh well, it just means they will have frogs all to themselves if they ever end up being the only prey available for some reason!​
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// fixed! sorry about that!

Surprise flickered across the molly's features as a Shadowclan patrol arrived, their presence catching her off guard. First the pointed moggy spotted the wave and waved in turn. She hadn't anticipated such a lively reaction, considering current tensions, but she had to remind herself said distrust was not directed to Thunderclan. Surveying the various shades of gray, white, black, and brown gathered on the opposite side of the blacktop, she strained her ears to catch their words.

A small apprentice, still adorned in downy fluff and radiating enthusiasm, called out in a jumble of words. Intrigued and warmed by the innocent introduction, she responded with genuine kindness, elevating her typically subdued tone to a livelier one. "HELLO! It's nice to meet you, Basilpaw, and congratulations!" A breathless chuckle escaped Honeydapple as her eyes softened. It was a bizarre observation but she would play nice. "My name is Honeydapple! I'm not sure why I look different!" Intentionally she avoided the latter questions hoping to steer clear of that subject altogether.

Of course she recognized the absence of ill-will in the youth's query and welcomed the friendly interaction. In the midst of challenging times and harsh temperatures, the exchange provided a momentary distraction. Glancing at her patrol mates, she awaited their responses, wondering if they, too, would contribute to the warm greeting extended to the opposite patrol.
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Applepaw's disposition is more similar to Chilledstar's than she would ever admit, with dull eyes and a face that did not invite conversation. The relative silence between ShadowClan's warriors is broken by the incessant questions of apprentices. New ones, go figure. Snowpaw at least has something productive to ask, even if the answer would've been obvious to any apprentice with even a scrap of knowledge about the territory. Between the two options that were ThunderClan and WindClan, any clan that was not currently baring their teeth at them was most likely to be ThunderClan.

Scorchedmoon does some due - diligence, answering with enthusiasm perhaps more similar to Basilpaw's. And stars, Basilpaw was grating. Stupid too, by the sound of it. " You've never seen a tortoiseshell before?" Applepaw grouses. She didn't know what Basilpaw could possibly be chattering on about, assuming he wasn't literally born yesterday. Names, Applepaw never saw the point in sharing. On a battlefield, such a thing would be irrelevant, after all.

  • ( CAUSE I FEEL LIKE I'M THE WORST, SO I ALWAYS ACT LIKE I'M THE BEST ) APPLEPAW. apprentice of shadowclan. eldest sister to swanpaw, ashenpaw, and garlicpaw. ( + birdkit, halfkit & tanglekit )
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others.
    —— currently 8 moons old as of 11.17.23. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applepaw is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. Naturally talented, and a rule - follower to a T, she thinks herself better than the majority of her peers. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and never wanting to be afraid of anything ever again.

What is usually Screechpaw's favorite part of apprenticeship brings no joy today. His energetic gait is slowed, a begrudging weight to his step as he walks beside Chilledstar — beside Applepaw.

Struggling to settle with shifted mentor pairings, the dark-furred tom finds it unfair that he has to share his mentor with another, even if he's hardly fond of the lessons he's tasked to take part in. Chilledstar is busy enough as is, aren't they? So why must he train alongside Applepaw now, when it felt like there was hardly enough time for him, some days?

Opposing his name, the tom is silent as they approach the oak-scented border, moving to stand closer to a near-mirror of himself — at least he could be happy that Forestshade and Sweetpaw were on the same patrol as him today. It feels like he sees his mother even less so nowadays, despite being an apprentice now, and his littermate's appearances have become few and far between too.

Screechpaw remains quiet, though most of his patrol does not. He and Basilpaw may as well switch names, with how loud the younger apprentice's voice is, carrying itself across to an equally loud ThunderClanner. He's never seen anyone like the warrior over the border, Basilpaw claims, and two-toned eyes blink, a sun-slashed face contorting in confusion. The warrior — Honeydapple, she shouts — looks normal to him. Nothing out of the ordinary, though he was born used to patchworked fur, to splotches ingrained in his own fur.

And, it surprises Screechpaw, as a snort erupts from his maw at Applepaw's comment. You've never seen a tortoiseshell before?

" There's like... " he pauses to count, though quickly loses track. Does he count, with orange splotches few and far between? Does Applepaw count, with fur paler than his own, drowning in colors he lacks? " Too many. And that's just on this patrol alone. " A freckled ear twitches as he looks at the new apprentice.

" Have you ever looked at your clanmates before? " he asks, a frown pulling at his face as he contemplates it, as he remembers his own family members can't do what he's just asked. But, Basilpaw does have sight, right? He doting after some ThunderClan warrior's appearance if he hadn't. ​
  • 74597074_cdZpRJwV0JQAuyC.png
    ── Apprentice of ShadowClan

    ── Forestshade x Vulturemask
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A black/red tabby chimera with mismatched green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Chilledstar
    ── "Speech"; Attack