camp waking up | asking for medicine


Apr 12, 2023
જ➶ A nest, messy and improperly made houses the young chimera. His eyes half open as fatigue wears on him. The pain racking his body has causes him to lose sleep and he isn't sure of how to deal with it out here. He doesn't know anything about what...medicinal things they can do. His twoleg always put those white tablets into his food and they seemed to help. A great bit actually. But out here... A rough sigh leaves his throat as he forces himself to move. Tensing for a moment before he leaves from the warrior's den. His honey brown orbs look about and he tries his best not to limp to the other's den. It'll draw eyes but his gaunt is struggling. Paws trying not to lift up too high. Nose twitching the newly named Skyclanner peeks his way into the den, eyes trying to see before he sits down tiredly. "Um...Dawnglare...?" He speaks the name with uncertainty before shaking his head. He doubts that the medicine cat will snap at him for a simple question and a need for help. So he just presses on with his question.

"I...well, I just wanted to ask if you could at all spare anything for pain." If they could then he can function as he around and go on hunts to bring food back. Instead of laying in his nest like a log all day.

-- anyone is free to post!

It was... interesting, living in a nest where all of the scents were combined. Twisting like tendrils around each other, crossing a sparking and combining, clashing... all without being swept away by whipping winds! Well- up until the past few days, at least. Now-oh, it was relentless, the sky! Felt as if he were back on the moors, living lonely, stealing moments on moonlit nights. All paws upon the moor-tops were thieving, it seemed... the Windclanners for his family's home, and his own inky feet for coveting something he should not have had.

But- oh, it was lovely to have something you should not! To love him so relentlessly...

A call caught his attention- the tom's head swivelled as rapidly as lightning-strike, his owlish gaze unblinking as it settled upon that face, that face... Brambleheart. He grinned, an overbearing greeting- a smile that pushed the limits of his face-muscles, fangs threatening to burst out of his cheeks. All the while, moon-wide did he keep his gaze... "Oh, have you hurt yourself?" he asked giddily, enthusiastic with the prospect of interaction. He was sure Dawnglare would have something... would know of one remedy, with all the wisdom that rushed through his blood.

He took in a deep breath through his nose. Herbs, only... no blood, no blood yet...
This place has never been home to him. No, not really. A place where he slept, a place where he stayed, but never home. The number of such spots was many. This place– less comfortable than a low - hanging branch, all scents and smells and faces; new moon peeking over their woven nest. But with sooty paws and white - nothing fur, perhaps this place became more of a home than it ever has been. Downy softness to drown himself in– It reminds him of his place with his housefolk. The sudden call of his name too, was similar. Of course, he had not always been Dawnglare, though. To hear it brings him out of a blissful morning dream.

" I don't know him– them. " says he, for he'd rather sleep, than be awake. The uncertainty in the voice is not minded, but he caters to it anyways, stretching from his nest with a half - dozing smile. Could he spare anything for pain? Could he, indeed. Dawnglare taps his claws to the earth, weaving about the clumps of herb in his den as if looking for it, though he does not stop for any reason at all. " What is healing if not cease from pain? What is a healer who couldn't heal? " Exceptions. Of course, there are always exceptions. He'd had a body die at his very paws, for proof. Not like anyone was asking. He licks his lips, confusing splitting on his face momentarily, before returning to blankness. " Anyways, no. I mean– Who's asking? "

It didn't matter, not really; but he wanted to ask, and so he did. Oh, have you heart yourself? " Have you? " The tom asks sweetly. He doesn't really care. It's the funniest thing in the world to him, right this moment. He would scoop up a bundle of holly berries and present it to the bark - like face. " It isn't this! " he says for no reason at all.

[ ooc: srry he got the be aggravating roll <3 ]
Fireflypaw hears the nervous voice of Damsel before he hears their footsteps, listening idly to the conversation being had. They ask for something to numb the pain, and Dawnglare and his mate are irritating in their responses. Had they no sympathy for the injured? Perhaps they only found fun in the blood and gore, for the upbeat one collects bones and guts and stores it away. Fireflypaw rises to his paws then, circling his mentor- making a point to shove himself between the loving pair. Wide, blue eyes stare down at the herbs hoisted into a paw, though he cannot see them- irritation.

"Do we know the injury?" He asks softly, curiously- they couldn't just treat the pain overall, right? "In any case.. What do we use for pain, really? Death is not relief, after all." No, to be trapped in the sky having to watch your family members suffer below on Mother's lands.. It sounded like a nightmare to him. He talks of StarClan as a sanctuary, because that's what he's been told.. But surely things must be better here on the ground? Shaking his head, Fireflypaw frowns towards his mentor before he abruptly moves past the two to greet Brambleheart properly.

"How's, um.. How's life so far in the Clan? Do you like it?" He asks sheepishly, head ducked low as he sniffs the other's body. If he could just find whatever was ailing him...​
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જ➶ Nervousness oozes off of him as the ghostly pale tom grins at him. It makes him unsure, that moon wide gaze making him look away as he shuffles his paws. Though the question makes him frown just slightly before he takes a deep breath in. "Hurt myself? N-no, of course not." If he thinks about it he is incredibly careful in anything that he tries to do. Despite what he may believe about himself and mayhaps he needs to be. Slowly his eyes go back to the ink pawed tom, pulling ears back before the chimera takes notice of the waking up medicine cat. "Oh, I didn't mean to wake you two... I didn't think..." Stupid. Of course this is their den, they rest and sleep here too. Maybe he needs to brush up on appropriate times to visit the medicine cat. Especially if he naps during the day. Tapping a paw against the ground he clears his throat as the other speaks, confusi g words flying over his ears. "Um, um, I guess someone who cares enough to try. Um.."

He pauses then knowing he doesn't have the answer to the question at all. Or even understood what the question was. Breathing out he focuses more and tries to ignore his aching body. Quickly he shakes his head to the question. He hasn't hurt himself. He has been very careful. "Who's asking? I...,me? Dam-no, Brambleheart." Slowly his face is screwing up in confusion at this whole conversation before Dawnglare scoops something up and plops it in front of him. Plants or rather herbs and yet he suddenly says that this isn't what he needs for the pain. "It's not it? Then why did you drop it in front of me? Wha..can you help me or not? Please...." It hurts bad enough as it is and he shifts his honey brown eyes down as he notices a third. The medicine cat apprentice. His ears pull back a little as he slowly shifts a leg and thinking maybe he should just endure the pain instead.

"Clan life? It's complicated. I'm not sure of everything yet but I'm trying to learn as much as I can." Plus he is also keeping his distance from his father as much as possible. "I think I like it here though. Before it was just me and my mother. Our twolegs trying to help us as best they could."