The day is fair and ordinary, a light midsummer's breeze dancing playfully over Doeblaze's head, ruffling the white fur nesting within her shredded ears. Dawn is in the process of breaking, shattering the sky into a spilling gradient of molten red sun to pink - washed horizon to day's sun - ripened blue. She moves with set shoulders and brisk steps towards the border with Twolegplace, torn ears set high and alert and lone eye flicking about, head on a permanent swivel to compensate for the abrupt reduction of the world's frame. This border is one ever - haunted by deaths and disappearances, and with the addition of @PRIMROSE. alongside @cloudypaw~, one simply cannot be too careful.

Danger can strike when you least expect it; the carrion - bird will still dive on the sweetest of days.

" You've got to keep an eye out for joiners, much like yourself, when you're on this border, " she advises her older charge, this lesson being familiar to Cloudypaw, who's an old paw at joiners already. " If they're over the border, challenge them; if they're on it, just be wary, " she explains with a twitch of her ears as they near the scent - line, Twolegplace a distant landscape of asphalt and artificial smog beyond it. " If you smell rogue - scent, even the slightest trace, come get me and be very careful. We've been having problems with them lately. "

" So— " she begins, only for her attention to be dragged forcibly elsewhere. A strange . . . thing sits just over the border, a meaningless chunk of shiny red as deep and vibrant as fresh blood, making the thick fur along her shoulders bristle into wolfish spires. She approaches it carefully, swishing her tail for her students to wait where they stand, lone eye squinting at it as if it might come alive—she does not get too near, but even up close, the thing remains puzzling. It is of a shape she simply cannot make sense of, and a blinding scarlet color, with a spike protruding from it like a great claw. She sniffs, getting a nose of acrid sweetness that nearly stings to breathe in, and retreats with a rumpled muzzle. " What is that? "

OOC : Some unfortunate soul lost a high heel LMAO.
Her butcher shop duties had started early, the red and white cat alerting the largely empty streets that there was food ready to take. She didn't pay any attention to who heeded the call, and she certainly didn't scan it for any familiar faces, and she absolutely didn't sprint toward the closest Skyclan border at the first sight of any of her regular customers. The asphalt was cool against her paw pads, the sun not quite ready to turn black tar into the world's biggest, most awful frying pan, and the fence between town and greenery wasn't bad either, but the grass on the other side of the fence was even cooler. Butcher could practically feel the early morning improving with each step toward Skyclan.

It was nice, the way the fence set a clear distinction between her home life and her clan life. She liked bits about her life on either side of it, but they were best kept separate. Things got confusing when they mixed. So never the two shall twine, or whatever.

Was it weird that the border smelled less and less - well, it might be polite to say obtrusive, but saying awful felt more accurate - each time Butcher crossed it? The scent of it carried through the air, heavy and cloying and joined by the scents of several cats. She straightened up, trying to look serious, and flicked her tail in greeting to Doeblaze and others she has probably only met in passing if at all. No one ever warned her about just how many cats were in a clan. "Morning!" She called when she was close enough, but quickly recognises that everyone's attention is elsewhere. Her gaze lowered to see the bright red thing sitting in the ground. "Oh, hey! I've never seen one of these so spiky!" What was it called again?

Stars, it was one of the number-one things he hated abou Twolegs- that they left their junk everywhere for you to trip over, look upon with narrowed eyes. He wondered how they managed to lose so much stuff- did it whip away in the wind, roll out of their reach? Or did they just- just chuck stuff about with little regard to wherever it ended up?

And ... yeah, there were a few more reasons he should hate Twolegs, but ... because of its frequency, this sort of thing aws more recurring. He'd been hunting with @CANDORPAW and stumbled across the scene; it glowed like a ruby in the daylight, the sun's haning-pendant glow setting it ablaze against the dusty, needle-strewn forest floor. Twitchbolt looked at it with a distinct bemusement, the sort of exasperated, worried look that crashed upon his face whenever he wasn't happy or giving orders. His eyelid twitched- then the other one went. Doeblaze didn't even know what it was, apparently ... though Butcher, who appeared out of the shadows like some sort of pouncing fox (and startled him a bit in the meantime with her cheery greeting) had an edge more familiarity.

"D-Do they not... normally have spikes?" His voice was raked with utter confusion, frayed. Whatever it was. What was even the point of that spire upon it, if it wasn't useful at all, if- if you got some that didn't have them? "It just doesn't ... look like anything." The wrinkle of his muzzle betrayed the disgust that accompanied his confusion. It resembled nothing from nature the same way some Twoleg trash did.
penned by pin ✧
*+:。.。 It was becoming exceedingly irritating that Tawnyclaw's habit of skipping patrols in favor of sleeping in trees or wandering the forest had to be mitigated. Normally, nothing could stop the older tom from doing what he wanted...but as it stood he apparently couldn't outrun a fluffy little tyke who constantly meweled his name. Orangestar was determined to torture him, he was sure of it. He listens absentmindedly to Doeblaze's lecture, instructing @Dogwoodkit to do the same. At least joining a multi-mentor patrol meant he didn't have to do so much of the talking. "Careful if Figfeather is around, then the answer is only to challenge them" he meows quietly, snickering as he recalls Nemo's attempts to join. After a beat, he glances at his apprentice, "You didn't hear that"

He slows to a stop when he notices the rest of his patrol mates have done the same. Peering over their shoulders, he blinks at the shock of red lying on the ground, reeking of twoleg. "I mean, if you squint at it, it kinda looks like a claw" Tawnyclaw offered amusement dancing on his maw as he tilted his head to the side. "Should we investigate to see where the other seventeen are?" he glances at Dogwoodpaw, then back at Doeblaze, before returning to his apprentice with squinted hazel eyes. Was it...un-mentor-like if he asked to keep the claw? It'd make a great souvenier!

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    12 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Warrior
    Son of Orangestar and Ashenclaw, Brother to Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Glimmersun and Owlheart
    Mentoring Dogwoodpaw

    Physically hard | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently