pafp walk it off || injured back

Oct 9, 2022

As the day began to slip into the evening, a hunting patrol had been sent out to search for prey before they all went to hide away in their nests and burrows. The crickets and the frogs begin to chirp throughout the undergrowth, and the wind rustles the canopy of trees that covers much of the forest, a lullaby to the inhabitants below the skies. Looking up, Spotflare could see the rays of sunlight still reaching the very tops of the branches, spanning out in golden rows among the leaves, and past that, the gorgeous sun fading into a purplish-pink night.
The trees are much taller in this area... We have to be close to SkyClan, no doubt, he ponders to himself, before turning and continuing along his original track, following the scent of his prey. He knew what he was looking for: a plump, juicy and yet missing squirrel that had escaped his claws hardly a moment earlier.

Bloody squirrels.

Unfortunately, this had not been the first time today that something had escaped him. As he recalled the memory, he could still feel the faint sting in his lower back, the unmistakeable tight pinching that shot from his spine when he had attempted the leap to seize the squirrel. And, as fate would have it, his claws barely brushed the back of the squirrel before it was sent flying off the tree, landing unceremoniously in a shrub, and taking off like a rabid dog. The blood should give it away, he knew, and yet the squirrel continued to evade him even as he continued searching.
Even now, lifting his gaze to the tops of the trees and attempting to spot any squirrel-shaped creature in the branches high above, it was difficult to manuever his back--something had it tensed up.

He grit his teeth. No--no, he would not give in so easily. This squirrel isn't getting away by sheer dumb luck. And so, Spotflare would continue his search, keeping an eye out for other prey that could be lurking about. Finally, he broke out into a small clearing where a circle was cut between the tall trees, leaving enough light to cast down to the soil and tall grass--and to the blood that stained the bottom of its roots.
Perfect. It had left him a trail just for him to follow, He muses to himself with a snort, confidently bounding over to the splotches left on the ground in an unsteady line. It couldn't have gotten farther than this...

Just as he lowers his head to sniff the blood, the wind begins to pick up, blowing against his russet fur--and sending an aching shock up his spine and to his toes. Spotflare momentarily freezes in place as to not further aggravate the shock, digging his claws into the earth with a slow, pained hiss and gaping jaws--he could only hope it will pass quickly.
No--not again... oh StarClan, it's only getting worse...

// @Rabbitnose after his response, this thread will b open to any cat on the patrol :)))


When he was out on a patrol with Spotflare, his anxiety couldn't help but bubble under the surface. The two had gotten off to a terrible start, and they hadn't properly interacted since then. He's been sure to keep a close eye on Patchpaw, making sure no other cat dares hurt her the way that wretch had.

If anyone dared try, he'd be there this time to protect her.

And he hopes Spotflare knows this.

He was well on his way to tracking down a squirrel when he heard Spotflare his in pain. Worry shot through him and he abandoned his hunt, swiftly making his way to him.

"Spotflare, what's wrong?" He asked, concerned.

At least there didn't seem to be a predator responsible... Though he figured if there were, things would be a lot louder.

"Ah—" Spotflare lifts his face at the familiar voice, and upon recognizing Rabbitnose, it feels as though his heart drops in his chest. They hadn't spoken properly in so long, especially not after their awful 'meeting'--how was he supposed to interact now!? He scrambles back to face Rabbitnose, forcing a thin smile on his face despite the lancing pain through his back.
"Rabbitnose! It-it's nothing to worry about. Really. I'm fine. Look, there's a squirrel somewhere nearby, it's left a trail. It can’t be far now, it’s only just—ugh—I can’t exactly get the forsaken thing…"

He tightens his claws on the grass below to steady his faltering legs, forcing himself to sit back on his haunches. "Hahh, there’s no need to worry, I promise. This bloody back’s nothin’ more than a lovely little burden." A weak laugh emits from him—an earnest jest.

"I’d hate to ask so much of you, but can you do me a favor and find that squirrel? I—I’ll be along in a second."
What irony it is to have to request Rabbitnose go fetch his prey for him—and a great deal of absolute disrespect. After treating him so harshly in the beginning, Spotflare couldn’t blame him for being so anxious, and now here he was, having to rely on him as if expecting Rabbitnose to dismiss it all like it was some cruel joke.
There was nothing he could say to him; he knew his actions, however 'justified', had left an awful impression on the poor mentor, and it would not be fixed by any simple 'sorry'.
…but they were still my actions. I have to try.

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Few things put you on Sunfreckle's bad side but chief among them was messing with his family. His mate was a clumsy fool at best and an idiot at worst but he was his idiot and any cat who caused him issue met the wall of red tabby in response. His kits were the same, though strangely enough much more capable of defending themselves than his father and he chalked it up to Rabbitnose's gullible and friendly nature that let himself be walked on.
Admittedly his fondness for Spotflare had taken a dive when he found out the tom was on his mate's case so aggressively regarding Patchpaw's incident some time back; apprentices often got into mischief and even the most skilled mentor couldn't keep an eye on them constantly if they disregarded rules to go running amok along in the woods. Patchpaw should have known better, but young cats often didn't and it was a lesson learned as horrid as it had been.
Sunfreckle wasn't a tom known to be mean or even pushy at all, soft as his pelt and generally friendly but he had stiffly regarded the other at a paw's length for a while and wasn't too keen to alter it until he saw change.
Still, it didn't mean he'd ignore a clanmate in need and his lopsided steps carried him over to press alongside Rabbitnose and face the ginger tom with green eyes narrowed in confusion.
"Well, I'm not one to throw around my rank but you seem the type to argue so I'll say it bluntly. As your lead warrior I demand you see Berryheart for what ails you and if he says you sit, you sit or I sit on you to force it."
There was an odd way the other was standing, as though locked into place but the strain was evident. He was no healer but he knew enough to go to one when needed. Sunfreckle's tail lashed and he bumped a head into the side of the blue tom's face next to him, "Fetch his squirrel please?" His tone considerably softer than when he had spoken to the other warrior.

"I—" Looking back up from hanging his head in a futile attempt to shoulder through it, he finds none other than Sunfreckle staring back at him with concern in his unrelenting gaze, ordering him to go see the medicine cat Berryheart for his ails. Unfortunately, he was also completely right, for Spotflare opened his mouth to further insist it was an issue he's been handling for years and had quite gotten used to it, only to carefully close it after giving it some much-needed thought.

Instead, a weak laugh escapes him. "It must look worse than I figured, doesn't it?" He hums, smiling despite the pained wince. "I'll—ah... Yes, I suppose I might as well go see him..." It was somewhat strange seeing Spotflare give in so easily when he was always reassuring them that he would be fine. He had to admit, he was hoping Berryheart had something to bring some kind of remedy... but whether it would truly work would be something else entirely.

It takes him a few minutes to stand back up, allowing the pain to slowly die down until he was able to start moving again without worsening it. His movements were still stiff and janky, but at least he could walk. Before Spotflare began the trek back to camp, however, he looks over at Rabbitnose, remorse shining in his eyes.
"I know I yelled at you back then, and I'm sorry. I didn't know you then, but I shouldn't have judged you so harshly—especially when I know myself Patches can be quite a bit of a handful at the best of times..." He chuckles weakly at this before continuing. "You didn't deserve it."

Then, he perks up a little bit, shining Rabbitnose an apologetic smile. "You're a good mentor, Rabbitnose. I've seen—and heard—the way Patches speaks about you, and I think she couldn't have gotten a better mentor. I apologize for not being there when I should have, for both you and Patches, rather than yelling at you so cruelly over something that was out of your control. Ugh—" The pain shoots up through his back, cutting Spotflare off for a second as he groans. "I shouldn't put this off any longer... Thank you for being kind to me. I'd hope to return the favor one day, but I think for now, I'll listen to both of you. This pain's not exactly getting any easier standing here."

The guilt burdened in his chest still did not lift despite the extensive apology, but Spotflare knew it was not his decision over whether or not Rabbitnose—and Sunfreckle—would accept it.

He bows his head to the both of them and turns, gingerly beginning his walk back towards the entrance with a much heavier limp in his step.

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Rabbitnose frowned as he watched Spotflare. What was wrong with his back? Something wasn't right, and he wasn't sure Berryheart could help. He wanted to suggest retiring if it got too bad, but he knew Spotflare wasn't going to do that.

"Yeah, I can get the squirrel." He said.

Sunfreckle arrived just as he was about to set off, and he welcomed the other's embrace. Few could bring him this level of comfort. He needed it, because if something happened to Spotflare, he would have to tell Patchpaw. And he wasn't ready to give that kind of news. But for now, the other tom seemed....Fine. He was just worrying too much. And it showed on his face, too. Rabbitnose was very readable.

"I will admit, it does look bad...." He said honestly. "But perhaps Berryheart can give you something for the pain?"

He hoped so.

But it was what Spotflare said next that caught him off guard. An apology for how he had acted all those moons ago...

"I-its fine, you were....You were worried about your daughter. Your anger was understandable...." He said. Spotflare's anger had shaken him at first, made him want to even sleep outside the warriors den to avoid angering him further. He felt he had failed him and Patchpaw both that day, and even now the regret still lingers.

He watches Spotflare perk up a bit, and as he listens to his next words, he can feel his composure shaking. It isn't long before tears well up in his eyes and he's almost too choked for words.

"T-thank you.....For your apology..." He began. That Patchpaw thought so highly of him filled him with renewed resolve to protect her and keep her safe. "It means a lot.... I promise I'll keep her safe- I'll train her to be a warrior you can be proud of...." He knows Spotflare had already lost his mate, Patchpaw's mother. He can't imagine what that's like... Nearly losing Patchpaw must have been torture.

Rabbitnose vowed it will never happen again.

The tears that had been threatening to fall finally fell. "I'm glad you don't actually hate me..." He said with a small smile. "Please go home and rest.... I'll go see if I can catch that squirrel."
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