private WAKE UP IN THE AIR - Butterflytuft


the wonder of a fairy tale
Nov 7, 2023

Questions. Daisykit was at the age where she had a lot of questions. What did the apprentices do? Was the world outside of camp cold like the camp was? Why is Blazestar the leader? Could anyone be leader? So many questions, and although Daisykit could articulate them better now than she could before she still had a hard time asking, different questions instead bubbling to the surface, questions she only thought about in the moment instead of over time. Today Daisykit had woken up with a question on her mind and instead of asking right away the kitten lie at the edge of the nest she shared with her mother and siblings, paws outstretched and draped over the side as she stared at the ground, face scrunched in thought as she tried to figure it out for herself before finally she instead stood up and turned towards Butterflytuft.

"Mama?" She'd speak this time, head cocked as she brushed against her mother in an attempt to make sure her attention was just on her - it was important. "I gotta question, can I ask it?" If Butterflytuft was busy then she'd ask later or maybe she'd ask Weedkit or Fluffykit the question. They were smart and maybe they could answer it. Waiting for permission, once it was given the child would nod her head and squint, face focused on the queen as she let it out. "Why are mollies and tom's different?" Why was she and Fluffykit mollies and Weedkit was a tom? What about Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish?

  • @butterflytuft
  • 74552753_0pIQpDakQalkZSq.png
  • 75464780_U8u1TptlfIUl4pp.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    sister to Weedkit and Fluffykit
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Butterflytuft raises her head from her paws to look to her daughter, ears pricked. “Of course you can, my darling.” She shifts herself so she is facing Daisykit a little better, all of her undivided attention on her. Her kits have been asking lots of questions lately, and others have told her that’s normal for this age, so she’s quite used to this already. But the question that comes isn’t as simple as the usual ones like why some prey has feathers and some has fur.

“Oh, well….” She tips her head in thought, considering the question for a moment. She’s never really thought about it before. “They’re not all that different, I guess. Some cats are just she-cats, and some are toms. You’re born as one, you see, and so you’ll be called that. But you don’t have to be that.” How does she explain this so one so young can understand? “If you’re not okay with what you are, and you feel like you’re something else, that’s okay, too.” Sort of like Figfeather, who decided very young she was in fact a she-cat. “Your dad is a tom, so is Greeneyes and Twitchbolt. I’m a she-cat, and so is Figfeather and Howlfire. Some cats aren’t either, like Edenpaw. Does…that make sense?”
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Daisykit watches, eyes wide and soaking in whatever information she's able to get as she listens to the wise words her mother is telling her, that she-cats and toms aren't really that different and she doesn't have to be called a she-cat if she doesn't want to be, but that's what they knew her as when she was born one. She understood it a little, understood that there were choices to be made and she wasn't completely sure if there were right ones and wrong ones, and though she nod her head in a sign that "yes, it did make sense" there was a look on her face as she thought about it. Face scrunched and twisted as she thought and slowly tried to figure things out.

"If I don't have to be a she-cat, could I be a tom?" It came after a long pause of thinking, words stretched out as the kitten tried to figure out wording before face finally settled upon it's normal structure and she looked up to Butterflytuft. Her mother had made it sound so easy, easy as asking and hoping that it was the right question to ask, and Daisykit knew within her heart that she was not a she but something different, and maybe being a tom would be the right fit, and hopefully it had been articulated well enough.

  • 75464780_U8u1TptlfIUl4pp.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    sister to Weedkit and Fluffykit
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Her next question catches the queen off guard. She blinks in surprise down at the blue-furred kit, her head tilting a bit as she gently inquires, “Do you feel like a tom, Daisykit?” She settles down closer to the child and wraps her tail around her, wanting to be as present as possible while Daisykit works through her feelings. No matter what she decides, she wants her kit to know that she is here for her. she wants her to tell her everything that’s on her mind, down to the littlest detail.

She thinks back to Figfeather, and how much more confident she had become when she felt assured in what she was, who she was. She wants Daisykit to feel the same exact way. A gentle lick is cast across her forehead before she leans back again to study the kit’s face.

The question from her mother catches Daisykit off guard, the words that she couldn't pull from her own head and articulate well enough coming from the queen's maw causing her to stop before head nodded slowly. Daisykit didn't feel like a she-cat, not deep down despite being called one for as long as she'd been alive. "I think so." It was confident words that came from the feline despite the odd wording and the slow start to speak as thoughts swirled within Daisykit's head. "I want to be a tom like dad and... and like Weedkit."
  • 75464780_U8u1TptlfIUl4pp.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    sister to Weedkit and Fluffykit
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
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Butterfly's ears prick up, gaze softening as she gazes at her kit. Daisykit's words come with a certain assurance about them. Something about it settles her heart and warms her chest. Her kit is finding himself, he's happy. She smiles big and leans down to give him a loving lick across his head, followed by a swift nuzzle. "Well, in that case...we should go tell your father that he has another son, huh?" She purrs happily, blinking at him with her eyes lit up. "And - your siblings, they have to know they have a brother." Getting to her paws, she gently nudges along the blue-furred kit, feeling light and joyful after this conversation. Finally, Daisykit is who he's always been meant to be.