WALK MY WAY | nana

This was the second time that a cat had approached him for combat training. His butterfly-winged ego had certainly inflated, lifted on the winds of attention, as though he was finally being given his fair dues. Perhaps there was some merit to be found in the mire of his own nihilism, and improvement like a diamond in the rough hews. Like a moth surfacing from the inapposite image of the chrysalis, it was his time to shine. After all, his swipes and strikes proved more elegant than moons ago, adopting the form of a graceful swan - or, more aptly, its still-stumbling form as a cygnet. The tom found himself within the oceanic motions of the battlefield's hum, whiskers whipping to the beat of the waves and gait treading at milky-thin tempo. Though it was unrefined at best, he was growing into his snakeskin.

"So," Chrysalispaw hummed to Bananapaw, ducking his head as the two came to the training area, with his paws trailing against sand that had been tested and tried again and again. "You wanna learn how to fight, huh? Do you think a kittypet like you has what it takes to defend her clan?" The statement dripped in his usual derisiveness, though was more of a call to action than anything, for there was something about Nana that softened his fangs and bayed his tongue. He couldn't bring himself to be as harsh to her as he was with any other. He spun around to face her in the sandy hollows of the training grounds. Well, just because she was a kittypet didn't mean he would be going easy on her.

———————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱———————————————
Today seemed like a day for ideas for the young cat. First it was flowers for Firefly with Termitepaw, then it was sharing meals with Katydidpaw and then other things that seemed to blurr together through the day. Though lately, she had been finding herself wanting attention from a certain cat in the clan. More so than Quill it felt like, but it was best kept a secret for now. It'd pass like all the little squishes do and that was besides the point! The idea had been to try to impress Sharpeye with improving her battle skills and ever since the border skirmish- she wanted to do more. Show those Windclanners who is boss!

Though as she followed a red tabby patched tail- second thoughts began to arise. Quillstrike would've been her number one slot in things but he was a warrior now and always seemed too busy with Twitchbolt. She grimace slightly as a chill ran up her spine like it always did when she thought of the cat. He may be Quills best friend but they spent a lot of time together it seemed. It was rather irritating but whatever. She pushed the thought away as it would only continue to upset her and she didn't need that right now.

Ducking under undergrowth, the sandy hollow stretched out before them and Bananapaw twitched her whiskers slightly. Pale green eyes looked up into golden and soft moss as words tumbled from his maw- but she didn't quite process it right away. She tilted her head to the side curiously for a second before she felt her face grow warm and rose up to her ears. "I do have what it takes!" She determinedly responded to Chrysalispaw with a little nod at her own words.

Little white paws then skiddered across the sand as she moved to playfully swat at Chrys and giggled the whole time. She could never take things too seriously, espeically with him. He made her feel giggly with the kindness he showed her. Bananapaw smiled cheekily before bounding away from him to prevent consquences to her actions for more than a second, "Show me what ya got, bug boy!"

———————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱———————————————

A stony face did not waver even as he heard Bananapaw giggle at his very serious training session, though his countenance softened just a bit, for even the hardest clay faltered in the face of the ardent sun. He liked to believe he was a creature crafted of marble and granite, though was anything but. Truthfully, he was a ball of the earth, who had been indented by errant pawprint and wayward footfall many times before, and had turned into the ground that only florescenced thorns and thistles. Annoyance sprang from his gut at her swaying and kittypet-esque movements, which he knew would never fly in the heat of battle. Was she trying to get herself killed? He didn't want to have to be the one to pick up her dead body from the battlefield. (He shook that grim thoguht from his mind as quickly as he would swat a large gadfly away.) Hackles tensed up as he prepared to strike with the veracity of a viper, bristles twitching with the palpable heat of conflict.

He pulled his head back and felt Banana's swipe only graze at threadlike whiskers, a swift and almost birdlike movement like his feet were but the vivace steps of avian talon. They rarely stayed on the ground long enough to be any bumbling, earthbound predator's next meal. Like them, he whipped through the battlefield like the shadow of the airborne. He quickly followed through with another swipe at Banana's chest area, aiming to push her back and disorient her with a blow of strength and speed. Careful not to unsheathe his claws, careful not to damage delicate fur, and careful not to draw that deadly red from snow-fraught fur. Despite his frenzy, he was ever-so-careful.

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

Another giddy giggle came from the tawny and white cat as she watched Chrysalispaw get annoyed with her. She crouched to the ground excitedly before standing up straight, taking a few paces towards him to playfully tease him once more when there was paws to her chest. Bananapaw was shoved backwards, her paws skidded on the sandy ground below as she tried to prevent herself from falling to the ground. She blinked a few times in surprise before she seemed to grasp the realization that this would be actual training. Not fun time like she had orginally thought it'd be. Right! She had to take this seriously.

Bananapaw knew Chrysalis was quick, he was like a shadow on the battle field that no one could get in edge-wise. She had to out think him if she was going to do this right. Though for now time to put him off his game! She then lunged for the chimera tomcat. Though she wasn't as swift or as powerful as Chrysalis, she was definitely smaller than he was. He was a good head taller than her and had most of his strength in his paws- so she'd just have to do something that didn't require strength!

She aimed to catch him from the side, using all of he weigh into the lung to try to bowl them both over into the sand.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 11 moons. chatty.
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — overly friend, likes most

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png

It was as if Bananapaw could sense his annoyance seethe through his flame-brushed coat, though Chrysalispaw had always been the opposite of subtle, with his rage flowing coolly like magma surfacing from its prison of stone. Unlike streams of lava, his anger was red-hot and quick-draw. It was a spitfire, a warmth blooming from a smolder. It did not wait to burn, it simply caught upon the boughs when it wished to. He watched as Nana's duckling-like gait stumbled upon the coarse sands, and he briefly wondered how Starclan could create such a clumsy cat, if the feline were made to run through the trees as though they matched the realm of birds. It was kind of endearing, though. He didn't have much hope that she would actually be a good fighter, but at least she looked cute. His heterochromatic gaze watched her with owlish fervor, waiting for her next move so he could counter it, and losing himself in the imaginary world of all the different outcomes he could pursue. If she went for his head, he would duck. If she went for his paws, he would jump up...

In his stupor, he hardly realized that he had lost sight of Bananapaw for mere seconds. He blinked once, twice - she couldn't have disappeared before his eyes, could she? That was before he felt the air being knocked out of him as Bananapaw used her entire weight to shove herself at his side. Gritting ivory teeth as to not allow any sign of his surprise slip through loose lips, he whipped around to face the pallid-colored molly. The chimaera-coated cat managed to hold his ground and push back with his own body, as he used his musculature and stature to his advantage.

"Y'know, body-slamming the opponent isn't going to work all of the time. Did Sharpeye even teach you any real strategies?" He mewed as he stopped his attacks for now. He wanted to let Bananapaw catch her breath too, and to nip at her in case she tried to brag about the move she got on him. On the battlefield, there was no boasting until it was over.

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

The irritation practically radiated off the tomcat like a log that was set ablaze. It was strong and she could feel herself falter slightly in response before Chrysalispaw shoved her back. Bananapaw stumbled backwards slightly and took a few heavy breaths as those mossy green eyes looked at the chimera cat. Fighting wasn't exactly her strong suit. She was more of a hunter than anything else, but she wanted to be able to defend her clan. To be able to take down Firepaw when the time came or even that Gravelpaw too. There was no way she'd be up to par with his speed and skill, but she was trying her best! The tawny she-cat lifted her head as her breaths evened out and her lungs felt less like they where on the verge of bursting.

He questioned if Sharpeye taught her anything for strategy and she gave a small shake of her head. She hardly saw her mentor now a days, he always seemed busy with patrols of some sort or something akin to it. They hadn't exactly had a good sit down for what was and wasn't acceptable in battle. Shame burned at her ears and there was a look of defeat that crossed those dark eyes of hers, "I know but I-," She tried to make up a reason for her actions- for why Sharpeye hadn't taught her much in regards to fighting- but nothing came from her lips.

Bananapaw lowered her head slightly and flicked her ears back against her head, "I have no idea how to fight. The fight with Windclan? Was my first battle and I tried everything I could for it even if it was swinging wildly," She spoke softly and swished her tail behind her. The memory of her missing ear tip and the scars on her shoulders a reminder that she'd never be fit to fight anyone. She couldn't even get a decent land on Chrysalispaw let alone another cat! A look of frustration crossed mossy green hues before she lashed out with her claws at the sandy ground. "This is so useless! I'm never gonna be a fighter, never going to be able to protect my clan,"

She gave a huff and glanced to Chrysalispaw for a moment before back down to the ground, "This is a waste of your time too. I'm sorry for dragging you out here," She meekly spoke and shook her head slightly, "You probably have better things to do than sit and teach some- some stupid kittypet how to fight,"


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 11 moons. chatty.
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — overly friend, likes most

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
  • Crying

Something panged at his heart, and he had no name for it. Was it... shame? Pity? Concern, even? It was unlike him, for his heartbeat to falter in the face of such disgusting outbursts. A skipping-stone at the mirror of a water's body, fluttering along the surface before even the waves swallowed it whole. Was he sinking? He was a stone who thought he bore wings. Flying along the byways of his feelings, careful not to skirt talons along the edge of the darkness. He did everything to avoid such a fate, and yet he could do nothing but acknowledge what lie below him. To him, such an existence meant that he would surrender himself to the whims and the opinions of those around him. Perhaps there was, to his chagrin, a softer landing at the riverbed.

He saw how the usually-sprightly Bananapaw cower as if a wave of fear had washed over her, as if her happiness had leached out of her. A pale imitation of wintry hue, though one evident in the girl who wore her emotions on her sleeve. She lashed at the ground with delicate paws, like the ground would answer for her crimes, like it held the answer to the burning question of incompetence. Chrys had asked his father the same, to the man with just as much emotional intelligence as a pile of sod. He had gotten nothing in return. Chrysalispaw contemplated just leaving her for her woes to overtake, his tail swishing behind him awkwardly. He was usually composed, graceful, storklike - but now, he felt out of place, a jagged piece of glass along the smooth path.

No. Stay. Some conscience budded within the fertile soil of a boy's growing mind, and he was unsure what had prompted such a foreign thought, and he was tempted to bite at it. It remained. Ugh, fine. "... Sorry. For saying that, I mean. We can start again. This time, with more basic moves." His voice rang along a quieter tune this time, a patience notwithstanding of his usual venomous disdain, like a snake who had put his fangs behind his lips. It was weird. He felt detained, declawed. The chimaera-coated tom dared not get closer to the alien concept of genuine disquiet for too long, and he just hoped it would cheer Bananapaw up so she could stop talking to him in that sad voice and looking at him with those sad eyes.
  • Love
Reactions: wolfie

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

Deep green hues moved up from the sandy hollow beneath white paws with Chrysalispaws' voice. Start over? Was that really going to help? Basic moves or not- Bananapaw had extreme doubts about her ability to fight. There was no gracefulness to her pawsteps, no precise movements and defintiely anything but stategy behind it. A part of her heart wanted to believe him, that they could just start over and continue on with the session of learning to fight- but something kept her back. Words spoken not too long ago, and had yet to even talk to her since then. Shrimp. The poor guy didn't understand the meaning of sharing prey, and gotten very harsh back lashing for it from everyone even though he didn't deserve it.

There was a slightly frustrated huff from the tawny she-cat and she stomped her foot a little bit, "Admit it then! I'm just a selfish kittypet right? I'm not better than a kitten that just opened its eyes," She felt a hot wave of anger surge through her body as she finally confront what was plaguing her mind; Chrysalispaw calling kittypets selfish.

Teeth bared slightly as ears went against a smaller skull, "Thats what you said, you said all kittypets are selfish," Bananapaw didn't give any time for him to even respond before launching further into the thick of it, "Do you think of Grapejuice that way? Or Sheepcurl? Or Orangeblossom? Maybe even Blazestar- he was a kittypet too," Heat prickled at her cheek bones and she swore to herself mentally; do not cry.

It was an involuntary thing- to cry. Bananapaws' feelings all seemed to latch onto that one thing to express themselves, and she absolutely hated it. It didn't help the situation and only made others pity her- was that what he was doing? Pitying her? "Wheres that venom, huh? The mean words, the snarky remarks, the intelligent banter," The tawny and white cat found herself stating with a lash of her tail, crouching the ground as water welled into her eyes but she didn't seem to acknowledge it.

"I'm not any different than you, Chrysalispaw," Bananapaw tensed her muscles and then sprung for the tomcat- aiming to swat at his nose with a sheathed paw before issuing a challenge to the chimera tomcat, "Show me what real warriors do,"


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 11 moons. chatty.
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — overly friend, likes most

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
  • Wow