Sometimes, despite the fact that she knows better Little Wolf finds herself wishing things could be different. It wouldn’t change a thing in the slightest but she wishes that when she had met Blaise that she had just taken him back to the marshes with her. She wishes she had found him before he could join the line group, before his loyalty could be cemented there and hers here. She loves him, she always would but he would never give up his clan for her and she would never give up her family for him, no matter how badly she wishes she could sometimes. It was an impossible battle, one that left them each on a different side. Sometimes she still finds herself wondering. What if.

Today was one of many days stuck inside the nursery. Little Wolf couldn’t go anywhere even if she wanted to. Her belly was swollen with kits, though not so many as her last litter. She can tell immediately. Her last litter had left her unable to move with how many of them wriggled around in there. It was a miracle she had been a let I make it to the SkyClan border at all. Anything to escape their murderous medicine cats back then.

Now though, she doesn’t have to worry about such a thing. Her own brother is the medicine cat now and she trusts him with her own heart, even though sometimes she can see on his face that he has doubts himself. She is confident everything would be alright.

Suddenly, as if by a strong coincidence, she feels a dull ache in her stomach and back and pressure. Stars it hurt so bad, it’s all she can do not to let out a wail, she does not want to frighten Flamewhiskers kits so she turns to whoever is closest to her and gasps out. "The kits are coming! Berryheart! I need-" a small grunt interrupts her as another wave passes over her and she holds in the urge to scream "I need my brother" she finally manages to say

// the kits are on their way!!!!! In my next post in this thread they’ll be born

Berryheart was deftly fetched- he imagined from now on he always would be. His paws cobwebs to staunch the bleeding... with every step toward his new destiny, he was beginning to settle into leaving his oldest dream behind for a while. To know all was unimportant when lives were at stake- especially the lives of his siblings. He had vowed to discard no more lives, and had made a specific request to avoid it during the last meeting with the other medics. Supplies gathered- a twig, raspberry leaves- and he was on his way.

Dropping the supplies, he nudged the stick closer to Shady, his eyes firm with instruction. She'd likely remember, but just in case- "Bite." It was all she would need to spark that memory, he imagined. Giving birth was likely not something you would forget in a hurry... and it had not been too long since the last time. Muscles tensed, he stood standby as she positioned herself, got as... comfortable as it was possible to get.

"And these... for when the pain flares." The crenate leaves were nudged by a white toed paw to stand easy for her to reach. Now- now, it was time... he would guide her, best he could. Sitting before her, locking green eyes with greener ones, Berryheart demonstrated the pattern of the calming breathing he practiced whenever he was struggling. The worst thing that could happen was for anyone to panic.
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Instant relief floods her upon the sight of the tortoiseshell tom standing before her. He pushes a stick her way, instructs he to bite down and immediately she complied, letting the stick be a vent for the pain she was feeling.

Agonizing, she remembers the pain from her first litter but it was worth it in the end. A couple of hours later and she has two kits suckling at her stomach. She looks down upon them with loving green eyes, a purr escaping her throat. Silently, she sends a prayer of thanks to StarClan that everything had gone so smoothly. Silently she also wishes Blaze had been here to see their birth like he had their last litter. Sadness and joy intermingle and makes her vision blur slightly but she holds it in. There was still a manner of names.

The first kit is a long haired chocolate torbie. Her tail is noticeably long and for a moment she debates in her head naming the kit Longkit but ultimately she knows where her heart is guiding her. "Theyre beautiful aren't they?” she says, her voice barely a whisper, speaking to no one in particular. Her eyes are only for the two kits curled against her stomach. "She will be Duskkit" after the night her father and I met she adds silently.

The second kit is a chocolate tortoiseshell she cat and secretly she breathes a sigh of relief that neither of her kits are all white. It would be a dead giveaway who the father was. Instead, both kits take after her side of the family. It would be easier to explain this way, she’s sure. There would be less assumptions, less questions. She lowers her head to her head and murmurs "Welcome to the world, Skykit" her voice choking up a little bit. If anyone asked she would say that it’s because her pelt reminds her of the sky when the sun is low, when the light is reflecting off the clouds tuning them into different shades of orange and pink and purple. One of her favorite times of day. But really, she knows deep in her heart that she cannot go without naming one of their kits after him, after their blood. This just happened to be the most subtle way, even if it would prompt a couple of raised eyebrows she wouldn’t care. They were hers. It does not matter what anyone else thinks.

// @skykit @revelations baby tag! You guys don’t have to post in this if you don’t want to I know playing baby babies can be rather difficult!

The newly-named Skykit is unaware of her mother's grief, too ... startled, by her sudden entrance to the world to do much else but mewl in indignant shock. She'd been comfortable, unfeeling aside from the press of her littermate and the occasional nudge of Little Wolf walking into something. Unthinking, the notion unnecessary. Even now, her thoughts are more impressions than anything: uncomfortable cold, something soft tickling her whiskers. A familiar heartbeat, muffled and far away, but still so close. Pressure against her side that she'd later recognise as Duskkit, when consciousness comes to her in full. Skykit curls up against her mother's side, content for the moment, and simply exists in the first few moments of her life.​
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She had been lightly napping when Little Wolf's pain filled gasp startled her awake. It took only a few moments before she processed what was happening. Her eyes rounded with sympathy as she recalled just how much pain she had been in during labor...it was the most physical pain one could endure. Using her nose to nudge her kits awake, she would push them out of the nursery. "Out, out. You two play out here for a little while, Little Wolf needs some room. You can come see her kits here in a little while." Soon Berryheart would be in here, and surely Howlingstar would come too, so they didn't need kits underneath their paws.

The red tabby then raced across the camp towards the Medicine Cat den, calling out for Berryheart. "Little Wolf's kits are coming!" She would huff, feeling shocked at just how out of breath she was from simply running to fetch him. I am out of shape! Her joints still ached from battling the dog. She had managed to get away with just a couple minor scrapes, but in the heat of the moment, adrenaline must have kept her going. Now, without a huge slobbering canine threatening their lives, a simple run was exhausting.

He ran from the den, and she followed after him, but at a slightly slower pace. After double checking that her kits were indeed still outside, she would pad back into the den to keep Little Wolf company. Please Starclan, don't take any of her kits.

A couple hours passed, and two kits were born into the world. No complications, and more importantly, no deaths. Her throat rumbled with a purr, and she padded towards her to touch the new mother's shoulder with her nose. "Duskkit and Skykit. They are beautiful." Her heart swelled with the sight of the newborns, and she remembered the day her two were born. A strike of grief pulsed through her, but she swallowed it down.
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Moonpaw loves her mother dearly, wishes more than anything she could be back in the nursery and a blissfully foolish kitten again without having to fret over learning to fight for her life and hunt for survival. She wishes she could return to those days, happy and unbothered with the strife of life, but that was not the way the world worked as she had so cruelly been taught. Every day she passes the nursery on her duties she has to force herself to keep walking, a mix of not wanting to see her pregnant mother and being reminded of what may or may not be more younger siblings from the same father as well as longing to be a kitten again. The tortie point still didn't know what to think, how to feel. Where they Blazestar's? Where they not? Her heart told her that Little Wolf would never move on so quickly, that no one could deny their parents had once loved eachother so adoringly that nothing could come between them. Then something did come between them and she was lost...

The cry of alarm draws her from her thoughts, the nesting in her mouth dropped. Her hesitation stalls her, the crowd of cats moving into the den stall her, eventually she is able to pull herself together enough to move to the nursery herself and peer in and the spotted bundled alongside the dark form of her mother are so unmistakeably nothing like her and her siblings that for a moment she falls back on believing the father had to be someone else. Until they are named. Her congratulations and comments of their small and adorable appearance are choked by the smaller kitten being so lovingly called Skykit.
Skykit. Skykit. She wants to scream, feels her heart thunder horrifically in her skull. Pale blue eyes lock onto the green of her dark pelted mother, water briefly. No, she knows now. Words didn't need to confirm anything but still she holds her tongue. If it was a secret, it could die with her for all she cared.
"They're....beautiful..." Why did you call her that? She wants to ask, but the apprentice steps inside to carefully lean down and examine the newborns instead. Dusk. Sky...names that almost matched. Morning, Moon. She thinks to herself that she would kill for these kittens, that they may never suffer the pain their older siblings and parents had. "I'm...going to go tell Burnpaw." Stiff limbed she rose to stand, a brief pause to touch her nose to her mother's forehead and she was gone; whether she actually went to get her brother was uncertain.
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As soon as it started she passed back and forth outside the nursery. Her heart worried for Little Wolf. Would she lose any of the kits? Hollow Tree didn’t want her sister to suffer anymore. She didn’t know who the father was, but she had a feeling. This would be the last thing to come from Blazestar and Little Wolf. It would be awful if it was taken away after everything Little Wolf has done.

Her worries seemed to be for nothing as she soon spots Moonpaw leaving. Assuming they went to inform their brother. Hollow Tree padded forward before peeking her head inside. “Little Wolf.” she says softly, worried she would ruin the moment. Her yellow hues landed on the two bundles. “Oh Little, they are so beautiful. Thunderclan is lucky to have two more kits.” she purrs.
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]