private Walk on without a plan ✶ Drowsynose


Make me a bird of prey
Feb 11, 2024

Twinkling stars decorated the sky tonight, stretching out as far as the eye could see. It was a welcomed change, drizzling rain had brought clouds with it, obscuring the stars for a few nights. Owlheart had found that she missed the night lights terribly on nights that she couldn't see them.

She had found herself on her lonesome, Crowsight still in the medicine den and Oddgleam was spending time with friends. She didn't mind having an evening to herself, the stars themselves were plenty company. If anything it may be good to clear her mind, a small reprieve of peace between the chaos that had befallen the clan was a great time for that. Camp wasn't quite spacious enough for her right now to properly enjoy an evening to herself, there must be better places to stargaze at right now.

She thought that it may be fruitful for her goal at enjoying the evening by finding a nice clearing to lay at. These desires led her outside of the camp entrance, weaving through the trees surrounding her. She had a few ideas on what could be a potentially good spot for stargazing, the first thing she thought about was climbing up a tree.

The height could be good, and any tree would be fine for the purpose she wished to fulfil. There were lovely clearings further into the forest surrounding SkyClan territory but she didn't want to travel too far out. Especially not alone, even if she had company she would be wary of potential threats out here. The sound of something nearby caused her to crouch, carefully stalking towards whatever the sound was. She didn't smell any fox or other predator out here, if anything they smelled familiar. A Skyclanner?

She kept the crouch as she peered around to see who it was. Tension dissipated when she realised that it was Drowsynose. He didn't seem to be in danger at all, so that eased her worries further. “Drowsynose? Hi” she calls out as she straightens up, walking to stand in front of him. A pleasant smile greeted him though eyes still wearily kept looking out around them.

“What are you doing out here? I uh- I'm trying to look for a nice spot to stargaze if you would like to join me?” She offered, vaguely recalling noticing the other young warrior watching the stars. There was a wager that he also enjoyed the activity, she was anticipating to be wrong though and thinking of a way to excuse herself if she was in fact wrong about her assessment.


there is a simple rhyme and a simple reason why drowsynose finds himself wandering. he doesn't usually to it by himself as the last time he was by himself it just did not end up very well. but... sometimes he couldn't help it. everything felt too overwhelming and sometimes he needed a break. a time to get away from cats and not feel so pressured to try and be good to them. not that he does by them. it's a personal thing. he always puts everyone else before himself. it's how he's always been... for the most part. but he's... tired. more than usual. more than just the sleepiness that has plagued him since kithood. he just wants to be around others without worrying so much about how they perceive him. it's exhausting but it's just who he is. so he just takes breaks. away from others. he can't worry so much with no one around, right?

it doesn't last for long. the loneliness eventually kicks in and he doesn't like it because with that came the thoughts that maybe he wasn't alone after all. he hadn't been alone then and he wasn't now. chi was around. chi was... he stands to his paws, frantically looking around, trying to pinpoint where he thinks he's heard her. the sound of pawsteps make him jolt, spinning around with eyes wide.

"i-i'm sorry! i didn't say a word! don't–"

he realizes who it is. owlheart. one of crowie's partners. there I'd a small tinge of jealousy that bubbles beneath him at the thought but it's fleeting and he lets it go away with the panic in his chest as he takes a few deep breaths in and out.

"h...hey. s-sorry. uhm- sometimes I j-just like to look at the stars. cl-clears my mind. i... I wouldn't mind st-stargazing with you. lead the way!"

he takes a few moments but ultimately perks up with that signature tired smile on his face. no point in dragging owlheart in his messed up mind.

The wide eyed look she received caused her eyes to widen in return, concern spread across her face. “I didn't mean to scare you- sorry about that, are you okay?” She curls her tail around herself and tilts her head owlishly to stare at him. If she didn't work so hard to keep a friendly disposition then maybe it would be unnerving.

“That sounds nice, clearing your mind I mean.” she became painfully aware of the fact that she must seem so awkward right now, still reeling from the idea that she may have frightened Drowsynose. He seemed fine, well fine enough, so she wouldn’t push on anything unless he indicated that he wanted to talk about anything.

“There's a clearing up ahead, I wasn't going to go but since I'm not by myself anymore I thought it might be nice?” She spoke as she walked, keeping a slow pace as she walked around the trees surrounding them. She'd find herself glancing to make sure the other warrior was still with her. “How's being a warrior? No wild and weird stories from patrols?” She jumped over a puddle left from the rain earlier in the day as she spoke. Nose turned up to the sky to glance past the trees as they spoke, true to her word there was a small clearing of trees up ahead. Curiosity ate away at her to question her denmates who earned their warrior names on the same day she did, was it meeting or exceeding any expectations held as an apprentice?

Owlheart found herself looking at her travelling companion with excitement at the discovery. The sky was still clear thankfully, relief floods her as she sat down, having idle concern of a cloud rolling over while they walked. The silence between them was short lived as she found herself speaking again as she gazed up at the twinkling lights. “You like to look at them right? The stars I mean. Do you do that often? I try to look at them often but sometimes I get distracted and forget to” she mused with a content sigh.

"i-i'm alright! i just g-get caught up in my head sometimes and f-forget that other cats are... around. I usually pay more attention,"

he pauses, deciding not to disclose the fact that he is so on edge all the time that he usually pays a lot more attention to his surroundings, as fear motivates anyone better than anything and he is scared of most everything outside the walls of the camp. some warrior he turned out to be.

"but the stars are distracting."

he sighs as he keeps listening, tail twitching ever so slightly, nodding in agreement. maybe the clearing would be nice. his nose twitched on instinct to make sure no one else was around, fully back to being aware of his surroundings as he followed after owlheart.

"n-not from being a w-warrior, no. uhm, i try not to get on patrols that are anything more than hunting. I'm not a good fighter. b-but tracking down prey is easy."

he says, before blinking his eyes. he nods his head, twitching his torn ear as he does so. he does like to look at the stars.

"sometimes it's kinda c-comforting to think about the stars watching over us. a-and if you look close enough at them, you can see different sh-shapes and stuff. it's cool, I think."

he hums.

"how is everything with crowie?"

She glances back up at the stars above them, just out of habit at this point, before looking back at Drowsynose. There was satisfaction that there’s a mutual agreement of the stars being distracting. “I get caught in my own head too, so that’s understandable” she didn’t want him to feel embarrassed over the fact. Unable to pick up on the fact that there’s more to this that he’s just not disclosing she decides to move on from the subject.

“I don’t think we’ve been on many hunting patrols together. I’d like to see you track down prey sometime” She mused out loud in thought, she guessed that it had something to do with his name that her mother bestowed on him. The ginger tabby couldn’t speak with certainty on that fact, she tended to stick to herself during her apprenticeship so she didn’t pay enough attention to Drowsynose’s skills to claim it so.

She found that the grass in the clearing was still a little damp much to her annoyance but not terribly noticeable. She adjusted herself so that her tail was tightly curled around herself. Swiping away at the grass below to try and get rid of some of the dampness at least from where she was sitting. The question caused her to pause her careful actions, looking away from the grass back to Drowsynose.

“Things are going well! It’s nice having him around more now that he’s not off in the middle of the night with Silversmoke to train” She laughs as she talks, smiling at the tom. Finally satisfied that her fur wasn’t going to be too wet from this activity she sits down properly, looking back up at the stars.

“How are things in general for you?” She was sad to admit that she didn’t actually know a lot about him, things change when shifting from the nursery to the apprentice den so she hadn’t kept in contact as much with Bobbies first litter. The most obviously is with Crowsight and even then they had only connected in the final moons of their apprenticeship. “What shapes do you see in these stars tonight?” Owlheart found comfort in his words, it was kind of nice to think of the stars as watching over them right now.