࿐ ࿔*:・゚ — The black smoke had risen from her nest this morning making sure that she was careful to detangle herself from the limbs of her pearly furred mate and briefly touched her forehead with a pink nose. The young warrior takes the time to groom down her fur especially those unruly curls of hers that seem to spring upwards after a quick swipe of her tongue and once she had fixed her coat to her liking, the bicolored moggy slips out from the medicine den as her jaws part to let out a yawn. She tries to think of what she could potentially teach Roepaw today but doesn't seem to be in any rush to go seek out her apprentice and drag him out of his nest, Beefang's aware that the apprentice has a few more moons to train underneath her but she can't help the feeling that he's behind then again she had became an apprentice at the age of three moons. The heavily scarred moggy can recall how she had been exposed to the horrors of the world outside her home and how Cicadastar had fallen to several rogues that forced her and the rest of her clanmates to leave to Skyclan.

Beefang supposes that the red tabby apprentice would never understand how life had been so much more difficult back then and his mother must've coddled him too much that he's too cowardly... He always seemed at the verge of tears whenever he was around her. A sudden wave of mixed emotions passes over her but the soft ripple of water causes the black smoke to turn her attention towards the water and a sigh slips from her jaws before her snowy dipped paw presses done onto a stone. For a heartbeat, she's tempted for a swim but feeling the cool surface of the stone causes her to linger as she remembers a time when she had been younger and stone skipping with some of her clanmates. "I don't remember the last time I did this." Beefang murmurs under her breath knowing that it had been ages ago and during the time of sickness when yellowcough had taken down several of their warriors, she had been a simple child trying to play while everyone tried to live.

She squints at the water trying to dig through her memory of what Smokethroat at the time had told Dipperfrost all those moons ago and she focuses onto the stone once more parting her jaws to mutter "Pops said it was about the angle... uh... not too much height?" Beefang can't remember his exact words but she makes sure or his exact movements, she lowers her paw as her toes part from each other in an experimental way and without another thought, the young warrior hits the stone until it skips the surface of the river and droplets of water trailing after it only to plummet into the river. "Damn... not as far but close enough," She hisses under her breath determined to get the next one to skip farther than the last and she can't help but glance briefly towards the sky wondering if he sees her, a ghost of a smile on her maw as she whispers "If there's a river up there... I'm going to skip my stone farther than yours."

For a heartbeat, she feels like a child again...


  • ooc — rolled a 16 & there will be 3 rounds, the one who gets the best scores/rolls (ie: 16 + 5 + 18 = 39) will get a prize! it's a surprise and thank you for participating :]
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ CLIMBING
  • dOcsURU.png
    a shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and a singular amber eye
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. distrusting of outsiders and will snap at you if y/c walks up to her on her blind side. all her opinions are IC only.
    14 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    asexual homoromantic; mated to moonbeam
    currently mentoring... roepaw ; formerly mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadaflight and loveburn
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

SHEEPKIT ✧ brother to newtkit, volekit, kit three, kit four
kit of riverclan // no former ranks.
cis male // he/him.
heterosexual // heteroromantic // monogamous.
04 moons // ages on the 1st of each month.
played by @helly //
speech is in "#7e96a0"

Sheepkit followed the fluff-ball warrior out to the side of the river, curiosity set in the little toms gaze as he observed what looked to be stone throwing. He had a myriad of questions, and he would voice them as he got closer. "What is this? A game? I'm really good at games, can I play?" His typically stone-faced exterior would melt away, seriousness fading into the kit he was supposed to act like. Without waiting for an answer, he would pick up a small, flat stone in one of his small paws and aim to throw it out into the water, just as he had astutely watched Beefang do a few moments before. The stone skipped a marginally longer distance than the warrior and he would holler quite loudly, bouncing off the balls of his paws and into the air, sending stones scattering. "I did it! Look, I did it!" He told Beefang, grinning ear to ear and flicking his ears back in excitement.

ooc: i rolled an 18 teehee!

Oh, what darlings, she thought, smiling softly before licking the tops of her kits gentle. In a matter of days, they'd be apprentices, and she'd watch them grow from the nursery. a perma queen. And she was happy with that thought. She was happy with the idea of the lost kits becoming hers in some small way. Or the idea of helping others who needed rest, and keeping a heavy eye on the kits for them.

She was tired, but it was worth it. A small nod to another queen in greeting. "I'm g-going out into c-camp.. when they wake up, send them out, okay?" She whispered quietly. After she agreed, the cream and blue torbie would slip out of the den. The oranges of the trees, the sunrise in the distance, and the chill in the air was enough to make her content. The warmer months were a pain for the thick furred cat, but she tried her best to not complain.. she only worried for the mouths they would have to feed.

Her gaze spotted Beefang, kicking a rock into the water and watched it bounce and skitter across the surface until it dunked in, the reflection of the oranges and blues shimmering into a beautiful scene. "g-g-good morning, Beefang," lilacbird greeted, small ears folded in sympathy as she approached, hearing only the last words she said. She had never skipped a rock before, but it was something she had seen others do. "do you mind c-company?" She asked.

Though, the question didn't matter, one of the children of the nursery bounding over and skipping rocks, her paw covering her maw a little in a gentle laugh. "You d-did a g-great job, d-darling," she purred out. And out of pure curiosity, she would reach a paw to a rock, and nervously, she would attempt to flick it herself.

Three bounces, before the rock splunked into the water. "Wow.. this is.. k-kinda fun," she realized.


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dovekit | 04 months | nonbinary transfem | they/them | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #92bcf1
Dovekit tried not to follow their brother wherever he went- key word being tried, because there was limited things to do when they were trapped in camp. When they saw him following the warrior, they had fallen in line as well, surprisingly quiet despite everything, until they perked up at the sight of the river.

Rather unceremoniously, at the sight of Beefang and their littermate throwing rocks, they're clambering over and dipping their paw into the cool water for a rock. A big one. A grin stretching across their face as they pulled it up, they turned to face Sheepkit and his well-thrown rock with a boast of "let's see how it's really done" and a throw of the rock.

Which....barely even skips across the water before it's sinking, almost where Dovekit had thrown it. They stand there for a second, almost in shock, waiting for it to magically resurface and beat the rest of them after all. When it becomes clear that it's not going to, they lash their tail and step away with a huff. "That didn't count. It didn't count. I wasn't ready." They insist, to whoever may be listening, feeling the tips of their ears burn hot with embarrassment.

ooc: rolled a 13!
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Consistent sounds of water splashes catch Blackkit's curiosity for her to pad over, wondering what's been happening. She sees a few cats have been... "Stone skipping..." she whispers to herself, glancing over the infinite scattered stones in the river like they are the stars. Her heart aches with nostalgia when she had done it several times with her adoptive father, often after their hard works at the Golden Hour were done. The sky would be on fire with the sun descending below the horizon, but there was only the sweet serenity between the pair while the forming stars shine brighter for only them.

Despite the pain that lingers in her, Blackkit smiles gently and picks up a small rock with care. She wonders if somewhere in the beyond, her adoptive father is watching. She hopes she can finally beat him. "I'd love to play as well!" With deep confidence that she will get many skips out of this attempt, Blackkit smirks behind the stone that she picks in her maw and throws it over.

The rock doesn't hit the river.

Blackkit covers her mouth in shock, although amusement breaks through instantly with muffled giggles when she realizes her rock ends up hitting—

"I'm SO sorry, Sharppaw!"

( She isn't and doesn't mind this failure if it means he gets what he deserves. )

| Rolled a 9, lmfaooo
  • Dead
Reactions: SHARPPAW
He nearly stumbles into the river when a rock makes contact with his face.

Sharppaw decided to investigate the splashing sounds from a side of the camp, eventually finding it's only his clanmates who were throwing rocks to the river. It's not an activity that he's familiar with, as with any other games, although he can see the joys that some others find in it. He saw Blackkit is there as well to play and he had planned to watch by, mostly to ridicule her with the potential failures, although it seems she already have a plan for him. His cheek aches after the stone impacts the skin, the sudden "attack" nearly blinding him while he almost trips his paws and falls over. A snarl leaves him.

Thankfully, he doesn't end up being in the river like the other thrown rocks, only his forepaws getting wet from them slipped into the water for just a few cold seconds. At Blackkit's muffled giggles, then an exclaim, Sharppaw shoots her a furious glare that can kill her in an instant if it's possible."Watch where you're aiming next time or I will use YOU as my skipping stone, Curlykit!" A threat that may not be empty if she continues with her foolishness to him. Or, maybe he will anyway later when they're alone together. The fact that she isn't apologetic about the accidental hit especially warrants the treatment.

Sharppaw tsks and sits by to watch, still curious of the game unraveling more.
  • Haha
Reactions: BLACKPAW

SHEEPKIT ✧ brother to newtkit, volekit, kit three, kit four
kit of riverclan // no former ranks.
cis male // he/him.
heterosexual // heteroromantic // monogamous.
04 moons // ages on the 1st of each month.
played by @helly //
speech is in "#7e96a0"

Sheepkit was a little mollified that someone else-- or, well, now several someone else's-- had shown up to watch him throw stones with Beefang, but it quickly passed as Blackkit threw one of the smooth stones directly at Sharppaw! He put a paw over his mouth but couldn't stop the giggling that ensued as the infectiously playful energy of their small gathering made its way into his system. Dovekit's attempt was just as good as his and he couldn't help but shout it to the world.

"You guys suck at this! Look, Dovekit's went just as far as mine did and they did way better than you!" His bragging would be punctuated by a stone being picked up once again, competitive energy flowing through the small tom kit as he slung it across the water... and watched it sink on the second miniscule skip. "Dang it!" He muttered, ears flat in embarrassment as he licked his puffed out chest. He just had to go and open his big fat mouth, didn't he!

ooc: i rolled a 7 sdnfkjsdf LMFAO
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ — Beefang had been prepared to hit another stone into the water until Sheepkit had arrived to join her and began to bombard her with questions but before she could answer him, the young tomkit had already tossed a stone of his own which skipped only a bit farther than her own. The black smoke can't help but frown that the little kitten had beaten her but she simply chuffs "Beginners luck..." Surely, Sheepkit wouldn't succeed the same way that he decided to skip another stone yet her attention turns to the queen that approaches the both of them and blinks her lone eye at her "Good morning, Lilacbird." The young warrior falls silent for a heartbeat then shakes her head as she speaks once more, "I don't mind the company... the more the merrier or whatever the saying is." She says as she straightens her posture only to feel her brows knit together when the queen ends up skipping her stone farther than Bee's and the bicolored molly hates the way her large ears begin to burn in the slightest.

It isn't long until three other cats decide to join them as Dovekit mimicks their sibling in tossing the stone instead of hitting it and their stone doesn't go as far as hers, Beefang can feel a ghost of a smile creeping back onto her maw as the small kitten begins to claim that it didn't count "It definitely counts. " Upon, the arrival of Blackkit, Bee turns her lone gaze to the sandy hued to-be apprentice who throws their stone much like everyone else but it ends up hitting an apprentice and the warrior can't help but cringe at the sight. Sharppaw seemed to stumble as his pride likely got thrown into the river instead of himself and the bicolored moggy hopes that the injury doesn't fall onto her due to her starting this activity. "Careful," She warns only to snap her gaze towards the rightfully angry apprentice who threatens to chuck Blackkit into the river instead of a stone, "Nobody's throwing anyone... Except me, if you get on my nerves and break my concentration."

It's said lightly as Beefang could mange but nobody knew if she's being serious or not and she's certain that Sharppaw doesn't want to end up finding out what the answer is. Sheepkit begins to boast about their littermate and how they did better than Blackkit, it's enough to cause her snout to wrinkle in the slightest but she says nothing instead watches as the kitten's second attempt at throwing the stone falls short. A rare laugh slips from her maw when it's obvious that Sheepkit's embarrassed for speaking too soon, with that, Bee finally focuses onto her stone as she repeats what she did the last time and hits the stone with her snowy dipped paw, she watches as it skips across the water once more and a little further than her last stone.

A smile forms on her maw and her feathery tail curls around her paws in a content manner.


  • ooc — rolled a 17 >:]
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ CLIMBING
  • dOcsURU.png
    a shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and a singular amber eye
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. distrusting of outsiders and will snap at you if y/c walks up to her on her blind side. all her opinions are IC only.
    14 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    asexual homoromantic; mated to moonbeam
    currently mentoring... roepaw ; formerly mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadaflight and loveburn
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
dovekit | 04 months | nonbinary transfem | they/them | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #92bcf1
They're joined by another kit, Blackkit, and Dovekit watches as she throws the rock....directly into an apprentice. Despite their sore loss, they can't help the sudden burst of laughter that escapes them, even at Sharppaw's complaint, infected by the playful nature alongside the rest of their clanmates. Their grin widens at Sheepkit's boasting, and they turn a competitive gaze to the other, non-sibling denmate this time.

"I'm absolutely going to beat you." It's directed mostly towards Blackkit, but, if someone decided to take them up on their challenge, then they had no problem with that. Their grin falters, for just a second, at Beefang's words, before they're puffing up their chest in faux pride. "It did not! Watch- this throw will be even better, and that's the one that will count."

Unceremoniously, they whirl to pick up another rock and fling it- this time, it lands a bit shy of where it had before, but their pride at doing better than another, older kit has them beaming still, unwilling to let the defeat of failing to surpass a warrior hit them too hard.

They had still beaten someone, and, for now, that was fine. Even if they'd probably change their mind later.

ooc: rolled a 12! dove why do you keep doing this LOL
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