WALK ME HOME - Freedom/prompt

prompt: the color green/forest green

The time had finally come. She had been in the nursery for moons, it felt strange now to have such freedom. That morning, she had cleaned the rest of her nest out, and moved what she could back into the warrior's den. She couldn't wait to sleep next to Flycatcher again. Nightmares hadn't interrupted her dreams much after the kits had been born, probably because she hadn't slept too heavily. There had been a few times however that she had been startled awake, the fears of her dreams still fresh on her mind.

Once she was done with her nest, she glanced around for her mate, but she didn't see him in the camp. I'm going to go stretch my legs then. she decided, before quickly slipping out of the camp's exit like a giddy apprentice on her first day outside. As she emerged through the tunnel, she would pause at the mouth of the forest. It was just as beautiful as she remembered it. The Lead Warrior took in a deep breath, closing her eyes as all of the smells reunited with her senses. As if the deep inhale gave her a boost, the red tabby would then dart forward into the undergrowth.

Her claws gripped the ground as she ran, as if not wanting to let go from the surface she had missed so much. Flamewhisker would draw her head back, and let out a joyful cackle. If anyone saw her right now, they would probably question if she was alright.

Suddenly, the Great Sycamore came into view. It was then that the adrenaline rush began to die down, and she could feel her aching muscles. Her pace slowed, until she came to the base of the large tree. I shouldn't have ran like that...I know how out of shape I am...but it felt so good. she thought, as she slowly collapsed to the ground. A nap...I need to rest.. The area around her faded away, and she slowly slipped off into a rest.

After a little while, her eyes blinked open. Oh no, it's been awhile! she thought embarrassedly. Rolling over onto her back, she would gaze up at the sky...but from right here, she could only see the leaves. Dark green clouds of foliage replaced the beautiful blue sky, but right now that was alright. She had always thought they were just as beautiful. In a branch above her, a small bird landed and glanced down at her. It tilted its head curiously, before flying away. A purr rumbled in her throat, and she finally rolled over onto her belly so she could heave herself up. "I love it here." she would say to herself, before padding back to the camp.

Padding through the tunnel, and into the clearing of the camp, she would be quite the sight. Leaves stuck in her pelt, along with twigs and whatever else had decided to cling to her from her adventure. She looked similar to her kits had before she accused them of looking like porcupines, but she didn't care. She had gotten to burn off all that pent up energy, and that was all she cared about.
She had been looking for her mother for at least an hour or so, padding restlessly in circles around the camp so much that a warrior had to tell her to go knead moss or do something useful with those fidgety paws of hers. Stormpaw had chuckled in return and nervously scampered off.

She too loved the newfound freedom she was given since changing her name to paw. However, she still missed the comfort of sleeping next to her mother in the nursery. Her presence was something that had been a huge part of Stormpaw's life up to now, and it was gone.

Stormpaw always believed her mother was happiest with her and Falconpaw, and Flycatcher. She had not known how her mother felt about being passed over for deputy because of her kits. She had only an inkling that her mother wished to roam the forest freely again, but she always convinced herself that Flamewhisker was ultimately happy with them.

Maybe that illusion was finally shattering. Stormpaw leapt up to greet the flame-furred lead warrior eagerly with an upright tail. She noticed the twigs and leaves stuck and curled into Flamewhisker's fur. Her mother—looked so happy... "You're back!" Stormpaw cried, rushing over to bump her head affectionately into Flamewhisker's chest.

Owlear had made a point to not stick his nose where it did not belong. In his younger days, he was not so cautious– it had gotten him more than a few nicks and scratches, metaphorical or otherwise. He did not pry or pressure, but that did not mean he was blind to the struggles of others. There was a faint stormcloud above Flamewhisker's head in recent days. A shifting of the weather? The loss of her place in the nursery? As one entrusted with training one of her kittens, he could only hope that was not the case. They were glad to have her back to her duties as a warrior. Even if he was certain Stormpaw would at times miss her mother's company. He did what he could to care for the youngster, watching from a distance as she went about her newfound duties throughout camp. Freedom built independence and strength, but anxiety wore it all down.

When the lead warrior returns to camp, some of his own worries begin to bleed away. Hazel eyes soften slightly, and the thick-furred tom breaks free from his watchful perch within camp to approach. "We were certain you had been swallowed by a lion," he chuckles, eyes crinkled with playful mirth. "Given the state of your pelt, we must not have been far off."

  • ooc:
  • owlear_clangen.png
    ──── owlear. senior warrior of thunderclan. cis male.
    ──── approximately 90 moons old, yet still youthful.
    ──── pansexual and single,   though with past flings.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with long, thick fur and a broad-shouldered build. despite his age, he is still a strong, imposing tomcat with clear, attentive eyes. though they are a muted hazel, they seem to twinkle with silent wisdom and a warm, deep-seated joy.
  • "speech"
The first to greet her back was her daughter. Stormpaw seemed excited to see her, but she could tell that she was off. Had she been worried about her? Guilt rushed over her as she realized she probably should have told someone what she was doing. Her kits were probably worried sick about her. This would have been the longest they had been apart.

Stormpaw bumped her head into her chest, and Flamewhisker would lean down to lick her daughter on top of her head. "I'm sorry if I worried you sweetie. I was out longer than I planned." she would say quietly, leaning her head down to nuzzle Stormpaw between her ears. If she hadn't of ran so far, she wouldn't have fallen asleep. It was a foolish mistake, and one that she wouldn't make again so soon.

Owlear was next to speak, and he jokes about thinking she was eaten by a lion. A kindhearted laugh rushes through her, and she smiles at the older tom. "I'm certainly glad that did not happen...however, I did accidentally fall asleep out there so I suppose I would have been an easy meal." She paused, and glanced at her pelt, just now realizing the state that it was in. "Oh wow... I think I managed to bring the forest back with me! I think I found every leaf and twig out there didn't I?"

Little Wolf understands her fellow queens itch to be out of the camp, to run, to be free, but she never saw her kits as a burden no, quite the opposite, she tried to treasure every moment with them while they were still young. She knew better than to wish away their youth, knew better than to not cherish every meal and every pestering question. Flamewhisker, she is sure, loves her kits with her whole heart but Little Wolf does not blame her for a second for darting out the camp the way she had. She does not know of the red tabby she-cats desire to attain a leadership position, her sadness at being passed over for deputy due to being confined in the nursery because Little Wolf herself has no such feelings. She did not want to climb her way to the top, was content with being a warrior, a proud member of her mothers force.

She feels a certain fondness for Stormpaw and Falconpaw. They were not hers but she had watched them grow up, had defended them just as fiercely as she would’ve her own kits in the dog attack and that was not easily forgotten in her mind. She watches as Stormpaw bounds across camp to her mothers side and it brings a warm smile to the ebony mollies face. She pads over, her tail flicking in greeting "Were just all glad you’re home safe" she says quietly, obviously thinking of the recent dog attacks and the threats that continued to plague their territory. It wasn’t safe for a cat to go out alone anymore.