Walk with me ✶ Drowsypaw


Make me a bird of prey
Feb 11, 2024

While not leaving camp without an escort was a rule that she respected and wanted to uphold, it somehow made Owlpaw want to leave camp more than usual. This desire to leave was being kept in check by being antsy over the fact that she had to find someone to talk to so she could convince them to come with her. It was enough to give her a social push though, the apprentice kept putting off brushing up on her social skills. Every moon she would tell herself that she was going to try and talk more and every moon there be a new excuse invented to avoid it. This moons excuse was that she was too focused on her assessments to engage in social activity.

Not leaving without an escort had thrown a spanner into her perfect excuse to put off being social, she could manage though. Still, she found her gaze lingering to the camp entrance. Owlpaw liked to go on walks, it cleared her head when she was stressed, and the number of walks she had gone on had increased lately. The itch to walk had returned, it was frustrating that she couldn’t act on it though. Golden eyes searched for someone to talk to so she could request an escort, that’s when she noticed Drowsypaw.

They hadn’t spoken before, not that really said much since Owlpaw didn’t really talk to anyone. He seemed nice though, she had heard him talk with clan mates and from those interactions she had a pretty positive opinion about him. This could be a good way for her to talk more right? Plus she was pretty certain that she had seen him go on walks every so often so maybe he wouldn’t reject her offer. Heaving out a sigh she moved to approach him “Hey Drowsypaw” she began, then trailed off for a moment.

“I uh… I want to go on a walk but there’s that thing about needing an escort if I want to leave camp.” There was probably a better way of going about this. If there was then Owlpaw ignored it, she usually spoke in a stream of consciousness despite her best attempts at charting the best routes. “I was wondering if you wanted to walk with me?” There was hope in her voice, her tail swished from side to side in anticipation for his reply. “We don’t need to go very far, I just want to stretch my legs a little. We could go do something that you would like to do too, if there’s anything you wanted to do while walking anyways.” she added quickly, hoping that would help her request.