camp wake me up when it's all over — napping

StarClan, his paws feel so heavy right now. Being assigned to dawn patrol was typically no problem for the tom, when he can sleep the night beforehand. But last night? He wasn't even sure how long he actually slept for. It felt like for a majority of the night, his eyes were merely closed. He yawns as he trudges through RiverClan territory— today patrol felt so long... it was definitely a rough one. With the sun high in the sky and glaring down on the territory below, Foxtail only had one thing on his mind: time to take a nap.

His training with Pebblepaw today is going to go nowhere if he continues to operate on such little sleep. ...What even did he decide he and Pebblepaw were going to do today? Was it hunting? ...Battle training? He lets out a tired sigh— his brain is too fuzzy to remember right now. He pads into camp with heavy olive green eyes, and his paws can't wait to race over to the warriors den for a well deserved nap. ...But then, his eyes land on a soft, sunny patch of grass— and practically instantly, the thoughts of racing to his nest are thrown out the window. On tired, yet quick, paws, the warrior pads over to the patch of grass, the sun shining onto his pelt. Oh, it feels so warm! Without another thought, the warrior flops onto his side, soaking in the sun as he closes those tired, very tired, eyes.

  • apprentice tag: @PEBBLEPAW
  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to sixbane for the minis & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    19 moons

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Bubblepaw doesn't care what time of day she's assigned to do patrols or tasks. She's one of the few, but her high energy compensates for her unusual nature. The silver tabby sleeps peacefully each night- resting peacefully beside her closest friends- and wakes each morning with bright eyes and a bushy tail, excited as ever to face the day ahead. Bubblepaw makes her way out of the nursery after having assisted some of her fellow apprentices with refreshing the nests inside and mending any holes in the walls that protect the queens and their broods when she spots Foxtail resting in the middle of camp.

"You look peaceful!" Bubblepaw comments to the warrior with a wry smile. If it were perhaps anyone else, it could easily be taken as a passive aggressive comment. Some sort of implication that there's more to be done and tasks to be fulfilled. Midday is always the sleepiest part of the day though. Things have slowed down from the chaos of early morning. Of course, there are patrols heading out and coming back at all hours of the day, but the afternoon is just so much more peaceful when compared to the dawn and dusk time activities.

However, once she comes closer, she notices that the warrior is trying to take a nap in the warm spring sun. "Oh sorry! I didn't realize you were still trying to rest!" Bubblepaw apologizes quickly, pressing a paw to her muzzle as shades of embarrassment burn at her ears.
✦ ★ ✦

Something about the thaw of leafbare must have stirred something in these young warriors. Poor Troutsnout had worked and worked until her paws slipped out from under her already. Even overheard the molly fell into a fever from the ordeal of not resting enough. Dovethroat had done the same shortly after his delayed return from ThunderClan though now that felt like lifetimes ago. A name she had not heard uttered since before her children were born.

Seeing Foxtail settle so quickly, his chin meeting the ground like a distant friend, reminded her of the moment. She looked to Pebblepaw who may be confused from the lack of direction his mentor gave him before getting swallowed up by sunlight and slumber.

"Looks like he needs a break... If you're not busy, you can help Swiftfire with her nest- the reeds are starting to wither." She's sure Pebblepaw wouldn't mind getting to see his little siblings while he showed them an apprentice's work.

Bubblepaw is a bit more direct than she would have been, but the quiver of awkward tension brought her a bit of amusement. She blue-whirled molly is quick to apologize. It's hard to imagine Foxtail in a bitter or annoyed expression. He reminded her very closely to Ferngill, though much shyer.

"Were you patrolling in your sleep, Foxtail?" If Bubblepaw roused him awake, they might as well keep him company before he fell back asleep.

Sleep and relaxation was vital to a healthy life, she sees that more then ever now after Troutsnout's collapse without it she'd fall apart. She's never had any issues sleeping though, and whenever she did she found her solution by finding either her siblings or a friend to lay besides and that comfort was enough to whisk her off to dreamland. It's a shame it's him and not her who was assigned for dawn patrol, she was always up and at em' early, She often spent the early morning grooming and when the Dawn patrol returned she wasted no time in making sure the queens and elders got their pick of the kill. She would always wait herself to eat until she was sure those who needed it most had full bellies and were content, besides she liked to eat a little later on before she went out hunting herself.

After she's sure everything's in order, she can go back to lounging around and gossiping but before she can return to her favorite spot in the camp she sees the relaxing form of Foxtail and Bubblepaw and Hazelcloud hovered above him like he was a particularly interesting looking shell. She chuckles as she pads up to them, her tail waving behind her in greeting and a smile curving her muzzle. It was sweet how Bubblepaw looked ashamed that she may have roused the young warrior, she was a kind apprentice but with how rambunctious Tigersplash was when they were younger (and now honestly) she knows hens been woken up by worse. She still remembers when she kicked him in the nose when they were kits at their mother's belly.

"You have much more interesting dreams then just patrolling that's for sure" she recalls his giant fish dream, she wish her unconscious brain was as creative. Without any warning the tabby flops over onto her littermates side, it's not entirely gentle but she makes sure she doesn't suffocate him and would slide down but still would be laying lazily across his lower back. A purr hums from her "You looked too peaceful sleeping by your lonesome little brother" she snarks. He had found a real nice spot, she wouldn't mind at all getting some extra shut eye and she would.

Foxtail could finally feel himself drifting off into sleep, as he soaks up the ray of sunlight against his fur. Give him an hour or two.... and then he should be ready to tackle the rest of the day! Just as he thought he would drift off into a dream; a young voice pulls him out of his slumber. "You look peaceful!" His ears twitch at Bubblepaw's voice, and his tired olive green eyes open regrettably. She quickly seems to recognize he was trying to nap, apologizing profusely, but she wasn't the only one to notice him taking a cat nap. "...I-it's okay," He yawns in response, lifting his head off the soft grass. Hazecloud is right— it's pretty difficult to anger the young warrior.

Even as tired as he is, the young warrior doesn't have a bitter expression painted on his maw. His eyes appear less lively than usual, but he doesn't grumble about being woken up. He doesn't feel more awake, but he forces himself to somewhat get up; still laying down, but no longer does his head rest on the ground. He blinks tiredly as Hazecloud asks Pebblepaw to help with Swiftfire's nest, and almost instantly he feels hot with embarrassment. StarClan, why didn't he say anything to Pebblepaw? He must've been so confused! Thank StarClan Pebblepaw's mother was able to step in. "T-thanks for the suggestion," He tiredly nods to Hazecloud, feeling a tad embarrassed that he left his apprentice feeling clueless. "Were you patrolling in your sleep, Foxtail?" Foxtail tiredly laughs at the comment, his tail slowly swishing. "I-I might as well h-have," He yawns again, "I-I couldn't sleep last night."

"You have much more interesting dreams then just patrolling that's for sure!" His ears barely get to swivel back to hear Tigersplash's voice from behind, letting out an oof! as she flopped onto his body. For a quick moment she laid on top of his body like he was her nest in the warriors den. As siblings do, Foxtail would aim to playfully shove Tigersplash off, a light smile forming across his maw. "V-very funny, Tigersplash!" She slid off to lay beside him, his fur ruffled from her little shenanigan. "H-how about you join me then?" He tiredly grins back at her, before laying his head down on his paws. The sun shines on the patch of grass again, and Foxtail soaks in the heat. Whether she, or the other two, decide to join him; the warrior closes his eyes again. Seriously this time— it's time for a nap!

  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to clangen for sprite <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    19 moons