pafp walk you through ⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ checking in

⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆  Death has taken its grasp upon another of the marshland's many. It comes for many of them so young. To Gigglekit it came in the looing shadow of an owl, narrowly driven off by the bloodied form of ShadowClan's leader - and not without hevay sacrifice. Swansong's heart is heavy with the burden of their purpose as their eyes fix upon a child in the center of camp. "Oh... Hello, Gigglekit..." They breath, rising from their supine position to pad a little closer to the pale bundle of fur.

There is something wistful in their distant gaze as they settle into a crouch, meeting the child on her level. "How are you feeling...?" They ask in gentle tones. Their smile is small. "Still... Ah, giggly? Happy?" A bright child with a named marked of joy is not fit to be haunted. Such is the curse of the marshlands, she supposes. Her voice lowers to a secretive sort of whisper, still featherlight in its gentleness. "It is alright if you are not..." The sun smiles upon the two in the heart of camp, and Swansong does their best to remain positive as they await the child's response. They hope the shadow of the owl does not weigh too heavily upon this kit's shoulders. They shall have to keep a close eye on her, now that their master, death, has made its mark. They will not let her slip away into the stars so young.

  • @Gigglekit
  • 81294824_mjXd5ejx6RrZPyn.png
  • SWANSONG ⋆⁺₊ ⁺₊⋆ she / they, warrior of shadowclan, fourteen moons.
    a pale, silky-furred cream tabby with tired blue eyes.
    dreamy and detached, known for her perpetual sleepiness.
    halfshade x smogmaw, littermate to applejaw, garlicheart, & ashenfall.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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To say the least, Gigglekit had been mopey as of late, and all of that apathy could be traced back to the owl attack. She knew that she was safe now, that no owl with half a brain would come back to try and get her lest that owl be taken down for good this time, but there was still a prickling feeling under her skin whenever she went outside that wasn't easy to ignore. She was going out more - her mothers had insisted that it was good for her to get out, so Gigglekit had listened.

"Oh! Hello, Swansong," Gigglekit greets in turn when the young warrior approached her, and a small, hesitant smile lit up her face. Swansong was a strange one, someone that Gigglekit hadn't spoken to much, but there was an aura about her that was tempting GIgglekit with questions. "Am I still giggly?" She seems to consider the question. "I think so... that's m'name, after all!" She isn't sure why she would be unhappy - though something tells her that the owl has something to do with it. "I think... I was a little less giggly for a little bit, 'cause of... y'know."

Sharpshadow is not really suited to talk to kits. Perhaps the least suited of anyone in ShadowClan's camp, besides Betonyfrost. And yet, that one was the mother. What kind of sense did that make? Like— none, she thinks, but then, who has made it their concern to have anything make sense? Not StarClan, obviously. Nothing made sense here.

But the shadow of owl feathers still lingered ominously by Gigglekit's form, and ShadowClan could not afford to lose any more kits. Swansong's word is an easier introduction than anything Sharpshadow said could ever be. On her pale heels, Sharpshadow creeps closer, tail dragging behind like a just - as - ugly, overgrown slug. Gigglekit was still smiling — that's good. Things are better when cats stay the same... She'd probably feel just as unnerved, if someone like Chilledstar or Smogmaw were to smile... They both have, a few times. For all of which, he had be bothered.

Ironically, for his origins, he could lack subtlety in situations like this. Ones that were more deliberate, and that he couldn't just blend into the crowd in order to get through. The pair is not approached with finesse, but with the nosiness of a snake finding a taste for dinner. All that is to say, her approach didn't ooze charisma, or anything. What else was new.

" That's — That's okay, " she says, and winces once she does. Maybe it had been Marblekit, that randomly gave her this courage to... talk to kits. " ...For a little bit. Just don't let it get in the way. "

.·:*¨༺🕷༻¨*:·. Swansong had always been one of the few cats Briarthorn could withstand the company of, whether it be stooped on the side-lines of a kit game moons ago, or if they happened to settle down for lunch near one another. Like today, where Briarthorn had been contently finishing off a lizard Screechstorm hadn’t wanted. Like a cloud, Swansong floats into Briarthorns peripheral, caught in her pupil until she stops in front of one of the more extroverted nursery residents. What had happened to Chilledstar was awful, but at the very least, they had been able to come back to life a hero, anyone else would have merely had their praises tearfully spoken over freshly churned soil.
Gigglekit was… peppy, or at least she had been- oh well, everyone had to grow up at some point, perhaps being exposed to tragedy so young would prove to be beneficial later on, make for a tougher apprentice.
Swansong asks if the kit is still giggly, happy, and the inquiry makes Briarthorn tilt her head, pupils flickering to and fro as she studied the interaction. Gigglekit’s reply is predictable, but the conversation had still earned enough of the raven warriors interest for her to shuffle closer. Dont let it get in the way, Sharpshadow advices, and Briarthorn blinks. "Why not?" The she-cat prompts coolly, eyes sweeping to Swansong, though her question was in reply to Sharpshadow. "Being ‘giggly’ won’t do you any favors when you run nose-first into a fox, or a badger, or a rouge." There’s no passion in Briarthorns spoken musings, her pitch hardly raised from a low thrum. Briarthorn turns again, but this time it is to give Gigglekit a far-too-sharp stare. "It’s okay not to feel the same as you did before. To change." That was life, wasn’t it? To be changed, and hurt, and to grow. Or wither, for the lesser cat.

  • BRIARTHORN she/her, warrior of shadowclan, 12 moons.
    slender, lean-muscled black she-cat with sharp hazel eyes & large ears.
    daughter of Forestshade && Vulturemask ࿏ sister to Screechpaw && Sweetpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


[ ༻❄༺ ] The recent owl attack had left many strained, and unnerved. They almost had lost another one of their youths, something that had been common upon the clan. Yet, luckily Chilledstar had been quick on their paws rescuing Gigglekit from a terrible fate. Yet, after such an event, Gigglekit seemed to have changed, becoming more reserved, or well-cautious, which was good to have of course but also she was still just a kit and shouldn't need to worry about death grasping at her, even if she had came close to it just recently.

Swansong had been quick to approach the kit, to check in on her and see if she was okay, and then came Sharpshadow who expressed to Gigglekit not to allow the attack to get in the way, good advise he suppose since well, as much as it is good to be cautious of one's surroundings, allowing it to cloud you will never let you grow. Briarthorn seemed to question why Sharpshadow prompted such a thing and now Snowpaw's turn to appear has become clear. The grey and white freckled tom made his way to the others, with a yellow gaze shifting between the three, offering a smile to Gigglekit. "It's good to see you're doing okay Gigglekit" he started before glancing at the young warrior awkwardly.

"It's good to have caution, but allowing it to always loom over you...well, I feel you'll be more stressed out and drained which could affect your skills...surely... I guess" he expressed awkwardly. Caution is nice, but being able to smile, to go about one day and bring smiles on other faces too...they needed that, and it would be a shame to see a kit loose that shine at such a young age due to one incident.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 9 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The sunshine warmed the back of Lilacfur's pelt in no time, causing her to inch closer to the more shady parts of camp to keep cool. Soon enough the sunlight would bare its heat and turn the mud into caked dust. Prey abundance had shown its ugly shadow and struck Chilledstar in exchange of Gigglekit's safety. Lilacfur hadn't been there, busy with Caterpillarpaw's training to get her ready for graduating, but she was glad so many warriors had been present to prevent the owl from going after her kittens after.

"It's not impossible to have a good attitude and be cautious, plenty of us do it just fine." Lilacfur may have been hypocritical, having faced against a badger recently but she hadn't dove into its sett for fun. No warrior was immune to the dangers of their swamps.

"I'd say staying 'giggly', might help you! Gives you confidence even if you do run into trouble." The rosette flicked her tail closer to her side, wondering what kind of apprentices her own kittens would be.


Gigglekit peered at the cats that had come around to her and Swansong and offered their own bits of advice. It wasn't something that she would think about now, but perhaps one day, Gigglekit would be able to look back and appreciate all the support that she'd received from her Clanmates. Presently, she was thinking that there were a lot of conflicting ideas, but she managed to parse through everyone's words - her aunt's especially.

"Change... change is alright," she murmured, musing over Briarpaw's words carefully. But what Lilacfur seemed to resonate with her - "Being 'giggly' can be helpful... that's right, isn't it! Somethin' like, laughin' in the face of danger, right? Like some sorta big hero," she chirps, a smile returning to her face. She bet Smogmaw was someone who laughed in the face of danger.