oneshot Walk my Shoes || prompt

Sep 19, 2022

Squeak Squeak

Today Mothpaw had a lot of free time so the young girl decided to take her time working on decorating her nest with some feathers and other nice trinkets to make it look nice while a soft smile danced on her tiny maw. Her ear twitched slightly as she slipped from the apprentice den and decided to join the little kits in some mossball despite the girl not being a big fan of being around others, kits were alright. She played with them for a bit before making her way to the elder's den deciding to listen in to their wise ol'tales once more, of a time before she was even born and she listened closely to their words as she tried to imagine what it would be like to live during a time when Thunderclan did not exist.

Soon the girl was shooed away from the elder's den and found herself sitting in camp watching as the others went by with their days she frowned wondering to herself what she could do to pass the time, and the perfect idea came to mind. Going to the warriors she begged them to let her go hunting with them, wanting to sharpen her hunting skills, hoping to impress her mentor later on during one of their trips. So they agreed to allow the girl to join. Though the world was huge and frightened the girl took some deep breaths to try and calm herself down.

Though she'd admit the shadows that reached at her made her nervous she tried to think of the positives and tried to focus on what was ahead of her. She soon found herself watching the warriors as they showed her their hunting crouches and she attempted to do the same, wondering if she'd even catch something this fine evening to show to Stumpybounce. Her ears flattened on her skull, trying not to think of the what-ifs and instead attempting to focus on the here and now.

Luckily, the girl had managed to catch something and had excitedly squeaked at her prized catch, a small mouse of course, but no less she had managed to catch something and she was proud of that. Quickly she had picked up the prey to show to the warriors before receiving a form of praise, though she was more proud of herself for even managing to catch something... Soon though the sun was beginning to fall and the girl quickly made her way back to the camp with her companions, proud that she had succeeded in one thing today and couldn't wait for what would be in store for tomorrow, feeling slightly confident in what she did in her free time today.

tldr: Mothpaw's favorite way to spend her free time is to play with kits, listen to elders tell their stories and practice her hunting skills <3 ))

What is mothpaw's favorite way to spend her free time?